Year Make Player Num Description Pro College Grade Price
1072/72c team issue George Johnson
8x10/b&w/2 shots/posed & action Warriors Dillard nrmt $6.00
1076/77 team issue Armond Hill 28 8x10/2 shots Hawks Princeton nrmt $7.00
1910 B 33 blanket

Rutgