TM - Vikings
Year Make Num Player Description Pro College Grade Price
1956 Parkhurst CFL 37 Bud Grant 1.8x1.8 - UNDEVELOPED! Blue Bombers Vikings Minnesota exmt+ $950.00
1960 Complete Sports Magazine
Fran Tarkenton no label Vikings Georgia ex $5.00
1960 Illustrated Current News 7380 Sonny Gibbs/Bob Lilly/Mike Ditka/ 12x19 poster/11photos/#66788 (Cowboys/Bears/Vikings) Mississippi/Pitt/TCU exmt+ $150.00
1960c Wilson Advisory Staff
Hugh McElhenny 8x10 - b&w - glossy - lt cr 49ers (Vikings) Washington exmt $45.00
1960c Wilson Advisory Staff
Hugh McElhenny 8x10 - b&w - glossy 49ers (Vikings) Washington exmt $60.00
1961 AP wire photo 10 Fran Tarkenton 6x11/notation on back Vikings Georgia exmt $35.00
1961 Cloverleaf (n/a) reference
Bill Bishop milk carton card (4x6)/cr Vikings N Texas St vg $125.00
1961 Minn Savings coin schedule

aluminum Vikings Minnesota ex+ $20.00
1961 Nu Card 101 Bob Ferguson
(Vikings - Steelers) Ohio St nrmtmt $8.00
1961 Nu Card 109 Roy Winston
(Vikings) LSU nrmtmt $5.00
1961 Nu Card 113 Ken Byers
(Vikings - Giants) Cincinnati nrmtmt $4.00
1961 Nu Card 144 Chuck Lamson
(Rams) - (Vikings) Wyoming Iowa St nrmtmt $5.00
1961 Topps flocked insert

w/tab - R Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1961 Topps flocked insert

no tab Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1961/62 Fleer wallet photo
Dick Haley thin stock Vikings Pitt nrmt $6.00
1961/62 Fleer wallet photo
Perry Richards thin stock Vikings Detroit nrmt $6.00
1961/62 Fleer wallet photos

team comp set (2) Vikings
nrmt $15.00
1962 Minneapolis Trib display sche
all big 10 teams + Vikings + ND display schedule 11x14 Vikings Notre Dame - U Michigan exmt $39.00
1962 Post Cereal 176 Don Joyce 100% Vikings Tulane nrmt $125.00
1962 Post Cereal 176 Don Joyce 100% Vikings Tulane nrmtmt $175.00
1962 Post Cereal 184 Fran Tarkenton 70% Vikings Georgia nrmt $30.00
1962 Post Cereal 184 Fran Tarkenton 30%/ pl Vikings Georgia exmt $20.00
1962 Post Cereal 184 Fran Tarkenton 80% Vikings Georgia nrmt $35.00
1962 Post Cereal 184 Fran Tarkenton (R) full black borders/sm lt cr Vikings LSU nrmtmt $50.00
1962 Post Cereal 186 Frank Youso 99% Vikings Minnesota nrmt $100.00
1962 Post Cereal 186 Frank Youso 100% Vikings Minnesota nrmt $90.00
1962 Post Cereal 186 Frank Youso 80% Vikings Minnesota exmt $75.00
1962 Post Cereal 186 Frank Youso 100%/smudge Vikings Minnesota nrmt $80.00
1962 Post Cereal complete box
Jim Taylor/Henry Jordan/Marchetti RARE flip-out spout/crs -tear Packers/Colts/Vikings
vg $595.00
1962 Tang team picture

8x10.color Vikings
vgex $12.00
1962 Tang team picture

8x10.color Vikings
nrmt $40.00
1962 team issue SF Examiner
Fran Tarkenton 5.5x7/b&w/notations on back Vikings Georgia ex $60.00
1962 Topps Buck 13 Jerry Reichow
Vikings Iowa ex $2.00
1962 Topps Buck 13 Jerry Reichow
Vikings Iowa nrmt $5.00
1962 Topps Buck 19 Hugh McElhenny
Vikings Washington ex $5.00
1962 Topps Buck 19 Hugh McElhenny
Vikings Washington nrmt $10.00
1962 Topps Buck 33 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia ex $22.00
1962 Topps Buck 33 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmt $49.00
1962 Topps card 91 Jerry Riechow 75/25 Vikings Iowa ex $2.00
1962 Topps card 96 Frank Youspp 95/5 Vikings Minnesota nrmt $2.00
1962 Topps card 97 Mike Mercer
Vikings Arizona St nrmt $4.00
1963 British American Oil CFL
Bud Grant - football guide 5x7/32 pg/ (Vikings)/Blue Bombers Minnesota vgex $45.00
1963 Kahns
Tommy Mason
Vikings Tulane nrmt $55.00
1963 Kahns
Tommy Mason
Vikings Tulane exmt $45.00
1963 NFL Team logo coasters

deckled paper?cloth?/3.2" Vikings
nrmt $12.00
1963 Stancraft playing card
Mason/Thorpe/Layne/Tittle sleeve for double deck Vikings - Giants Texas - LSU vgex $29.00
1963 Stancraft playing card 9 Tommy Mason 9c helmets/green bckgrnd Vikings Tulane nrmt $15.00
1963 Stancraft playing card 9 Tommy Mason 9c logos/red bckgrnd Vikings Tulane nrmt $15.00
1963 Stancraft playing card 9 Tommy Mason 9c helmets/green bckgrnd Vikings Tulane ex $5.00
1964 Aladdin lunch box - therm
Groza/ Shofner/Grier/Parker/Brodie/Gabriel 2 action scenes + 20 players Browns/Rams/Vikings Mississippi/Kentucky/ ex $145.00
1964 Aladdin lunch box - therm
Groza/ Shofner/Grier/Parker/Brodie/Gabriel 2 action scenes + 20 players Browns/Rams/Vikings Mississippi/Kentucky/ vg $89.00
1964 Aladdin lunch box - therm
Groza/ Shofner/Grier/Parker/Brodie/Gabriel 2 action scenes + 20 plyrs/ Browns/Rams/Vikings Mississippi/Kentucky/Illi ex+ $275.00
1964 Coke Cap
Team logo

1964 Coke Cap 10 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia
1964 Coke Cap 20 Tommy Mason
Vikings Tulane
1964 Coke Cap 22 Bill Butler
Vikings Chattanooga
1964 Coke Cap 23 Lee Calland
Vikings Louisville
1964 Coke Cap 30 Bill Brown
Vikings Illinois
1964 Coke Cap 33 Ted Dean
Vikings Wichita St
1964 Coke Cap 36 John Kirby
Vikings Nebraska
1964 Coke Cap 44 George Rose
Vikings Auburn
1964 Coke Cap 45 Ed Sharockman
Vikings Pitt
1964 Coke Cap 53 Mick Tinglehoff
Vikings Nebraska
1964 Coke Cap 55 John Campbell
Vikings Minnesota
1964 Coke Cap 60 Roy Winston
Vikings LSU
1964 Coke Cap 65 Palmer Pyle
Vikings Michigan St
1964 Coke Cap 70 Jim Marshall
Vikings Ohio St
1964 Coke Cap 70 Jim Marshall
Vikings Ohio St Unused $10.00
1964 Coke Cap 77 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota Unused $15.00
1964 Coke Cap 77 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota
1964 Coke Cap 78 Frank Youso
Vikings Minnesota
1964 Coke Cap 84 Bob Lacey
Vikings N Carolina
1964 Coke Cap 89 Jerry Reichow
Vikings Iowa
1964 Coke Cap NFL All Star 20 Tommy Mason
Vikings Tulane
1964 Coke Cap NFL All Star 58 Rip Hawkins
Vikings N Carolina
1964 Coke Cap NFL All Star 67 Grady Alderman
Vikings Detroit Mercy
1964 Kahns
Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmt $250.00
1964 Kahns
Paul Flatley
Vikings Northwestern exmt $45.00
1964 Kahns
Tommy Mason
Vikings Tulane ex $20.00
1964 Kahns
Tommy Mason bad crnr Vikings Tulane exmt $30.00
1964 Kahns
Tommy Mason
Vikings Tulane nrmt $45.00
1964 Nalleys coin CFL 90 Bud Grant
Vikings Minnesota nrmt $75.00
1964 Philadelphia Gum 109 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmt $9.00
1964 Wheaties stamp
Grady Alderman 2.5x2.7 Vikings Detroit Mercy nrmt $9.00
1964 Wheaties stamp
Rip Hawkins 2.5x2.7 Vikings N Carolina nrmt $9.00
1964 Wheaties stamp
Tommy Mason 2.5x2.7 Vikings Tulane nrmt $15.00
1964 Wheaties stamp
Vikings logo 2.5x2.7 Vikings
nrmt $10.00
1964c Gallaghers Restaurant menu
Namath/Tarkenton/Tittle/Luckman b&w - multi sport Vikings - Giants Alabama nrmt $95.00
1964c team issue 10 Fran Tarkenton 4x6/b$w/fax sig/white uni/tape stn Vikings Georgia exmt $49.00
1965 Coca Cola (Coke)
Marshall/Cox/Tinglehoff + all stars cap display sheet-70 caps pic Vikings
nrmt $45.00
1965 Coke Cap 2 Jim Prestel
Vikings Idaho
1965 Coke Cap 4 Errol Linden
Vikings Houston
1965 Coke Cap 5 Bob Lacey
Vikings N Carolina
1965 Coke Cap 7 John Kirby King Size var Vikings Nebraska
1965 Coke Cap 9 Frank Youso
Vikings Minnesota
1965 Coke Cap 10 Gordon Smith
Vikings Arizona St
1965 Coke Cap 12 Paul Flatley
Vikings Northwestern
1965 Coke Cap 13 Grady Alderman
Vikings Detroit Mercy
1965 Coke Cap 14 Mick Tinglehoff
Vikings Nebraska
1965 Coke Cap 15 Lee Calland
Vikings Louisville
1965 Coke Cap 19 George Rose
Vikings Auburn
1965 Coke Cap 22 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota
1965 Coke Cap 27 Tom Hall
Vikings Minnesota
1965 Coke Cap 30 Bill Swain
Vikings Oregon
1965 Coke Cap 31 Larry Vargo
Vikings Detroit Mercy
1965 Coke Cap 34 Jeff Jordan
Vikings Idaho
1965 Coke Cap 35 Lance Rentzel
Vikings Oklahoma
1965 Coke Cap National All Star 4 Bill Brown unused Vikings Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965 Coke Cap National All Star 10 Mick Tinglehoff unused Vikings Nebraska nrmt $6.00
1965 Coke Cap National All Star 14 Grady Alderman unused Vikings Detroit Mercy nrmt $5.00
1965 Coke Cap National All Star 16 Tommy Mason unused Vikings Tulane nrmt $5.00
1965 Coke Cap National All Star 20 Fran Tarkenton unused Vikings Georgia nrmt $10.00
1965 Coke Cap National All Star 41 Paul Krause unused Vikings Iowa nrmt $7.00
1965 Coke Cap Regional All Star 38 Fran Tarkenton red print Vikings Georgia
1965 Coke Cap Regional All Star 38 Fran Tarkenton Sprite Vikings Georgia
1965 Coke Cap Regional All Star 38 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia
1965 Coke Cap Regional All Star 41 Tommy Mason
Vikings Tulane
1965 Coke Cap Regional All Star 41 Tommy Mason Fanta Orange Vikings Tulane
1965 Coke Cap Regional All Star 44 Paul Krause red print Vikings Iowa nrmt $6.00
1965 Coke Cap Regional All Star 44 Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa nrmt $2.00
1965 Coke Cap Regional All Star 46 Bill Brown
Vikings Illinois
1965 Hormel meat tray

4x4 team helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $40.00
1965 Hormel meat tray

4x4 team helmet logo Vikings
exmt $35.00
1965 Hormel meat tray
w/orig pkg 4x4 team helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $99.00
1965 Kimberly Clark folder
Norm Snead (3 diff pix) opens to 11x20 Eagles - Vikings Wake Forest exmt $29.00
1965 Philadelphia Gum 105 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota exmt+ $8.00
1965 Philadelphia Gum 107 Jim Marshall
Vikings Ohio St nrmt $5.00
1965 Spalding Advisory Staff
Fran Tarkenton 8x10 b&w Vikings Georgia nrmt $60.00
1965 team issue
Bob Berry 4x5.5 b&w White Unif. Vikings Oregon nrmt $12.00
1965 team issue
Jim Marshall 4x5.5 b&w White Unif. Vikings Ohio St nrmt $25.00
1965 team issue
Mick Tinglehoff 4x5.5 b&w White Unif. Vikings Nebraska nrmt $18.00
1965 Technigraph wall plaque

in orig "box" w/cello wrap Vikings
nrmt $375.00
1965 Technigraph wall plaque

back in backwards Vikings
ex $65.00
1965 Wilson Advisory Staff
Tommy Mason 10x13 print (Kraft)/pin holes corners Vikings Tulane exmt $49.00
1965 Wilson Advisory Staff
Tommy Mason 10x13 print (Kraft) Vikings Tulane exmt $75.00
1965 Wilson Advisory Staff
Tommy Mason 10x13 print (Kraft) white-out Vikings Tulane ex $45.00
1965-69 Cragstan 8mm team film 3944
25' - orig box Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1965c Hormel Meats premium
Carl Eller autogr/4x6/ad back/team issue Vikings Minnesota nrmt $250.00
1966 AMOCO stamp
Mick Tinglehoff stmp/1x1.2/head shot Vikings Nebraska nrmt $30.00
1966 AMOCO stamp panel
Deacon Jones/Mick Tinglehoff (D) 3plyr panl.w/header Vikings Nebraska nrmt $95.00
1966 AMOCO stamp panel
Frank Ryan/Mick Tinglehoff/Nobis (K) 3plyr panl.w/header Vikings - Browns Nebraska nrmt $75.00
1966 APBA team set

(1964 season) - (30) Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1966 Coke Cap 1 Milt Sunde
Vikings Minnesota
1966 Coke Cap 2 Don Hansen "Tab" var Vikings Illinois
1966 Coke Cap 3 Jim Marshall "Tab" var Vikings Ohio St
1966 Coke Cap 4 Jerry Shay "Tab" var Vikings Purdue
1966 Coke Cap 5 Ken Byers "Tab" var Vikings Cincinnati
1966 Coke Cap 6 Rip Hawkins
Vikings N Carolina
1966 Coke Cap 7 John Kirby
Vikings Nebraska
1966 Coke Cap 8 Roy Winston "Tab" var Vikings LSU
1966 Coke Cap 9 Ron Vander Kelen "Tab" var Vikings Wisconsin
1966 Coke Cap 10 Jim Lindsey (R)
Vikings Arkansas
1966 Coke Cap 12 Paul Flatley
Vikings Northwestern
1966 Coke Cap 13 Grady Alderman "Tab" var Vikings Detroit Mercy
1966 Coke Cap 14 Mick Tingelhoff "Tab" var Vikings Nebraska
1966 Coke Cap 16 Fred Cox "Tab" var Vikings Pitt
1966 Coke Cap 19 George Rose
Vikings Auburn
1966 Coke Cap 20 Paul Dickson "Tab" var Vikings Baylor
1966 Coke Cap 21 Tommy Mason "Tab" var Vikings Tulane
1966 Coke Cap 22 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota
1966 Coke Cap 24 Hal Bledsole
Vikings USC
1966 Coke Cap 25 Karl Kassulke
Vikings Drake
1966 Coke Cap 26 Fran Tarkenton King Size var Vikings Georgia
1966 Coke Cap 28 Archie Sutton
Vikings Illinois
1966 Coke Cap 30 Gary Larsen "Tab" var Vikings Concordia
1966 Coke Cap 32 Bobby Walden "Tab" var Vikings Georgia
1966 Coke Cap 33 Bob Berry "Tab" var Vikings Oregon
1966 Coke Cap 34 Jeff Jordan
Vikings Tulsa
1966 Coke Cap 36 team logo "Tab" var Vikings

1966 Coke Cap National All Star 8 Paul Krause Fresca Vikings Iowa vg $2.00
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 8 Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa nrmt $6.00
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 38 Grady Alderman
Vikings Detroit Mercy
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 38 Grady Alderman Fresca Vikings Detroit Mercy exmt $7.00
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 43 Bill Brown Fresca Vikings Illinois exmt $8.00
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 43 Bill Brown
Vikings Illinois
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 65 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 65 Fran Tarkenton Fresca Vikings Georgia ex+ $25.00
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 66 Mick Tinglehoff Fresca Vikings Nebraska exmt $8.00
1966 Coke Cap National All Star 66 Mick Tinglehoff
Vikings Nebraska
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 66 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 66 Fran Tarkenton "TAB" Vikings Georgia
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 67 Mick Tinglehoff Fanta Orange Vikings Nebraska vgex $8.00
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 67 Mick Tinglehoff Sprite Vikings Nebraska
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 67 Mick Tinglehoff
Vikings Nebraska
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 70 Bill Brown "Tab" Vikings Illinois
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 70 Bill Brown Fanta Orange Vikings Illinois ex $7.00
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 70 Bill Brown
Vikings Illinois
1966 Coke Cap Regional All Star 70 Bill Brown Fanta Grape Vikings Illinois ex+ $8.00
1966 Coke saver sheet

team saver sheet/sm stn/sm tear Vikings
exmt $59.00
1966 Jetco Adv mini pennant

.7x2/gummed back/blk & yellow Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1966 SPCE team logo bookcover
lg team logo on front 10x13/all team logos on back Vikings
nrmt $39.00
1966 team issue
Don Hansen 4x5.5 fax sig. Pos.Botm Vikings Illinois nrmt $15.00
1966 team issue
Ed Sharockman 4x5.5 fax sig. Pos.Botm Vikings Pitt nrmt $12.00
1966 team issue
Jerry Shay 4x5.5 fax sig. Pos.Botm Vikings Purdue nrmt $12.00
1966 team issue
John Kirby 4x5.5 fax sig. Pos.Botm Vikings Nebraska nrmt $16.00
1966 team issue
Paul Flatley 4x5.5 fax sig. Pos.Botm Vikings Northwestern nrmt $12.00
1966 team issue 10 Fran Tarkenton 5x7/whitw jersey Vikings Georgia exmt $35.00
1966 team issue/wire photo 10 Fran Tarkenton Tommy Mason 8x10/crop marks/tear Vikings Georgia - Tulane ex $29.00
1966 Ticket order form/card
Jimm Brown w/#60 (v #77 &/46/59) 3.7x7/opens to 7.4x7/game action Browns v Vikings Syracuse exmt $35.00
1966 Wilson Advisory Staff
Tommy Mason premium (b&w) Vikings Tulane exmt+ $39.00
1967 AMOCO stamp panel
Bill Brown/Ken Willard 3stmp.panl w/hedr/car Vikings - 49ers Illinois - N Carolina nrmt $40.00
1967 APBA team set

(1965 season) - (30) Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1967 Philadelphia Gum 106 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia exmt $12.00
1967 team issue
Bill Brown 8x10/Glossy/ Auto Vikings Illinois nrmt $12.00
1967 team issue
Bill Brown 4x5.5 No fax aut. Vikings Illinois nrmt $12.00
1967 team issue
Jim Marshall 4x5.5 No fx aut. Vikings Ohio St nrmt $20.00
1967 team issue
Ron Vander Kelen 8x10/Glossy/fax sig Vikings Wisconsin nrmt $10.00
1967 team issue 28 Earl Denny 4x5.5 b&w no fax sig Vikings U Missouri nrmt $10.00
1967 team sticker

1x4/2 logos/team name Vikings
nrmt $20.00
1967 Topps Crazy Pennant 5 "Minneapolis mini-skirts…" sticker Vikings
nrmt $35.00
1967 Williams portrait
Dave O'Brien 8x10 print Cardinals - Vikings Boston Col nrmt $35.00
1967 Williams portrait
Fran Tarkenton 8x10 print/ Giants (Vikings) Georgia nrmt $250.00
1967 Williams portrait
Fran Tarkenton 8x10 print/edge a bit tattered Giants (Vikings) Georgia ex $145.00
1967c team issue 44 George Rose 8x10 b&w - auto Vikings Auburn vg $15.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
Dave Osborn - Service award card 4 panels inc rules/SB score Vikings N Dakota exmt $129.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
Dave Osborn/Mrs Jim Grabowski 4 panels inc rules/SB score Vikings/Packers/Chargers Illinois/N Dakota nrmt $149.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
Dave Osborne 1.7x3.4/creases Vikings N Dakota g $8.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
Dave Osborne 1.7x3.4/rt corner tore off Vikings N Dakota g $8.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
SB Game contest card (NO team logos) Chargers - Vikings
exmt $7.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
SB Game contest card (NO team logos) Vikings - Oilers
exmt $7.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
SB Game contest card (NO team logos) Vikings - Dolphins
exmt $7.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
SB Game contest card (NO team logos) Vikings - Broncos
exmt $7.00
1968 American Oil Mr & Mrs game
SB Game contest card (NO team logos) Vikings - Bengals
exmt $7.00
1968 Champion Corn Flakes card
Bill Brown 2.1x3.2 game action Vikings Illinois nrmt $130.00
1968 Champion Corn Flakes card
Bill Brown 2.1x3.2 game action Vikings Illinois exmt $100.00
1968 Champion Corn Flakes card
Gene Washington 2.1x3.2 game action Vikings Stanford nrmt $125.00
1968 Fleer big sign

8x11.5/Hvy stk/Artwork Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1968 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
exmt $7.00
1968 OPC CFL 120 Jim Young
BC Lions (Vikings) Queens ex $15.00
1968 OPC CFL 120 Jim Young
BC Lions (Vikings) Queens vg $6.00
1968 team issue 14 Fred Cox 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Pitt nrmt $10.00
1968 team issue 61 Larry Bowie 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Purdue nrmt $10.00
1968 team issue 64 Milt Sunde 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Minnesota nrmt $10.00
1968 Topps poster insert 6 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia ex $4.00
1968 Topps poster insert 6 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmt $10.00
1968 Topps poster insert 9 Gary Cuozzo
Vikings U Virginia nrmt $5.00
1968 Topps poster insert 9 Gary Cuozzo
Vikings U Virginia ex $2.00
1968 Topps stand up
Dave Osborne
Vikings N Dakota nrmt $8.00
1968 Twin city Fed. Schedule
wooden nickel coin
Vikings Minnesota nrmt $10.00
1968 Wire photo w/attachment
Sayers/Bob Hayes/Hickerson/Tingelhoff 8x10/offense All Stars Bears/Vikings/Cowboys U KansasMississippNebrask nrmt $29.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $9.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Bill Brown (from "star" sheet) Vikings Illinois nrmt $5.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Clint Jones
Vikings Michigan St nrmt $3.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Dave Osborne
Vikings N Dakota nrmt $2.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Fred Cox
Vikings Pitt nrmt $3.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Gary Larson
Vikings Concordia nrmt $2.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Grady Alderman
Vikings Detroit Mercy nrmt $3.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Jim Marshall
Vikings Ohio St nrmt $5.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Joe Kapp
Vikings California nrmt $4.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Mick Tinglehoff
Vikings Nebraska nrmt $6.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa nrmt $6.00
1969 Glendale stamp
Roy Winston
Vikings LSU nrmt $3.00
1969 Glendale stamps

Team Comp Set (12) Vikings
nrmt $40.00
1969 NFL Champ media guide

NFL Championship Game Browns - Vikings
nrmt $95.00
1969 NFL logo pin Lar Lu Line

7/8th" Vikings
nrmt $9.00
1969 NFL logo pin Lar Lu Line

7/8th" Vikings
nrmt $9.00
1969 team issue
Bud Grant 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Minnesota nrmt $30.00
1969 team issue 14 Fred Cox 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Pitt nrmt $10.00
1969 team issue 20 Bobby Bryant (R) 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings S Carolina nrmt $12.00
1969 team issue 41 Dave Osborne 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings N Dakota nrmt $12.00
1969 team issue 61 Larry Bowie 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Purdue nrmt $10.00
1969 team logo button
name/no logo 1.6" w/ribbons & fb charm Vikings
exmt $22.00
1969 Topps 13 Jim Lindsey
Vikings Arkansas exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 13 Jim Lindsey
Vikings Arkansas nrmtmt $3.00
1969 Topps 35 Joe Kapp
Vikings California exmt $2.00
1969 Topps 35 Joe Kapp
Vikings California nrmtmt $4.00
1969 Topps 57 Lonnie Warwick
Vikings Tennessee Tech exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 57 Lonnie Warwick
Vikings Tennessee Tech nrmt $2.00
1969 Topps 82 Roy Winston
Vikings LSU exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 82 Roy Winston
Vikings LSU nrmtmt $3.00
1969 Topps 104 Ed Sharockman
Vikings Pitt exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 104 Ed Sharockman
Vikings Pitt nrmtmt $3.00
1969 Topps 126 Larry Bowie
Vikings Purdue nrmtmt $3.00
1969 Topps 126 Larry Bowie
Vikings Purdue exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 148 Billy Martin
Vikings Georgia Tech exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 170 Bill Brown
Vikings Illinois exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 195 Mick Tinglehoff
Vikings Nebraska exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 217 Fred Cox
Vikings Pitt exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 239 Grady Alderman
Vikings Detroit Mercy exmt $1.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 10 Bowie/Crenshaw/Flatley/T Davis
Vikings - 49ers Northwestern/Kansas St nrmt $4.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 10 Bowie/Crenshaw/Flatley/T Davis
Vikings - 49ers Northwestern/Kansas St exmt $3.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 19 Hart/Dess/Tinglehoff/Alexander
Giants - Vikings UCLA - Nebraska nrmt $5.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 19 Hart/Dess/Tinglehoff/Alexander
Giants - Vikings UCLA - Nebraska exmt $4.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 23 Hoak/Gabriel/Williams/Sharockman
Vikings - Steelers Pitt - Penn St exmt $4.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 23 Hoak/Gabriel/Williams/Sharockman
Vikings - Steelers Pitt - Penn St nrmt $5.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 25 Howard/Morrison/Davis/Martin
Browns - Vikings Cincinnati - Georgia Tech exmt $3.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 25 Howard/Morrison/Davis/Martin
Browns - Vikings Cincinnati - Georgia Tech nrmt $4.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 47 Richter/Whitsell/Glass/Kapp
Redskins - Vikings Wisconsin - Baylor exmt $3.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 47 Richter/Whitsell/Glass/Kapp
Redskins - Vikings Wisconsin - Baylor nrmt $4.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 48 Roland/Morton/Baker/Brown
Vikings - Cowboys Illinois - U Missouri exmt $3.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 48 Roland/Morton/Baker/Brown
Vikings - Cowboys Illinois - U Missouri nrmt $4.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 58 Thomas/McCall/Warwick/Morrall
Vikings - Steelers Oklahoma - Michigan St exmt $3.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 58 Thomas/McCall/Warwick/Morrall
Vikings - Steelers Oklahoma - Michigan St nrmt $4.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 60 Unitas/Josephson/Renfro/Cox
Cowboys - Vikings Oregon - Pitt ex $7.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 60 Unitas/Josephson/Renfro/Cox
Cowboys - Vikings Oregon - Pitt nrmt $15.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 60 Unitas/Josephson/Renfro/Cox
Cowboys - Vikings Oregon - Pitt exmt $12.00
1969 Topps 4 in 1 single stamp/car
Ed Sharockman 1x1.5 Vikings Pitt nrmt $0.50
1969 Topps 4 in 1 single stamp/car
Jim Lindsey 1x1.5 Vikings Arkansas nrmt $0.50
1969 Topps 4 in 1 single stamp/car
Lonnie Warwick 1x1.5 Vikings Tennessee Tech nrmt $0.50
1969 Topps booklet

nrmt $5.00
1970 Chase & Sanborn sticker

foil team logo sticker (4x4) Vikings
nrmt $30.00
1970 Chiquita helmet logo stkr

round - 1'' dia Vikings
nrmt $20.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Alan Page no tab Vikings Notre Dame exmt+ $9.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Alan Page no tab Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $12.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Alan Page with tab Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $15.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Bill Brown with tab Vikings Illinois nrmt $12.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Bill Brown no tab Vikings Illinois nrmt $8.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Carl Eller no tab Vikings Minnesota nrmt $8.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Carl Eller with tab Vikings Minnesota nrmt $12.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Dave Osborn with tab Vikings N Dakota nrmt $9.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Dave Osborne no tab Vikings N Dakota nrmt $6.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Fred Cox with tab Vikings Pitt nrmt $10.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Fred Cox no tab Vikings Pitt nrmt $6.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Gary Cuozzo no tab Vikings U Virginia nrmt $9.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Gary Cuozzo with tab Vikings U Virginia nrmt $14.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Gene Washington no tab Vikings Michigan St nrmt $6.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Gene Washington with tab Vikings Michigan St nrmt $12.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Jim Marshall no tab Vikings Ohio St nrmt $9.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Jim Marshall with tab Vikings Ohio St nrmt $14.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Mick Tinglehoff no tab Vikings Nebraska nrmt $9.00
1970 Clark Volpe
Minnesota Team with tabs - comp set (8) Vikings
nrmt $95.00
1970 Grain Belt pocket schedule

Vikings Minnesota nrmt $7.00
1970 Hi C label/poster
Fred Cox 6.5x8 - trim/sm stn Vikings Pitt exmt $45.00
1970 Hi C label/poster
Fred Cox (wild berry) 6.5x13 - unused - fold in "tab" Vikings Pitt nrmt $89.00
1970 Kelloggs 1 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota nrmtmt $3.00
1970 Kelloggs 16 Bill Brown
Vikings Illinois nrmtmt $2.00
1970 mascot type team decal

ave.3x4;w/instrctns Vikings
nrmt $15.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 61 Bud Grant 2x2 - NFC Vikings Minnesota nrmt $12.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 62 Gary Cuozzo 2x2 - NFC Vikings U Virginia nrmt $12.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 63 Gene Washington 2x2 - NFC Vikings Michigan St nrmt $6.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 64 John Beasley 2x2 - NFC Vikings California nrmt $6.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 65 Alan Page 2x2 - NFC Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $25.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 66 Paul Krause 2x2 - NFC Vikings Iowa nrmt $20.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Lonnie Warwick 2x2 - NFC Vikings Tennessee Tech nrmt $6.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Ron Yary 2x2 - NFC Vikings USC nrmt $15.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Roy Winston 2x2 - NFC Vikings LSU nrmt $6.00
1970 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Jim Vellone 2x2 - NFC Vikings ?? nrmt $6.00
1970 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $7.00
1970 NFLP team logo medal

3" - gold border/heavy/orig pkg Vikings
nrmt $22.00
1970 Sport World magazine
Rams - Vikings Alabama - Purdue ex $5.00
1970 team issue
Clinton Jones 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Michigan St nrmt $8.00
1970 team issue
Ed Sharockman 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Pitt nrmt $8.00
1970 team issue
Jim Lindsey 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Arkansas nrmt $9.00
1970 team issue
John Ward 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Oklahoma St nrmt $12.00
1970 team issue
Mick Tinglehoff 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Nebraska nrmt $15.00
1970 team issue
Mike McGill 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $12.00
1970 team issue
Paul Dickson 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Baylor nrmt $8.00
1970 team issue
Roy Winston 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings LSU nrmt $10.00
1970 team issue
Tom McNeill 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings SF Austin nrmt $10.00
1970 team issue
Wally Hilgenberg 4x5.5 b&w fax sig Vikings Iowa nrmt $12.00
1970 Topps Glossy 13 Dave Osborne
Vikings N Dakota nrmt $4.00
1970 Topps poster 6 Carl Eller insert Vikings Minnesota nrmt $5.00
1970 Topps poster 20 Mick Tinglehoff insert Vikings Nebraska nrmt $5.00
1970 Topps Super 11 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota nrmt $6.00
1970 Topps Super 11 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota vg $1.00
1970 Topps Super 31 Joe Kapp
Vikings California nrmt $8.00
1970 Topps Super 31 Joe Kapp
Vikings California ex $4.00
1970 Transogram
J Kapp (Vikings) + 7 others "wheel" from game Vikings California nrmt $20.00
1970 Woodburner plaque
Gene Washington 4x4/likenss/fax sig/.25thk Vikings Michigan St nrmt $15.00
1970 Woodburner plaque
Gene Washington 4x4/likenss/fax sig/.25thk/burned Vikings Michigan St nrmt $10.00
1970's Made for TV slide
Oscar Reed 2x2/hand labeled Vikings Colorado St nrmt $8.00
1970's Made for TV slide promo
team helmet logo 2x2/artwork Giants - Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1970c ABC Promo Monday Nite FB
Fran Tarkenton/Alan Page/Jim Marshall 2x2/color/game action Giants - Vikings Notre Dame/Ohio St nrmt $35.00
1970c ABC Promo Monday Nite FB
Fran Tarkenton/Bobby Bryant/Marshall 2x2/color/game action Giants - Vikings S Carolina/Ohio St nrmt $35.00
1970c Tudor Quarterback wheel
Joe Kapp/Gabriel/Horn/Morrall/Munson 8 head shots/3.4" Vikings/Rams/Packers Michigan St/Stanford nrmt $25.00
1971 Bazooka 20 Fred Cox
Vikings Pitt nrmt+ $20.00
1971 Bazooka 20 Fred Cox
Vikings Pitt exmt $6.00
1971 Bazooka 32 Dave Osborn stn Vikings N Dakota nrmt $8.00
1971 Bazooka 32 Dave Osborn lt sm cr Vikings N Dakota nrmt $6.00
1971 Bazooka 32 Dave Osborn
Vikings N Dakota nrmt+ $18.00
1971 Bazooka comp box 192021 Lamonica(tape)/Cox/Starr (cr) box exmt Raiders/Packers/Vikings Notre Dame - Alabama exmt $85.00
1971 Bazooka comp box 192021 Lamonica/Cox/Starr (cr) box exmt/each card cr Raiders/Packers/Vikings Notre Dame - Alabama exmt $85.00
1971 Bazooka comp box 192021 Lamonica/Cox/Starr (cr) box exmt Raiders/Packers/Vikings Notre Dame - Alabama exmt $95.00
1971 Bazooka comp box 313233 Nelson(crs)/Osborn/Snell (cr) box ex Browns - Vikings Minnesota - Ohio St ex $45.00
1971 Bazooka comp box 313233 Nelson(tp)/Osborn/Snell (cr) box exmt Browns - Vikings Minnesota - Ohio St exmt $50.00
1971 Bazooka comp box 313233 Nelson/Osborn/Snell box ex - cards - 3 crs Browns - Vikings Minnesota - Ohio St ex $35.00
1971 Bazooka panel 192021 Lamonica (tp stn)/Fred Cox/Bart Starr
Raiders/Vikings/Packers Notre Dame/Alabama/Pitt exmt $49.00
1971 Bazooka panel 313233 Nelson/Osborn/Matt Snell Osborne - stn Vikings - Browns Ohio St - Minnesota ex+ $33.00
1971 Bazooka panel 313233 Nelson/Osborne/Matt Snell lr crs Vikings - Browns Ohio St - Minnesota exmt $29.00
1971 color team issue
Gary Cuozzo 5x7/thin stock/balnk back Vikings Virginia nrmt $15.00
1971 color team issue
John Henderson 5x7/thin stock/balnk back Vikings U Michigan nrmt $15.00
1971 color team picture
Marshall/Page/Bud Grant/Snead 11x14/thin crdbrd Vikings
nrmt $29.00
1971 Dell stamp
Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $8.00
1971 Dell stamp
Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota nrmt $7.00
1971 doubloon

aluminum coin Saints v Vikings
nrmt $9.00
1971 Kelloggs 22 Clinton Jones
Vikings M ichigan St exmt $10.00
1971 Kelloggs cereal box panel
Dick Gordon/Unitas/Phillips/Podolak 6x8/cr/ Bears/Colts/Vikings Michigan St/Iowa/Louisvil ex $59.00
1971 Kelloggs unopened 14 Gene Washington
Vikings Kansas St nrmt $30.00
1971 Kelloggs unopened 22 Clinton Jones
Vikings Southern nrmt $30.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay
Jurgensen/Anderson/ orig package - 4 pack (red) Vikings - Redskins
nrmt $45.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay
Namath//Barney/Alan Page/Morrall orig package - 4 pack Vikings - Jets Alabama - Notre Dame nrmt $75.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc
Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $8.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 61 Gary Larsen 2x2 - NFC Vikings Concordia nrmt $8.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 62 Clint Jones 2x2 - NFC Vikings Michigan St nrmt $9.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 63 Ed Sharockman 2x2 - NFC Vikings Pitt nrmt $8.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 64 Gary Cuozzo 2x2 - NFC Vikings U Virginia nrmt $15.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 65 John Hendersn 2x2 - NFC Vikings U Michigan nrmt $10.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 66 Bob Lee 2x2 - NFC Vikings Arizona St nrmt $6.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 67 John Beasley 2x2 - NFC Vikings California nrmt $6.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Karl Kassulke 2x2 - NFC Vikings Drake nrmt $6.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Oscar Reed 2x2 - NFC Vikings Colorado St nrmt $6.00
1971 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Norm Snead 2x2 - NFC Vikings Wake Forest nrmt $15.00
1971 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 213 Gary Cuozzo "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings U Virginia vg $3.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 213 Gary Cuozzo "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings U Virginia nrmt $9.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 214 John Henderson "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings U Michigan nrmt $9.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 215 Wally Hilgenberg "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings Iowa nrmt $8.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 216 Clinton Jones "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings Michigan St nrmt $6.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 217 Karl Kassulke "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings Drake nrmt $6.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 219 Dave Osborne "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings N Dakota nrmt $6.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 220 Alan Page "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $15.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 221 Ed Sharockman "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings Pitt nrmt $6.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 222 Norm Snead "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings Wake Forest nrmt $10.00
1971 NFLPA Stamp 223 Mick Tinglehoff "Wonderful World"(2x3) Vikings Nebraska nrmt $9.00
1971 Off Collegiate record book
Ed Marinaro
(Vikings - Jets) Cornell nrmt $12.00
1971 Pro Quarterback Magazine
Norm Snead no label Vikings Wake Forest nrmt $9.00
1971 Pro! Game program
Jim Marshall 11/21 Colts/Dolphins/Vikings Ohio St ex $9.00
1971 Royal Bank CFL
Jim Young b&w/5x7 BC Lions (Vikings) Queens exmt $8.00
1971 Springbok jigsaw puzzle

used - comp Vikings
ex+ $20.00
1971 Topps game card 31 Dave Osborne
Vikings N Dakota nrmt $2.00
1971 Topps game card 32 Gene Washington
Vikings Michigan St nrmt $2.00
1971 Topps poster 6 Dave Osborne insert/5x7/game back Vikings N Dakota nrmt $3.00
1971 Topps poster 23 Gene Washington insert/5x7/game back Vikings Michigan St nrmt $4.00
1971c team issue 44 Ed Marinaro 5x7/b&w (Vikings - Jets) Cornell nrmt $20.00
1972 6th Long Is. Ath Club
Alan Page/Don Hutson/Otis Taylor MVP Awards program Packers - Vikings Alabama - Notre Dame nrmt $75.00
1972 7-11 Cup
Alan Page 16z plastic Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $10.00
1972 7-11 Cup
Paul Krause 16z plastic Vikings Iowa nrmt $5.00
1972 7-11 Cup
Ron Yary 16z plastic Vikings USC nrmt $4.00
1972 American Publishing Puzzle
Greg Landry/Winston 500 Pc.w/box (16x20) Lions Vikings Massachusetts - LSU exmt $39.00
1972 Burger King Ice milk cup
Clinton Jones
Vikings Michigan St nrmt $10.00
1972 Burger King Ice milk cup
Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmtmt $60.00
1972 Chiquita slide premium 11 Ron Yary/Lem Barney 2 player - black variation Vikings - Lions USC - Jackson St nrmt $10.00
1972 Chiquita slide premium 11 Ron Yary/Lem Barney 2 player - blue variation Vikings - Lions USC - Jackson St nrmt $15.00
1972 Frozen Coke sticker

team helmet/2"/blank back Vikings
nrmt $9.00
1972 Gatorade lid

exmt++ $9.00
1972 Gatorade lid

vgex $5.00
1972 Gatorade lid

nrmt $12.00
1972 Gatorade lid

ex+ $7.00
1972 Gatorade lid

ex+ $7.00
1972 Kids plastic ring

yellow/no logo Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 69 helmet logo 2x2 - NFC Vikings
nrmt $7.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Alan Page 2x2 - NFC Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $20.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Fran Tarkenton 2x2 - NFC Vikings Georgia nrmt $25.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Gene Washington 2x2 - NFC Vikings Michigan St nrmt $8.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 73 John Gilliam 2x2 - NFC Vikings S Carolina St nrmt $8.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 74 Ron Yary 2x2 - NFC Vikings USC nrmt $8.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 75 Clint Jones 2x2 - NFC Vikings Michigan St nrmt $8.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 76 Gary Larsen 2x2 - NFC Vikings Concordia nrmt $7.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 77 Carl Eller 2x2 - NFC Vikings Minnesota nrmt $15.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 78 Paul Krause 2x2 - NFC Vikings Iowa nrmt $12.00
1972 NFL Color slide for TV 79 Jim Marshall 2x2 - NFC Vikings Ohio St nrmt $15.00
1972 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1972 NFLP button
Fran Tarkenton 3.5" - name in black box/rusty bk Vikings Georgia ex $29.00
1972 NFLPA cloth
Carl Eller iron on Vikings Minnesota nrmt $4.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 211 Grady Alderman Wonderful World Vikings Detroit Mercy nrmt $3.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 212 John Beasley Wonderful World Vikings California nrmt $3.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 213 John Henderson Wonderful World Vikings U Michigan nrmt $6.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 214 Wally Hilgenberg Wonderful World Vikings Iowa nrmt $5.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 215 Clinton Jones Wonderful World Vikings Michigan St nrmt $3.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 216 Karl Kassulke Wonderful World Vikings Drake nrmt $3.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 217 Paul Krause Wonderful World Vikings Iowa nrmt $6.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 218 Dave Osborn Wonderful World Vikings N Dakota nrmt $3.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 219 Alan Page Wonderful World Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $10.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 220 Ed Sharockman Wonderful World Vikings Pitt nrmt $4.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 221 Fran Tarkenton Wonderful World Vikings Georgia nrmt $20.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 222 Mick Tinglehoff Wonderful World Vikings Nebraska nrmt $6.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 223 Charlie West Wonderful World Vikings Texas El Paso nrmt $3.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 224 Lonnie Warwick Wonderful World Vikings Tennessee Tech nrmt $3.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp 225 Gene Washington Wonderful World Vikings Michigan St nrmt $3.00
1972 NFLPA Stamp/Wonderful Wrld

Team Comp Set 211-225 Vikings
nrmt $60.00
1972 NFLPA vinyl diecut sticker
Alan Page-sp
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $25.00
1972 Pro QB Mag - Super Bowl VIII
Official entry ticket - for drawing 3x8/unused - sm cr Dolphins - Vikings
exmt $10.00
1972 Round cloth patch

team helmet logo - 3" dia Vikings
nrmt $12.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $5.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
Bob Lee
Vikings Pacific nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Bobby Bryant
Vikings S Carolina nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota nrmt $3.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
Charlie West
Vikings Texas El Paso nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Clint Jones
Vikings Michigan St nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Dave Osborne
Vikings N Dakota nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Ed Sharockman
Vikings Pitt nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Ed White
Vikings California nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmt $9.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
Fred Cox
Vikings Pitt nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Gary Larson
Vikings Concordia nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Gene Washington
Vikings Michigan St nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Grady Alderman
Vikings Detroit Mercy nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Jim Marshall
Vikings Ohio St nrmt $4.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
John Beasley
Vikings California nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
John Gilliam Update with "new player" tab Vikings S Carolina St nrmt $8.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
John Henderson
Vikings U Michigan nrmt $1.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
Lonnie Warwick
Vikings Tennessee Tech nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Mick Tinglehoff
Vikings Nebraska nrmt $3.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
Mike Eischeid Update with "new player" tab Vikings Upper Iowa nrmt $6.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
Milt Sundae
Vikings Minnesota nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa nrmt $2.00
1972 Sunoco stamp
Ron Yary
Vikings USC nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Roy Winston
Vikings LSU nrmt $0.50
1972 Sunoco stamp
Wally Hilgenberg
Vikings Iowa nrmt $2.00
1972 Sunoco stamps

team Comp Set (24) Vikings
nrmt $23.00
1972 Sunoco stamps
Uncut team sheet of 24 w/Updates Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1972 Universal matchbook cover
Jewelite-w/helmet logo schedule on inside Vikings
nrmt $7.00
1972-73 Fleer cloth sticker

team name - helmet (single) Vikings - Patriots
nrmt $4.00
1972-73 Fleer cloth sticker

team name - helmet (single) Vikings - Bills
nrmt $4.00
1972-73 Fleer cloth sticker

team name - helmet (single) Dolphins - Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1972-74 Fleer cloth sticker

team name - logo Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1972-74 Fleer cloth sticker
"brown" background team name - logo Vikings - Bears
nrmt $3.00
1972-74 Fleer cloth sticker
"orange" background team name - logo Vikings - Bears
nrmt $3.00
1973 7-11 Cup
Bob Berry 16z plastic Vikings Oregon nrmt $6.00
1973 7-11 Cup
Bob Berry 16z plastic Vikings Oregon exmt $4.00
1973 7-11 Cup
Ed Marinaro 16z plastic Vikings Cornell nrmt $15.00
1973 7-11 Cup
Ed Marinaro 16z plastic Vikings Cornell exmt $12.00
1973 7-11 Cup
Gary Larsen 16z plastic Vikings Concordia nrmt $6.00
1973 7-11 Cup
Jim Marshall 16z plastic Vikings Ohio St nrmt $10.00
1973 Coke Cap
team logo inside
nrmt $8.00
1973 Great QB's #2
Tarkenton/Lamonica/Kilmer/Bradshaw 4.2x7/184pg/paperback Steelers/Raiders/Vikings Notre Dame/Georgia exmt $10.00
1973 NFC Champ media guide

NFC Championship Cowboys - Vikings
nrmt $59.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 64 Jim Finks 2x2 - NFC Vikings Tulsa nrmt $8.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 65 Bob Berry 2x2 - NFC Vikings Oregon nrmt $7.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 66 Bobby Bryant 2x2 - NFC Vikings S Carolina nrmt $12.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Mike Eischeid 2x2 - NFC Vikings Upper Iowa nrmt $7.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Wally Hilgenberg 2x2 - NFC Vikings Iowa nrmt $12.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Gary Larson 2x2 - NFC Vikings Concordia nrmt $7.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Bob Lurtsema 2x2 - NFC Vikings W Michigan nrmt $7.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Oscar Reed 2x2 - NFC Vikings Colorado St nrmt $7.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 73 Roy Winston 2x2 - NFC Vikings LSU nrmt $7.00
1973 NFL Color slide for TV 74 Jeff Wright 2x2 - NFC Vikings Minnesota nrmt $7.00
1973 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $7.00
1973 Plastic coaster

silvr brdr/clear centr Vikings
exmt $8.00
1973 The Running Game booklet
Jim Marshall/#38 9x9 Vikings - Chiefs Ohio St exmt $12.00
1973c print plate
Chuck Foreman 1x1.5/metal plate Vikings Miami nrmt $12.00
1973c print plate
Ed Marinaro 1x1.5/metal plate Vikings Cornell nrmt $12.00
1974 All Pro Graphics
Alan Page 8x10 - color - fax auto Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $35.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure
Alan Page #F438 orig poly bag Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $10.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure
Alan Page/CF0106 orig poly bag (Vikings) Notre Dame nrmt $20.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure
Joe Kapp #F439 orig poly bag Vikings California nrmt $10.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure
Paul Krause #F444 orig poly bag Vikings Iowa nrmt $10.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure
Super Bowl IV team bag #SB7 orig poly bag Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 10 Fran Tarkenton running pose - name on uni Vikings Georgia nrmt $75.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 11 Joe Kapp arms spread pose - 2" Vikings California nrmt $40.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 22 Paul Krause blocking pose - name on uni Vikings Iowa nrmt $45.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 22 Paul Krause blocking pose - 1.6" Vikings Iowa nrmt $35.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 41 Dave Osborne blocking pose - 1.6" Vikings N Dakota nrmt $30.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 49 Ed Marinaro blocking pose - name on uni Vikings Cornell nrmt $40.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 70 Jim Marshall arms spread pose - 2" Vikings Ohio St nrmt $39.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 73 Ron Yary blocking pose - 1.6" Vikings USC nrmt $35.00
1974 Cake Topper Figure 81 Carl Eller arms spread pose - 2" Vikings Minnesota nrmt $40.00
1974 Columbia pictures 8mm film
no pict - SB VIII 5x5/game action on box Dolphins - Vikings
exmt $30.00
1974 Fleer big sign

8x11.5/Hvy stk/Artwork Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1974 Fleer cloth sticker

team name - helmet (double) Vikings - Patriots
nrmt $4.00
1974 Fleer cloth sticker

team name - helmet (double) Dolphins - Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1974 Fleer cloth sticker

team name - helmet (double) Vikings - Bills
nrmt $4.00
1974 Fleer cloth sticker
1973-74 NFC Champs team name - logo - no "TM" Vikings - NFC
nrmt $20.00
1974 Fleer football patches
w/3 diff team logos on wrapper wrapper Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1974 Fleer football patches
w/3 diff team logos on wrapper unopened wax pack Steelers/Vikings/Chiefs
nrmt $8.00
1974 Fleer football patches unopen
RARE pre-priced15c wrapper var wax pack Steelers/Vikings/Chiefs
nrmt $25.00
1974 Fleer HOF
Hugh McElhenny
Vikings Washington nrmt $4.00
1974 Franklin Mint coin
Hugh McElhenny 1.5"dia sterling proof Vikings Washington nrmt $40.00
1974 Franklin Mint coin
Hugh McElhenny bronze proof Vikings Washington nrmt $15.00
1974 Franklin Mint coin
Hugh McElhenny 1/2" silvr.prf. HOF Vikings Washington nrmt $15.00
1974 Franklin Mint coins
Hugh McElhenny- Bobby Layne 2 sterling silver in orig envelope Vikings/Steelers/Lions Washington - Texas nrmtmt $75.00
1974 Hallmark sticker

1.4x1.6 helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1974 McDonalds disc
Marvin Cobb stat back (Bengals/Steelers/Vikings) USC nrmt $9.00
1974 McDonalds poster
Larry Brown collector series (11x14)/sm tear Redskins Vikings Kansas St ex+ $35.00
1974 Nabisco Sugar Daddy 6 John Gilliam 1x2.7/(pro faces) Vikings S Carolina St nrmt $7.00
1974 NFC Champ media guide

NFC Championship Rams - Vikings
nrmt $50.00
1974 NFC Champ media guide

NFC Championship/sm stn frt Rams - Vikings
exmt $40.00
1974 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1974 NFL Prop team plaque
Alan Page/Foreman/Marshall/Krause etc 12x15 wood w/collage of pix Vikings Notre Dame/Ohio St/Iowa nrmt $59.00
1974 Parker Brothers card 57 Milt Sunde type 1 - 1972 stats Vikings Minnesota nrmt $2.00
1974 Parker Brothers card 113 Chuck Foreman (R) type 1 - 2 asterisks Vikings Miami nrmt $4.00
1974 Pro Football Weekly
Csonka/Krause/Siemon 1/26/74 - SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse - Iowa nrmt $15.00
1974 Royal Bank CFL
Jim Young color/5x7 BC Lions (Vikings) Queens nrmt $9.00
1974 stadium cup
Holloway/Clabo/Townsend/Bill Battle 16z/5.5"'color atrwork (Vikings/Argonats) Tennessee ex $7.00
1974 stadium cup
Holloway/Clabo/Townsend/Bill Battle 16z/5.5"'color atrwork (Vikings/Argonats) Tennessee nrmt $15.00
1974 Topps mail-in premium
team checklist blank back var Vikings
nrmtmt $20.00
1974 Topps team checklist

game rules back Vikings
exmt $2.00
1974 Topps team checklist

game rules back Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1974 Town Talk Bread 12 Paul Krause bread insert Vikings Iowa nrmt $20.00
1974 Town Talk Bread 17 Alan Page bread insert Vikings Notre Dame exmt $15.00
1974 Town Talk Bread 17 Alan Page bread insert/cr Vikings Notre Dame ex $8.00
1974 Town Talk Bread 17 Alan Page bread insert Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $20.00
1974 Town Talk Bread 17 Alan Page bread insert Vikings Notre Dame nrmt+ $35.00
1974 Town Talk Bread 30 Ron Yary bread insert Vikings USC vg $5.00
1974 Town Talk Bread 30 Ron Yary bread insert Vikings USC exmt $10.00
1974 Town Talk Bread 30 Ron Yary bread insert Vikings USC nrmt $30.00
1974 Wonder Bread 12 Paul Krause cr Vikings Iowa nrmt $1.00
1974 Wonder Bread 12 Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa nrmt $10.00
1974 Wonder Bread 12 Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa nrmtmt $25.00
1974 Wonder Bread 12 Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa exmt $6.00
1974 Wonder Bread 17 Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmtmt $30.00
1974 Wonder Bread 17 Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame exmt $7.00
1974 Wonder Bread 17 Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $10.00
1974 Wonder Bread 30 Ron Yary
Vikings USC exmt $5.00
1974 Wonder Bread 30 Ron Yary yellowed Vikings USC nrmt $12.00
1974 Wonder Bread 30 Ron Yary
Vikings USC nrmt $16.00
1974-6 Sportoys helmet buggy

orig blister pkg(vg)/unopened Vikings
nrmt $79.00
1974-6 Sportoys helmet buggy

nrmt $45.00
1974-6 Sportoys helmet buggy

exmt $30.00
1975 Button House catalogue
Viking on cover NFL gift merchandise Vikings
exmt $15.00
1975 Columbia pictures 8mm film
Bradshaw/Franco Harris SB IX 5x5/game action on box Steelers/Vikings Louis Tech/Penn St exmt $45.00
1975 Fleer cloth sticker

team name - logo - w/ "TM" Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1975 Fleer cloth sticker
with "TM" team name - helmet (double) Vikings - Bills
nrmt $6.00
1975 Fleer cloth sticker
with "TM" team name - helmet (double) Dolphins - Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1975 Fleer cloth sticker
with "TM"/1974-75 NFC Champs team name - logo Vikings - NFL logo
nrmt $25.00
1975 Fleer HOF 36 Hugh McElhenny
Vikings Washington nrmt $4.00
1975 Fuzz Inc
for 3-4" helmet sticker logo pair for helmet Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1975 Grain Beltbn pocket schedule

nrmt $8.00
1975 Laughlin Flakey Football 2 Minnesota " Spikings"
nrmt $20.00
1975 MSA Cup
Alan Page 16z./artwrk/rare Vikings Notre Dame exmt+ $45.00
1975 MSA Cup
Chuck Foreman 16z./artwrk/rare Vikings Miami nrmt $20.00
1975 MSA Cup
Fran Tarkenton 16z./artwrk/rare Vikings Georgia nrmt $45.00
1975 Nabisco Sugar Daddy
John Gilliam/Lysiak/Sloan panel from display box Vikings S Carolina St nrmt $35.00
1975 Nabisco Sugar Daddy 3 Alan Page 1x2.7/(pro faces) Vikings Notre Dame exmt $12.00
1975 Nabisco Sugar Daddy 3 Alan Page 1x2.7/(pro faces) Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $15.00
1975 Nabisco Sugar Daddy 6 John Gilliam 1x2.7/(pro faces) Vikings S Carolina St nrmt $7.00
1975 Nabisco Sugar Daddy 6 John Gilliam 1x2.7/(pro faces) Vikings S Carolina St exmt $5.50
1975 Nabisco Sugar Daddy display
Brockington/Staubach/Alan Page/ 13 pict total/display box Packers/Cowboys/Vikings Notre Dame/Ohio St exmt $350.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 61 Matt Blair 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $10.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 62 Bobby Bryant 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings S Carolina nrmt $12.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 63 Steve Craig 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Northwestern nrmt $7.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 64 Charles Goodrum 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $7.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 65 Doug Kingsriter 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Minnesota nrmt $9.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 66 Ed Marinaro 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Cornell nrmt $10.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Fred McNeill 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings UCLA nrmt $8.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Doug Sutherland 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Wisconsin Superior nrmt $8.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 69 John Ward 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Oklahoma St nrmt $10.00
1975 NFL Color slide for TV 70 team action/Tarkenton/Foreman/#66 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Georgia - Miami nrmt $35.00
1975 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1975 Pro Football Weekly
Dave Osborn/Chuck Foreman
Vikings v Rams N Dakota - Miami nrmt $12.00
1975 Schweibel bread
cloth team helmet logo 1.7x2.5/ NFL Prop. Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1975 Spalding Advisory Staff
Fran Tarkenton color - full bleed - Questor Vikings Georgia nrmt $45.00
1975 Spalding Advisory Staff
Fran Tarkenton color - full bleed - Questor Vikings Georgia ex $22.00
1975 Super Bowl Greatest Games
Terry Bradshaw v Alan Page 4.2x7/124 pg/paperback Steelers v Vikings Notre Dame ex $9.00
1975 Super Bowl media guide

Super Bowl IX Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $195.00
1975 Super Bowl media guide
warped Super Bowl IX Steelers - Vikings
vg $60.00
1975 Super Bowl media invitation
SB artwork Super Bowl IX - folded/warped Steelers - Vikings
vg $12.00
1975 Topps mail in premium

team checklist - yellow border Vikings
nrmt $15.00
1975 Town Talk Bread 1 Alan Page bread insert Vikings Notre Dame ex $8.00
1975 Town Talk Bread 1 Alan Page bread insert Vikings Notre Dame vg $5.00
1975 Town Talk Bread 1 Alan Page bread insert Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $16.00
1975 Town Talk Bread 15 Chuck Foreman bread insert Vikings Miami nrmt $10.00
1975 Universal matchbook cover
Jewelite-w/helmet logo schedule on inside Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1975 Wonder Bread 1 Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $9.00
1975 Wonder Bread 1 Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame exmt $5.00
1975 Wonder Bread 1 Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame ex $2.00
1975 Wonder Bread 15 Chuck Foreman
Vikings Miami nrmt $4.00
1975 Wonder Bread display
Alan Page 4x6/lt stns frt/tab missing Vikings Notre Dame ex $39.00
1975-80 Mini Team helmet magnet

1" dia Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1975c Avon Decanter
w/cologne too team logo on front - comp w/box Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1975c team issue card
Fran Tarkenton 4x6/color/stamped auto Vikings Georgia exmt+ $25.00
1976 Buckman MSA disc
Chuck Foreman
Vikings Miami nrmt $5.00
1976 Buckman MSA disc
Chuck Foreman sm lt cr Vikings Miami nrmt $2.00
1976 Canada Dry can
12z team logo can w/brief history Vikings
ex+ $7.00
1976 Canada Dry can
12z team logo can w/brief history Vikings
nrmt $12.00
1976 Crane MSA Disc
Alan Page
nrmt $2.00
1976 Crane MSA Disc
Chuck Foreman
Vikings Miami nrmt $2.00
1976 Crane MSA Disc
Ed Marinaro
Vikings Cornell nrmt $2.00
1976 Crane MSA Disc variation
Chuck Foreman no NFLPA around football Vikings Miamii exmt $45.00
1976 Customized disc MSA
Chuck Foreman 3.5"/Ad bk Vikings Miami nrmt $75.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

team name - logo Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

cloth - team name - logo Vikings - Bears
nrmt $6.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

team name - helmet Dolphins - Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

team name - helmet Vikings - Bills
nrmt $6.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

cloth - team name - helmet Vikings - Patriots
nrmt $9.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

team name - logo Vikings - Bears
nrmt $6.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

cloth - team name - helmet Vikings - Bills
nrmt $9.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

team name - helmet Vikings - Patriots
nrmt $6.00
1976 Fleer Hi-Gloss sticker

cloth - team name - logo Vikings - Bears
nrmt $9.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 41 Fran Tarkenton/Chuck Foreman
Vikings Georgia - Miami nrmt $20.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 41 Fran Tarkenton/Chuck Foreman
Vikings Georgia - Miami exmt $16.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 42
stingy defense Vikings
nrmt $12.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 42
stingy defense Vikings
exmt $10.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
exmt $20.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $25.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 64 Larry Csonka SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse exmt $20.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 64 Larry Csonka SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse nrmt $25.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 65
SB IX Steelers - Vikings
exmt $25.00
1976 Fleer in action sticker 65
SB IX Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $30.00
1976 Maxwell Award program
Archie Griffin/Tarkenton Bert Bell Award 6x8/autograph cover Griffin Bengals/Vikings Ohio St/Georgia exmt $49.00
1976 MSA Cup
Chuck Foreman 16z.w/ b&w pic Vikings Miami nrmt $16.00
1976 MSA Disc Safelon blank back
Chuck Foreman rare variation Vikings Miami nrmt $45.00
1976 NFC Champ media Guide

NFC Championship Rams - Vikings
nrmt $59.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Terry Brown 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Oklahoma St nrmt $12.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Neil Clabo 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Tennessee nrmt $12.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Fred Cox 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Pitt nrmt $9.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Paul Krause 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Iowa nrmt $12.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Jim Lash 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Northwestern nrmt $8.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Andy Maurer 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Oregon nrmt $6.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 73 Brent McClanahan 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Arizona St nrmt $6.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 74 Mark Mullaney 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Colorado St nrmt $6.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 75 Alan Page 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $25.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 76 Steve Riley 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings USC nrmt $6.00
1976 NFL Color slide for TV 77 team action - 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings
nrmt $10.00
1976 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1976 Pepsi MSA 13 Chuck Foreman 3'' disc w/tab Vikings Miami nrmt $3.00
1976 Pizza Hut placemat
Griese/Csonka/Foreman/Brockington 8x11 "The 70's" (see#58613) Packers - Vikings Syracuse - Purdue ex+ $35.00
1976 Popsicle
Alan Page & #50 & 22 team logo/game action/bio Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $6.00
1976 Safelon lunch bags MSA
Chuck Foreman blankback disc inside Rose/Bench etc bags - opened Vikings - Reds Miami ex+ $60.00
1976 SAGA disc MSA
Alan Page Rare MSA Variation Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $40.00
1976 SAGA disc MSA
Chuck Foreman Rare MSA Variation Vikings Miami nrmt $25.00
1976 SAGA disc MSA
Ed Marinaro Rare MSA Variation Vikings Cornell nrmt $25.00
1976 Sportstix 31 Carl Eller round stkr (3.5") Vikings Minnesota nrmt $40.00
1976 Sunbeam Bread standup

die cut/ team helmet logo/sm cr Vikings
exmt $9.00
1976 Sunbeam Bread standup

die cut/ team helmet logo/sm cr Vikings
vg $3.00
1976 Sunbeam Bread standup

die cut/ team helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $15.00
1976 Sunbeam Bread standup
no "Sunbeam" die cut/ team helmet logo Vikings
exmt $20.00
1976 Sunbeam pennant sticker

1.7x2.8 - brief back stat Vikings
nrmt $30.00
1976 team issue team picture

4x7/b&w Vikings
nrmt $12.00
1976 Topps mail in premium 465
team checklist - thin white stock Vikings
nrmt $8.00
1976 Town Talk Bread 2 Chuck Foreman bread insert Vikings Miami nrmt $10.00
1976 Wonder Bread 2 Chuck Foreman
Vikings Miami nrmt $1.00
1976c helmet logo push pin

1"/team helmet Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1976c Sounds of Fb album
Jim Marshall/#38 Chiefs/Staubach used Chiefs - Vikings Ohio St vg $15.00
1977 Bowmar - NFL Prop 22 Fran Tarkenton 8.5x13.5 Vikings Georgia nrmt $25.00
1977 Bowmar - NFL Prop 48 Alan Page/Jim Marshall/Eller 8.5x13.5 - stn - Purple peo… Vikings Notre Dame - Ohio St ex $9.00
1977 Bowmar - NFL Prop 48 Alan Page/Jim Marshall/Eller 8.5x13.5 - Purple People… Vikings Notre Dame - Ohio St nrmt $20.00
1977 Fleer Hi-Gloss patches
Fleer-in-action cards display box/item 506/ # 8131A Packers/Vikings/Bills
ex $25.00
1977 Fleer in action 41
offense Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1977 Fleer in action 42
defense Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1977 Fleer in action 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1977 Fleer in action 64 Larry Csonka SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse nrmt $7.00
1977 Fleer in action 65
SB IX Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $7.00
1977 Fleer in action 67 Ken Stabler SB XI Raiders - Vikings Alabama nrmt $9.00
1977 Fleer in action sticker

helmet Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1977 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1977 Holsum Bread store display
"Free saver cards" 11x18/comp set (11) of cards Vikings
nrmt $125.00
1977 Landsman print
Chuck Foreman 8x10 b&w Vikings Miami nrmt $15.00
1977 NFC Champ media guide

NFC Championship/2 hole punch Vikings - Cowboys
nrmt $59.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Bill Bradley 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Texas nrmt $8.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Chuck Foreman 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Miami nrmt $8.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Sammy Johnson 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings N Carolina nrmt $5.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Ahmad Rashad 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Oregon nrmt $8.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Jeff Siemon 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Stanford nrmt $6.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Fran Tarkenton 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Georgia nrmt $35.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 73 Ed White 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings California nrmt $6.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 74 Sammy White 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Grambling nrmt $6.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 75 Nate Wright 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings San Diego St nrmt $6.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 76 Ron Yary 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings USC nrmt $8.00
1977 NFL Color slide for TV 77 Vikings action/defense 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings
nrmt $15.00
1977 NFL Fun Book
team uniform/helmet (on left) 3x4- thin stock-history on back Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1977 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1977 Official Super Bowl Medal
John Madden/Al Davis 2" - in leather pouch Raiders (v Vikings) Cal Poly/San Diego St nrmt $40.00
1977 Pro Sports Marketing
Action Team Mate w/stand - booklet -no hlmt logo Vikings
ex $35.00
1977 RC Cola can 14 Fred Cox 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings Pitt nrmt $3.00
1977 RC Cola can 20 Bobby Bryant flat can (5x8) Vikings S Carolina nrmt $12.00
1977 RC Cola can 20 Bobby Bryant 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings S Carolina nrmt $4.00
1977 RC Cola can 22 Paul Krause 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings Iowa nrmt $5.00
1977 RC Cola can 43 Nate Wright 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings San Diego St nrmt $2.00
1977 RC Cola can 44 Chuck Foreman 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings Miami nrmt $4.00
1977 RC Cola can 50 Jeff Siemon 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings Stanford nrmt $3.00
1977 RC Cola can 53 Mick Tinglehoff flat can (5x8) Vikings Nebraska nrmt $15.00
1977 RC Cola can 53 Mick Tinglehoff 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings Nebraska nrmt $6.00
1977 RC Cola can 62 Ed White 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings California nrmt $3.00
1977 RC Cola can 62 Ed White flat can (5x8) Vikings California nrmt $10.00
1977 RC Cola can 73 Ron Yary 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings USC nrmt $2.00
1977 RC Cola can 81 Carl Eller 12z can w/pict&Bio Vikings Minnesota nrmt $3.00
1977 RC Cola cans

Team Comp Set (10) Vikings
nrmt $40.00
1977 RC Cola cans

flat can (5x8) - comp set (10) Vikings
nrmt $110.00
1977 Topps ad sheet/poster
Fran Tarkenton/Ted Hendricks 8.5x11 - game action Vikings - Raiders Miami - Georgia nrmt $35.00
1977 Topps Holsum

#1 needs upgrade/comp set (22) Vikings Packers
nrmt $49.00
1977 Topps Holsum

comp set (22) Vikings Packers
nrmt $59.00
1977 Topps Holsum 12 Chuck Foreman
Vikings Miami nrmt $8.00
1977 Topps Holsum 13 Ahmad Rashad
Vikings Oregon nrmt $6.00
1977 Topps Holsum 14 Sammie White
Vikings Grambling nrmt $4.00
1977 Topps Holsum 15 Stu Voigt
Vikings Wisconsin nrmt $4.00
1977 Topps Holsum 16 Fred Cox
Vikings Pitt nrmt $4.00
1977 Topps Holsum 17 Carl Eller
Vikings Minnesota nrmt $5.00
1977 Topps Holsum 18 Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $8.00
1977 Topps Holsum 19 Jeff Siemon
Vikings Stanford nrmt $4.00
1977 Topps Holsum 20 Bobby Bryant
Vikings S Carolina nrmt $5.00
1977 Topps Holsum 21 Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa nrmt $5.00
1977 Topps Holsum 22 Ron Yary
Vikings USC nrmt $4.00
1977 Topps Holsum proof card
Jeff Siemon w/coa no black/sealed Vikings Stanford nrmt $14.00
1977 Topps Mexican 11 Nate Wright card in spanish Vikings San Diego St nrmt $10.00
1977 Topps Mexican 46 Fred Cox card in spanish Vikings Pitt nrmt $10.00
1977 Topps Mexican 46 Fred Cox card in spanish - stn fnrt Vikings Pitt nrmt $4.00
1977 Topps Mexican 84 Matt Blair card in spanish Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $10.00
1977 Topps Mexican 125 Paul Krause card in spanish Vikings Iowa nrmt $55.00
1977 Topps Mexican 150 Ron Yary card in spanish Vikings USC nrmt $10.00
1977 Topps Mexican 191 Robert Miller card in spanish Vikings U Kansas nrmt $10.00
1977 Topps Mexican 230 Alan Page card in spanish Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $35.00
1977 Topps Mexican 271 Stu Voigt card in spanish Vikings Wisconsin nrmt $10.00
1977 Topps Mexican 271 Stu Voigt spanish /slt dmg frnt Vikings Wisconsin vgex $2.00
1977 Topps Mexican 277 Stu Voigt card in spanish Vikings Wisconsin nrmt $10.00
1977 Topps Mexican 385 Carl Eller card in spanish Vikings Minnesota nrmt $15.00
1977 Topps Mexican 452 Jim Marshal card in spanish Vikings Ohio St nrmt $15.00
1977 Topps Mexican 452 Jim Marshall spanish /gum stn frnt Vikings Ohio St vgex $6.00
1977 Topps Mexican 454 Fran Tarkenton spanish /gum stn frnt Vikings Georgia vgex $15.00
1977 Topps Mexican 454 Fran Tarkenton Card in spanish Vikings Georgia nrmt $35.00
1977 Topps Mexican 477 Neil Clabo card in spanish Vikings Tennessee nrmt $30.00
1977 Topps Mexican 521 Bobby Bryant card in spanish Vikings S Carolina nrmt $8.00
1977-79 Sportscaster 806 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmt $5.00
1977-79 Sportscaster 3314 Chuck Foreman
Vikings Miami nrmt $4.00
1977-79 Sportscaster 5414 Joe Kapp
Vikings California nrmt $3.00
1977-79 Sportscaster 8019 Jim Marshall
Vikings Ohio St nrmt $25.00
1977c embroidered team patch

3"/round/team logo Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1978 ASCO bumper sticker

bumper sticker(4x16) Vikings
nrmt $7.00
1978 Country Kitchen

5x7/ b&w - comp set (7) Vikings
nrmt $59.00
1978 Country Kitchen
Ahmad Rashad 5x7/ b&w/ Vikings Oregon nrmt $12.00
1978 Country Kitchen
Bobby Bryant 5x7/ b&w/ Vikings S Carolina nrmt $9.00
1978 Country Kitchen
Jeff Siemon 5x7/ b&w/ Vikings Stanford nrmt $8.00
1978 Country Kitchen
Mick Tinglehoff 5x7/ b&w/ Vikings Nebraska nrmt $15.00
1978 Country Kitchen
Paul Krause 5x7/ b&w/ Vikings Iowa nrmt $12.00
1978 Country Kitchen
Sammy White 5x7/ b&w/ Vikings Grambling nrmt $7.00
1978 Country Kitchen
Tommy Kramer 5x7/ b&w/ Vikings Rice nrmt $8.00
1978 Fleer in action 29 Chuck Foreman offense Vikings Miami nrmt $3.00
1978 Fleer in action 30
defense Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1978 Fleer in action 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1978 Fleer in action 64 Larry Csonka SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse nrmt $5.00
1978 Fleer in action 65 Terry Bradshaw/Franco Harris SB IX Steelers - Vikings Penn St nrmt $6.00
1978 Fleer in action 67 Ken Stabler SBXI Raiders - Vikings Alabama nrmt $5.00
1978 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1978 Fleer in action sticker

helmet Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1978 Kelloggs Pop Tart sticker
helmet logo 2.5x2.5 Vikings
nrmt $12.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Matt Blair 2x2 - NFC Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $10.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Bobby Bryant 2x2 - NFC Vikings S Carolina nrmt $12.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Charles Goodrum 2x2 - NFC Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $6.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Tommy Kramer 2x2 - NFC Vikings Rice nrmt $9.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Paul Krause 2x2 - NFC Vikings Iowa nrmt $10.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Jim Marshall 2x2 - NFC Vikings Ohio St nrmt $20.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 73 Fred McNeill 2x2 - NFC Vikings UCLA nrmt $6.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 74 Alan Page 2x2 - NFC Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $30.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 75 Bob Tucker 2x2 - NFC Vikings Bloomsburg nrmt $6.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 76 Stu Voigt 2x2 - NFC Vikings Wisconsin nrmt $8.00
1978 NFL Color slide for TV 77 team helmet logo 2x2 - NFC Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1978 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
Alan Page/Fred Carr Spicy Packers - Vikings Notre Dame - Texas El Pas nrmt $49.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
Alan Page/Fred Carr Pizza Packers - Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $45.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
Alan Page/Fred Carr Bacon Packers - Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $45.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
Amhad Rashad/Jeff van Note Bacon Falcons - Vikings Oregon - Kentucky nrmt $28.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
Amhad Rashad/Jeff van Note Salami Falcons - Vikings Oregon - Kentucky nrmt $28.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
Amhad Rashad/Jeff van Note Spicy Falcons - Vikings Oregon - Kentucky nrmt $28.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
Amhad Rashad/Jeff van Note Pepperoni Falcons - Vikings Oregon - Kentucky nrmt $28.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
John Dutton /Paul Krause Unused/flat- Spicy Vikings Alabama Iowa mt $90.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
John Dutton/Paul Krause Mild Colts - Vikings Iowa - Nebraska nrmt $38.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
John Dutton/Paul Krause Spicy Colts - Vikings Iowa - Nebraska nrmt $38.00
1978 Slim Jim Box
John Dutton/Paul Krause Pizza Colts - Vikings Iowa - Nebraska nrmt $38.00
1978 Slim Jim disc
Ahmad Rashad
Vikings Oregon nrmt $12.00
1978 Slim Jim disc
Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $25.00
1978 Slim Jim disc
Paul Krause
Vikings Iowa nrmt $12.00
1978 Slim Jim Panel
Alan Page frm. - spicy Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $50.00
1978 Slim Jim Panel
Paul Krause frm. - spicy Vikings Iowa nrmt $35.00
1978 team issue
Bud Grant 8x10/b&w/AUTO Vikings Minnesota exmt $28.00
1978 Topps Holsum 17 Chuck Foreman
Vikings Miami nrmt $9.00
1978 Topps Holsum 18 Sammie White
Vikings Grambling nrmt $8.00
1978 Topps Holsum 19 Jeff Sieman
Vikings Stanford nrmt $8.00
1978 wallpaper fabrick

3x4/helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1978-82 Marketcom archive card 1 Walter Payton - at camera/white uni 5x8/blank back/slick card stock Bears v Vikings Jackson St nrmt $95.00
1978-82 Marketcom archive negative 13 Walter Payton/run left/pylon vis/v ? 7.8x9.8/white uni Bears v Vikings Jackson St nrmt $40.00
1978-82 Marketcom archive paste-up 1 Walter Payton/at camera/white uni 1x1.5 taped on 5x8/for #62662 Bears v Vikings Jackson St nrmt $10.00
1978-82 Marketcom archive slide 3 Walter Payton (#62682) 2x2/run leftwhite uni/Pylon vis Bears v Vikings Jackson St nrmt $10.00
1978-82 Marketcom proof card
Walter Payton/at camra/wh uni/#62684 5x8/blank back/thin card stock Bears (v Vikings) Jackson St nrmt $35.00
1978/79 Pizza Hut Calendar
Lamonica/Blanda/Tommy Kramer artwork action scenes Raiders/Vikings/Cardinals Kentucky/Notre Dame nrmt $29.00
1978c team logo cup

16z/Comet Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1979 AP laser photo 108 Tommy Kramer/Bud Grant 8x10 Vikings Rice - Minnesota nrmt $3.00
1979 button
Jim Marshall 3" pin - 282 consec. Games Vikings Ohio St stained $15.00
1979 Fleer in action 29
offense Vikings
nrmt $2.50
1979 Fleer in action 30
defense Vikings
nrmt $2.50
1979 Fleer in action 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1979 Fleer in action 64 Bob Griese/Larry Csonka SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Purdue - Syracuse nrmt $6.00
1979 Fleer in action 65 Terry Bradshaw/Franco Harris SB IX Steelers - Vikings Penn St nrmt $8.00
1979 Fleer in action 67 Ken Stabler SB XI Raiders - Vikings Alabama nrmt $6.00
1979 Fleer in action sticker

team logo blue Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1979 Fleer in action sticker

helmet yellow Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1979 Media Guide
Ahmad Rashad
Vikings Oregon nrmt $8.00
1979 Mini Helmet

.75" team helmet w/logo Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Rick Danmeier 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Sioux Falls nrmt $5.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Tom Hannon 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Michigan St nrmt $6.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Randy Holloway 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Pitt nrmt $6.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Bob Lee 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Pacific nrmt $5.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Mark Mullaney 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Colorado St nrmt $5.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Steve Riley 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings USC nrmt $6.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 73 Doug Sutherland 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Wisconsin Superior nrmt $5.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 74 John Turner 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Miami nrmt $5.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 75 James White 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Oklahoma St nrmt $10.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 76 Rickey Young 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Jackson St nrmt $6.00
1979 NFL Color slide for TV 77 Vikings Logo 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1979 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1979 NFLPA pennant sticker
Mick Tinglehoff b&w photo Vikings Nebraska nrmt $25.00
1979 NFLPA pennant sticker
Mick Tinglehoff b&w photo Vikings Nebraska sgc96 $95.00
1979 NFLPA pennant sticker
Paul Krause b&w photo Vikings Iowa nrmt $18.00
1979 Playing card All American
Bob Ferguson 6h
(Steelers - Vikings) Ohio St nrmt $12.00
1979 Playing card All American
Bob Ferguson 7h
(Steelers - Vikings) Ohio St nrmt $12.00
1979 Shoe Patch
Helmet Logo 2" dia/NFL /sew-on type Vikings
nrmt $8.00
1979 Sportscaster Digest 8 Jim Marshall pic/story inside Vikings Ohio St nrmt $5.00
1979 Super Action poster
Chuck Foreman 11x14/artwork/bio back Vikings Miami nrmt $35.00
1979 Super Action poster
Chuck Foreman 11x14/artwork/bio back/lt stn Vikings Miami exmt $25.00
1979 Superamerica - NFL Prop
Bill Brown 11x14 print Vikings Illinois nrmt $35.00
1979 Superamerica - NFL Prop
Dave Osborn 11x14 print Vikings N Dakota nrmt $25.00
1979 Superamerica - NFL Prop
Gene Washington 11x14 print Vikings Michigan St nrmt $25.00
1979 Superamerica - NFL Prop
Hugh McElhenny 11x14 print Vikings Washington nrmt $25.00
1979 Superamerica - NFL Prop
Jim Marshall 11x14 print Vikings Ohio St nrmt $45.00
1979 Superamerica - NFL Prop
Karl Kassulke 11x14 print Vikings Drake nrmt $25.00
1979 Topps mail in premium 432 Foreman/Rashad/Bryant/Mullaney team leader/checklist/thin stock Vikings Oregon - S Carolina nrmt $8.00
1979 Twin City Fed pocket schedule

nrmt $5.00
1979c round cloth patch

2" dia Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1979c team pencil

team name/team colors Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1980 AP laser photo 89 Matt Blair/Scott Studwell/C Williams 7x9 Vikings - Chargers Iowa St/Hawaii/Illinois nrmt $4.00
1980 Fleer in action 29
offense Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1980 Fleer in action 30
defense Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1980 Fleer in action 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1980 Fleer in action 64
SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1980 Fleer in action 65 Terry Bradshaw/Rocky Bleier SB IX Steelers - Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $4.00
1980 Fleer in action 67 Chuck Foreman SB XI Raiders - Vikings Miami nrmt $3.00
1980 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1980 Fleer in action sticker

helmet - yellow Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1980 Fleer in action sticker

team logo - blue Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1980 Icee MSA disc
Paul Krause 2.5"/ad back Vikings iowa nrmt $75.00
1980 Leaf Collector helmet wax

sealed pack/helmet & gum Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1980 Marketcom 6 Chuck Foreman 6x9/no stats on back Vikings Miami nrmt $6.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Ted Brown 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $6.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Greg Coleman 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $6.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Wes Hamilton 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Tulsa nrmt $6.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Jim Hough 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Utah St nrmt $6.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Tommy Kramer 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Rice nrmt $6.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Ahmad Rashad 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Oregon nrmt $8.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 73 Scott Studwell 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Illinois nrmt $8.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 74 Dennis Swilley 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Texas A&M nrmt $8.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 75 Sammy White 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Grambling nrmt $5.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 76 Nate Wright 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings San Diego St nrmt $6.00
1980 NFL Color slide for TV 77 helmet logo 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1980 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1980 stadium cup

16z. team logo plstc cup Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1980 Stop n go 31 Ahmad Rashad 3-D/2x3.2/stats on back Vikings Oregon nrmt $5.00
1980 Topps mail in premium 207 Young/rashad/Mullaney team leader/checklist/thin stock Vikings Michigan St - Oregon nrmt $8.00
1980's Mini Helmet

1.5" dia/ with face guard Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1980's Playoff & Championship ticket
attached pair - Phantom playoff 30.00/Champ 40.00 Vikings
exmt $8.00
1980's Universal matchbook cover
Jewelite-w/helmet logo no sched Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1980c TCF

bumper sticker (3x9) Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1980c team issue
Steve Dils 4x5/b&w/auto Vikings Stanford nrmt $6.00
1981 AP laser photo
James White 6x9 Vikings Oklahoma St nrmt $3.00
1981 AP laser photo
Jeff Yaetes/Ted Brown 6x8 8/22 Falcons - Vikings N Carolina St -Boston Col nrmt $2.00
1981 AP laser photo
Joe Senser/John Anderson 6x8 Vikings - Packers W Chester St / U Michigan nrmt $3.00
1981 AP laser photo
June Jones/Mark Mullaney 6x8 - 8/24 Falcons - Vikings Colorado St - Hawaii nrmt $4.00
1981 AP laser photo
Ted Brown 6x8 - 9/5 Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $2.00
1981 Coke Cap Saver sheet
Greene/Johnson/Griffin/Payton/Kramer 6.5x9/sm tear/see #64741 Steelers/Vikings/Bears Ohio St/Hawaii/U Florida exmt $75.00
1981 Fan pack/SuperPro Club
static cling team helmet logo logo 1.5" round Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1981 Fleer in action 29
offense Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1981 Fleer in action 30 Pete Johnson defense Vikings Ohio St nrmt $2.00
1981 Fleer in action 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1981 Fleer in action 64 Larry Csonka SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse nrmt $3.00
1981 Fleer in action 65 Franco Harris SB IX Steelers - Vikings Penn St nrmt $3.00
1981 Fleer in action 67 Ken Stabler SB XI Raiders - Vikings Alabama nrmt $3.00
1981 Fleer in action sticker

helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1981 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1981 laser photo
Willie Teal - Marcus Anderson 7x9 10/04/81 Bears - Vikings LSU - Tulane nrmt $3.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Matt Blair 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $8.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Brent Boyd 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings UCLA nrmt $5.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Bobby Bryant 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings S Carolina nrmt $8.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Steve Dils 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Stanford nrmt $6.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Kurt Knoff 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings U Kansas nrmt $9.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Fred McNeill 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings UCLA nrmt $5.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 73 Eddie Payton 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings Jackson St nrmt $5.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 74 Joe Senser 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings W Chester St nrmt $5.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 75 Willie Teal 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings LSU nrmt $5.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 76 Ron Yary 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings USC nrmt $5.00
1981 NFL Color slide for TV 77 practice facility 2x2 - #'d - NFC Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1981 NFL Fun Book
team uniform/helmet (on right) 3x4- thin stock-history on back Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1981 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1981 Pepsi cap

Team logo/white twist off type Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1981 Pepsi cap

Team logo/silver/opener type Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1981 SuperPro Club newsletter
Rick Danmeier/Tony Franklin Vol1 #3 Vikings - Eagles Sioux City - Texas A&M nrmt $8.00
1981 Topps mail in premium 432 Brown/Rashad/Turner/Sutherland team leader/checklist/thin stock Vikings N Carolina St - Oregon nrmt $12.00
1981 Topps red border sticker 15 Ahmad Rashad "test" Vikings Oregon nrmt $3.00
1981 Topps sticker 215 Ahmad Rashad
Vikings Oregon nrmt $0.50
1981 Topps sticker 216 Tommy Kramer
Vikings Rice nrmt $0.50
1981 Topps sticker 217 Matt Blair
Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $1.00
1981 Topps sticker 218 Sammy White
Vikings Grambling nrmt $0.50
1981 Topps sticker 219 Ted Brown
Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $0.50
1981 Topps sticker 220 Joe Senser
Vikings W Chester St nrmt $0.50
1981 Topps sticker 221 Rickey Young
Vikings Jackson St nrmt $0.50
1981 Topps sticker 222 Randy Holloway
Vikings Pitt nrmt $0.50
1981 Topps Thirst Break 32 Fran Tarkenton sports fact/1.6x2.6/wrapper Giants - Vikings Georgia nrmt $6.00
1981 Topps Thirst Break 39 Jim Marshall sports fact/1.6x2.6/wrapper Vikings Ohio St nrmt $5.00
1982 APBA team set

(1980 season) - (32) Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1982 APBA team set
all time greats/roster on envelope (32) Vikings
nrmt $7.00
1982 Color "backstich" pattern
helmet logo 8x11 - diff team on back Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1982 Fleer in action 29
offense Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1982 Fleer in action 30
defense Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1982 Fleer in action 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1982 Fleer in action 64 Larry Csonka/Paul Warfield SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse - Ohio St nrmt $3.00
1982 Fleer in action 65
SB IX Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1982 Fleer in action 67 Mark van Egan SB XI Raiders - Vikings Colgate nrmt $3.00
1982 Fleer in action sticker

helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1982 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1982 game press pass
Soldier Field game pass unused 10/24/82 Bears v Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1982 Icee/Coke cup
Tommy Kramer 20z Vikings Rice nrmt $20.00
1982 iron-ons
helmet/logo/team name 8x11 - diff team on back Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1982 Kelloggs
Joe Senser Single card/avail in strp Vikings W Chester St nrmt $1.00
1982 Kelloggs
Tommy Kramer Single card/avail in strp Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1982 Kelloggs 3-card panel
Art Still/Mel Gray/Tommy Kramer w/header Chiefs/Vikings/Cardinals Rice/U Missouri/Kentucky nrmt $4.00
1982 Kelloggs 3-card panel
Mike Pruit/Joe Senser/Harvey Martin w/header Cowboys/Vikings/Browns Purdue/E Texas St nrmt $4.00
1982 Kelloggs helmet logo stkr

game piece/1.5x2.2/blank back Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1982 Marketcom 23 Tommy Kramer 6x9/stats on back Vikings Rice nrmt $18.00
1982 Marketcom 23 Tommy Kramer 6x9/stat bk/water stns Vikings Rice exmt $7.00
1982 NCAA FB schedule booklet
Herschel Walker 5x7 (Cowboys - Vikings) Georgia nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 67 Rick Danmeier 2x2 - NFC Vikings Sioux Falls nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 68 Tony Galbreath 2x2 - NFC Vikings U Missouri nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 69 Tommy Hannon 2x2 - NFC Vikings Michigan St nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 70 Randy Holloway 2x2 - NFC Vikings Pitt nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 71 Terry LeCount 2x2 - NFC Vikings U Florida nrmt $7.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 72 Doug Martin 2x2 - NFC Vikings Washington nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 73 Mark Mullaney 2x2 - NFC Vikings Colorado St nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 74 Steve Riley 2x2 - NFC Vikings USC nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 75 John Turner 2x2 - NFC Vikings Miami nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 76 James White 2x2 - NFC Vikings Oklahoma St nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Color slide for TV 77 Humphrey Metrodome 2x2 - NFC Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1982 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1982 NFLP team card 6 player
Kramer/Brown/Studwell/Rashad/Blair/ 8x11/stats back/thin card stk Vikings Illinois/Rice/Hawaii/Oreg exmt $15.00
1982 Topps sticker 62 Tommy Kramer
Vikings Rice nrmt $0.50
1982 Topps sticker 63 Rickey Young
Vikings Jackson St nrmt $0.50
1982 Topps sticker 64 Ted Brown
Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $0.50
1982 Topps sticker 65 Ahmad Rashad
Vikings Oregon nrmt $0.50
1982 Topps sticker 66 Sammy White
Vikings Grambling nrmt $0.50
1982 Topps sticker 67 Joe Senser
Vikings W Chester St nrmt $0.50
1982 Topps sticker 68 Ron Yary
Vikings USC nrmt $0.50
1982 Topps sticker 69 Matt Blair
Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $0.50
1982 Topps sticker 71 Tommy Kramer
Vikings Rice nrmt $0.50
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Alan Page 2000 made Vikings - Bears Notre Dame nrmt $20.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Bud Grant 2000 made Vikings Minnesota nrmt $18.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Carl Eller 2000 made Vikings - Seahawks Minnesota nrmt $15.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Dave Casper 2000 made Raiders - Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $29.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Fran Tarkenton 2000 made Vikings - Giants Georgia nrmt $22.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Gary Zimmerman 2000 made Vikings Broncos Oregon nrmt $12.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Hugh McElhenny 2000 made 49ers - Vikings Washington nrmt $10.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Jan Stenerud 2000 made Chiefs - Vikings Montana St nrmt $10.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Jim Langer 2000 made Dolphins - Vikings S Dakota St nrmt $12.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Paul Krause 2000 made Vikings - Redskins Iowa nrmt $15.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Ron Yary 2000 made Vikings USC nrmt $15.00
1982-10 HOF Metallic
Warren Moon 2000 made Oilers/Vikings Washington nrmt $12.00
1983 AP laser photo 1206 Mike Dawson /Bob Bruer/Steve Dils 8x10 Lions - Vikings Arizona/Mankato St nrmt $4.00
1983 AP laser photo 1206 Rickey Young 8x10 Vikings Jackson St nrmt $3.00
1983 AP laser photo 1206 Steve Dils/William Gay/Mike Cofer 8x10 Lions - Vikings USC - Tennessee nrmt $4.00
1983 APBA team set

(1981 season) - (32) Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1983 Corgi Die cast team car

exmt $18.00
1983 Cramer Pac 10 16 Hugh McElhenny FB Legends (Vikings) Washington nrmt $6.00
1983 Cramer Pac 10 30 Ron Yary FB Legends (Vikings) USC nrmt $6.00
1983 Fasson sticker

3x3 helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1983 Fleer in action 31 Tommy Kramer offense Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1983 Fleer in action 32
defense Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1983 Fleer in action 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1983 Fleer in action 64 Larry Csonka SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse nrmt $4.00
1983 Fleer in action 65 Franco Harris SB IX Steelers - Vikings Penn St nrmt $5.00
1983 Fleer in action 67
SB XI Raiders - Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1983 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1983 Fleer in action sticker

helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1983 Fleer in action sticker
blank back team logo Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1983 Fleer in action sticker
blank back helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1983 Fleer in action sticker
blank back helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1983 Huddles
NFL Prop/Brief histry "Mascot card"/stnd.size Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1983 Huddles Wendys stickers

NFC central panel (5 teams) Vikings - Packers
nrmt $12.00
1983 Kelloggs team poster
Kramer/Doug Williams/Lee Roy Selmon SB Sweepsteaks insert 8x11 Bucs v Vikings Rice - Oklahoma nrmt $25.00
1983 Kelloggs team poster
Tommy Kramer + SB Sweepsteaks insert 8x11 Vikings Rice nrmt $30.00
1983 Mercedes Benz calendar
A Wistert/F Witsert/Kinard/Eller 16x22 -Aug-tackles- 25 photos (Vikings) U Michigan - Mississippi nrmt $30.00
1983 Mercedes Benz calendar
Hicks/Yary/Nagurski/Neely 16x22 -Aug-tackles- 25 photos (Bears - Vikings) Ohio St - Oklahoma nrmt $30.00
1983 Mercedes Benz calendar
Page/Lynch/McCoy/Zook 16x22 Nov-defense-25 photos (Vikings - Packers) Notre Dame - U Kansas nrmt $30.00
1983 NAPPCO pencils 6-pack
Kramer/Franco Harris/Anderson unopened Steelers - Vikings Penn St - Augustana nrmtmt $39.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV
Metrodome 2x2 - NFC Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 9 Tommy Kramer 2x2 - NFC Vikings Rice nrmt $8.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 20 Darrin Nelson 2x2 - NFC Vikings Stanford nrmt $5.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 23 Ted Brown 2x2 - NFC Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $5.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 29 John Swain 2x2 - NFC Vikings Miami nrmt $5.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 52 Dennis Johnson 2x2 - NFC Vikings USC nrmt $7.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 65 Charlie Johnson 2x2 - NFC Vikings Colorado nrmt $7.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 76 Tim Irwin 2x2 - NFC Vikings Tennessee nrmt $10.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 84 Sam McCullum 2x2 - NFC Vikings Montana St nrmt $4.00
1983 NFL Color slide for TV 85 Sammy White 2x2 - NFC Vikings Grambling nrmt $4.00
1983 NFLP team card 6 player
Kramer/Brown/Studwell/Martin 8x11/stats back/thin card stk Vikings Illinois/Rice/Washington exmt $15.00
1983 NFLPA/NAPPCO pencil 32 Tommy Kramer fax sig/Head shot Vikings Rice nrmt $5.00
1983 Police 1 checklist card/artwork front
nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 2 Tommy Kramer
Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 3 Ted Brown
Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 4 Joe Senser
Vikings W Chester St nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 5 Sammy White
Vikings Grambling nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 6 Doug Martin
Vikings Washington nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 7 Matt Blair
Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 8 Bud Grant
Vikings Minnesota nrmt $3.00
1983 Police 9 Scott Studwell
Vikings Illinois nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 10 Greg Coleman
Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 11 John Turner
Vikings Miami nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 12 Jim Hough (blocking Alan Page)
Vikings Utah St (Notre Dame) nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 13 Joey Browner
Vikings USC nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 14 Dennis Swilley
Vikings Texas A&M nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 15 Darrin Nelson
Vikings Stanford nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 16 Mark Mullaney
Vikings Colorado St nrmt $2.00
1983 Police 17 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmt $5.00
1983 Pro Sports Productions
Tommy Kramer & running back 4.8x5"padded sticker/artwork Vikings
nrmtmt $15.00
1983 Topps 5 sticker strip 99 Tony Collins/Daryl Hunt/Holloway
Vikings - Oilers E Carolina - Oklahoma nrmt $5.00
1983 Topps 5 sticker strip 255 LeRoy Irvin/Butler/Coleman
Vikings - Bills U Kansas - Clemson nrmt $5.00
1983 Topps 5 sticker strip 285 Brunner/Tommy Kramer/Franklin
Vikings - Giants Delaware - Texas A&M nrmt $5.00
1983 Topps sticker 255 Doug Martin
Vikings Washington nrmt $0.50
1983 Topps sticker 256 Greg Coleman
Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $0.50
1983 Topps sticker 257 Ted Brown
Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $0.50
1983 Topps sticker 258 Mark Mullaney
Vikings Colorado St nrmt $0.50
1983 Topps sticker 259 Joe Senser
Vikings W Chester St nrmt $0.50
1983 Topps sticker 260 Randy Holloway
Vikings Pitt nrmt $0.50
1983 Topps sticker 261 Matt Blair
Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $1.00
1983 Topps sticker 262 Sammy White
Vikings Grambling nrmt $0.50
1983 Topps sticker 263 Tommy Kramer
Vikings Rice nrmt $0.50
1983 Topps sticker 270 Doug Martin
Vikings Washington nrmt $0.50
1983 Tudor mini QB 8 Wade Wilson 1.5" tall - sm green base Vikings E Texas St nrmt $8.00
1983 Tudor mini QB 12 Tommy Kramer 1.5" tall - sm green base Vikings Rice nrmt $10.00
1983 Tudor QB 9 Tommy Kramer 4" figure in orig. Pkg Vikings Rice nrmt $35.00
1983 Tudor QB 9 Tommy Kramer 4" figure - no pkg Vikings Rice nrmt $15.00
1983 Universal matchbook/Jewelite
team helmet logo comp w/matches Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1983c Icee/Dr Pepper logo cup

20z/Sweetheart/helmet & logo Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1983c Icee/Dr Pepper logo cup

20z/Sweetheart/helmet & logo Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1984 3x3 logo coaster

nrmt $2.00
1984 49ers ticket stub
#65/55/59/79 1.25x5.5 Vikings
nrmt $8.00
1984 7-11 coin
W3-Matt Blair 1.75"/stat back Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $4.00
1984 APBA team set

(1982 season) - (32) Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1984 Bears ticket 4 Bud Grant used Bears - Vikings Minnesota nrmt $9.00
1984 Bucs ticket stub
#65/55/59/79 2x5.5 Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1984 Fleer in action 31
offense Vikings
nrmt $1.50
1984 Fleer in action 32
defense Vikings
nrmt $1.50
1984 Fleer in action 60
SB IV Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1984 Fleer in action 64 Larry Csonka SB VIII Dolphins - Vikings Syracuse nrmt $3.00
1984 Fleer in action 65 Terry Bradshaw SB IX Steelers - Vikings Louis Tech nrmt $5.00
1984 Fleer in action 67
SB XI Raiders - Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1984 Fleer in action sticker

helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1984 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1984 Jenos Pizza helmet sticker

1.5" team helmet Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV
Les Stickel 2x2 - NFC Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV
team helmet 2x2 - NFC Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 9 Tommy Kramer 2x2 - NFC Vikings Rice nrmt $8.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 20 Darrin Nelson 2x2 - NFC Vikings Stanford nrmt $5.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 23 Ted Brown 2x2 - NFC Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $5.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 55 Scott Studwell 2x2 - NFC Vikings Illinois nrmt $8.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 59 Matt Blair 2x2 - NFC Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $9.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 80 Terry LeCount 2x2 - NFC Vikings U Florida nrmt $10.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 81 Joe Senser 2x2 - NFC Vikings W Chester St nrmt $5.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 83 Steve Jordan 2x2 - NFC Vikings Brown nrmt $5.00
1984 NFL Color slide for TV 85 Sammy White 2x2 - NFC Vikings Grambling nrmt $5.00
1984 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1984 NFLP team card 6 player
Tommy Kramer/Brown/Studwell 8x11/stats back/thin card stk Vikings Illinois - Rice nrmt $20.00
1984 Police 1 checklist/"viking" on front
nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 2 Keith Nord
Vikings St Cloud St nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 3 Joe Senser
Vikings W Chester St nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 4 Tommy Kramer
Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 5 Darrin Nelson
Vikings Stanford nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 6 Tim Irwin
Vikings Tennessee nrmt $3.00
1984 Police 7 Mark Mullaney
Vikings Colorado St nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 8 Les Steckel
Vikings U Kansas nrmt $3.00
1984 Police 9 Greg Coleman
Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 10 Tommy Hannon
Vikings Michigan St nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 11 Curtis Rouse
Vikings Chattanooga nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 12 Scott Studwell
Vikings Illinois nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 13 Steve Jordan
Vikings Brown nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 14 Willie Teal
Vikings LSU nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 15 Ted Brown
Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 16 Sammy White
Vikings Grambling nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 17 Matt Blair
Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $2.00
1984 Police 18 Jim Marshall
Vikings Ohio St nrmt $2.00
1984 Topps play card

6 yard gain Vikings
nrmt $3.00
1984 Topps sticker 123 Steve Dils/Terry Bradshaw
Vikings - Steelers Stanford - Louis Tech nrmt $3.00
1984 Topps sticker 124 Benny Ricardo/Keith Willis
Vikings - Steelers San Diego St - NE nrmt $1.00
1984 Topps sticker 125 John Turner/Gary Anderson
Vikings - Steelers Miami - Syracuse nrmt $1.00
1984 Topps sticker 126 Ted Brown
Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $0.50
1984 Topps sticker 127 Greg Coleman
Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $0.50
1984 Topps sticker 128 Darrin Nelson/Calvin Sweeney
Vikings - Steelers Stanford - USC nrmt $1.00
1984 Topps sticker 129 Scott Studwell/Rick Woods
Vikings - Steelers Illinois - Boise St nrmt $1.00
1984 Topps sticker 130 Tommy Kramer/Bennie Cunningham
Vikings - Steelers Rice - Clemson nrmt $1.00
1984 Topps sticker 131 Doug Martin
Vikings Washington nrmt $0.50
1984 unused game ticket
#55/65/59/79 of Vikings no seat/section etc "proof" 49ers v Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 All Time Greats
Fran Tarkenton grn.bordr/gold frame Vikings - Giants Georgia nrmt $12.00
1985 APBA team set

(1983 season) - (32) Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1985 Bubble Champ Tattoo

helmet logo ruboff 2 teams Broncos - Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 Bubble Champ Tattoo

helmet logo ruboff 2 teams Bengals - Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1985 Bubble Champ Tattoo

helmet logo ruboff 2 teams Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1985 Fleer in action 46 Tommy Kramer offense Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1985 Fleer in action 47
defense Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1985 Fleer in action 48
schedule on back Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1985 Fleer in action sticker

helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1985 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1985 Hall of Fame Dinner Program
Biletnikoff/Alan Page/Ditka/Jack Ham 8x11/color pix coverEnshrinement Steelers/raiders/Vikings/ Notre Dame/Penn St/Pitt exmt+ $60.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV
25 year emblem 2x2 - NFC Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV
helmet logo 2x2 - NFC Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 3 Jan Stenerud 2x2 - NFC Vikings Montana St nrmt $6.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 9 Tommy Kramer 2x2 - NFC Vikings Rice nrmt $7.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 23 Ted Brown 2x2 - NFC Vikings N Carolina St nrmt $5.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 46 Alfred Anderson 2x2 - NFC Vikings Baylor nrmt $5.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 55 Scott Studwell 2x2 - NFC Vikings Illinois nrmt $8.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 59 Matt Blair 2x2 - NFC Vikings Iowa St - Hawaii nrmt $8.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 77 Mark Mullaney 2x2 - NFC Vikings Colorado St nrmt $5.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 79 Doug Martin 2x2 - NFC Vikings Washington nrmt $5.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 83 Steve Jordan 2x2 - NFC Vikings Brown nrmt $5.00
1985 NFL Color slide for TV 85 Sammy White 2x2 - NFC Vikings Grambling nrmt $5.00
1985 NFL Prop schedule/roster

2x3 card/thin stock Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 Police Pepsi 1 Checklist/Team logo
nrmt $2.00
1985 Police Pepsi 4 Alfred Anderson
Vikings Baylor nrmt $2.00
1985 Police Pepsi 5 Fred McNeill
Vikings UCLA nrmt $2.00
1985 Police Pepsi 6 Tommy Kramer
Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1985 Police Pepsi 8 Sammy White
Vikings Grambling nrmt $2.00
1985 Police Pepsi 9 Doug Martin
Vikings Washington nrmt $2.00
1985 Police Pepsi 11 Steve Riley
Vikings USC nrmt $2.00
1985 Police Pepsi 12 Walker Lee Ashley
Vikings Penn St nrmt $3.00
1985 Police Pepsi 13 Tim Irwin
Vikings Tennessee nrmt $3.00
1985 Police Pepsi 15 Darrin Nelson
Vikings Stanford nrmt $2.00
1985 Police Pepsi 16 Mick Tinglehoff
Vikings Nebraska nrmt $3.00
1985 Super Bowl sticker
Chiefs - Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 Super Bowl sticker
Steelers - Vikings
nrmt $6.00
1985 Super Bowl sticker
Dolphins - Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 Super Bowl sticker
Raiders - Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 team helmet logo button

3.25" Vikings
nrmt $5.00
1985 Topps coming soon sticker 281 Tommy Kramer "coming soon" on back Vikings Rice nrmt $0.50
1985 Topps proof sticker 281 Tommy Kramer 2 pcs - front & back Vikings Rice nrmtmt $25.00
1985 Topps Sticker 124 Donnie Shell/Ted Brown
Steelers - Vikings S Carolina St nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 125 Gary Anderson/Leo Lewis
Steelers - Vikings Syracuse - U Missouri nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 126 Mark Malone/Scott Studwell
Steelers - Vikings Arizona St - Illinois nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 127 Sam Washington/Alfred Anderson
Steelers - Vikings Mississippi Val Baylor nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 128 Frank Pollard/Rufus Bess
Steelers - Vikings Baylor - S Carolina St nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 129 Mike Merriweather/Darrin Nelson
Steelers - Vikings Stanford nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 130 Walter Abercrombie/Greg Coleman
Steelers - Vikings Baylor - Florida A&M nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 131 Louis Lipps
Steelers - Vikings S Mississippi nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 142 Jan Stenerud/Reggie Roby
Vikings - Dolphins Montana St - Iowa nrmt $2.50
1985 Topps Sticker 273 Jan Stenerud
Vikings Montana St nrmt $1.50
1985 Topps Sticker 281 Tommy Kramer
Vikings Rice nrmt $1.50
1985 Whoozit (b&w)
Alan Page 38-3 3x5/ 9 athletes pict on ea Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $8.00
1985 Whoozit (b&w)
Ron Yary 2-2 3x5/ 9 athletes pict on ea Vikings USC nrmt $9.00
1985 Whoozit (b&w)
Tommy Kramer 17-3 3x5/ 9 athletes pict on ea Vikings Rice nrmt $4.00
1985-88 FB Immortals 135 Fran Tarkenton (Giants) B
Vikings Georgia nrmt $12.00
1985c Icee/Player uniform cup 89 Mike Anthony Jones 22z/no player pict Vikings Tennessee St nrmt $4.00
1985c Tudor Electric football
numbered partial team set (9) Vikings
nrmt $4.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter orange Vikings U Michigan nrmt $25.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter yellow-orange Vikings U Michigan ex $15.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter lime green Vikings U Michigan nrmt $88.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter olive green Vikings U Michigan nrmt $12.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter lavender Vikings U Michigan nrmt $4.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter grape/dark purple Vikings U Michigan nrmt $15.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter lavender Vikings U Michigan exmt $3.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter blue Vikings U Michigan nrmt $5.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter red Vikings U Michigan nrmt $3.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter yellow Vikings U Michigan nrmt $25.00
1986 Dairy Pack card 14 Anthony Carter blue Vikings U Michigan vg $1.00
1986 Dairy Pack card/panel 14 Anthony Carter olive green Vikings U Michigan nrmt $15.00
1986 Dairy pack comp carton 14 Anthony Carter unused/green/Orange Juice carton Vikings U Michigan nrmtmt $59.00
1986 Dairy pack comp carton 14 Anthony Carter unused - green Vikings U Michigan nrmtmt $20.00
1986 Dairy pack comp carton 14 Anthony Carter unused - red Vikings U Michigan nrmtmt $10.00
1986 Dairy pack comp carton 14 Anthony Carter unused - lavender Vikings U Michigan nrmtmt $20.00
1986 Dairy pack comp carton 14 Anthony Carter used - red Vikings U Michigan exmt $8.00
1986 Dairy pack comp carton 14 Anthony Carter used - blue Vikings U Michigan nrmtmt $10.00
1986 Dairy pack comp carton 14 Anthony Carter used - red - assembled Vikings U Michigan nrmt $10.00
1986 Fleer in action 46 Tommy Kramer offense Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1986 Fleer in action 47 Walter Payton defense Vikings - Bears Jackson St nrmt $4.00
1986 Fleer in action 48
schedule on back Vikings
nrmt $2.00
1986 Fleer in action sticker

helmet logo Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1986 Fleer in action sticker

team logo Vikings
nrmt $1.00
1986 HOF Enshrinement Dinner
Fran Tarkenton 4x4 cork coaster Vikings Georgia nrmt $25.00
1986 Jenos Pizza 17 Fran Tarkenton
Vikings Georgia nrmt $3.00
1986 Jenos Pizza 17 Fran Tarkenton in original cello pkg Vikings Georgia nrmt $25.00
1986 Jenos Pizza 18 Alan Page
Vikings Notre Dame nrmt $3.00
1986 Mayors breakfast program
Paul Hornung/Fran Tarkenton etc HOF induction Packers - Vikings Notre Dame - Georgia nrmt $29.00
1986 McDonalds
black tab team comp set (24) Vikings
nrmt $35.00
1986 McDonalds
blue tab team comp set (24) Vikings
nrmt $50.00
1986 McDonalds
gold tab team comp set (24) Vikings
nrmt $20.00
1986 McDonalds
green tab team comp set (24) Vikings
nrmt $20.00
1986 McDonalds 8 Greg Coleman blue tab Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $5.00
1986 McDonalds 8 Greg Coleman gold tab Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $2.00
1986 McDonalds 8 Greg Coleman green tab Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $2.00
1986 McDonalds 8 Greg Coleman black tab Vikings Florida A&M nrmt $3.00
1986 McDonalds 9 Tommy Kramer blue tab Vikings Rice nrmt $6.00
1986 McDonalds 9 Tommy Kramer gold tab Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1986 McDonalds 9 Tommy Kramer green tab Vikings Rice nrmt $2.00
1986 McDonalds 9 Tommy Kramer black tab Vikings Rice nrmt $4.00
1986 McDonalds 11 Wade Wilson black tab Vikings E Texas St nrmt $3.00
1986 McDonalds 11 Wade Wilson gold tab Vikings E Texas St nrmt $2.00
1986 McDonalds 11 Wade Wilson green tab Vikings E Texas St nrmt $2.00
1986 McDonalds 11 Wade Wilson blue tab Vikings E Texas St nrmt $5.00
1986 McDonalds 20 Darrin Nelson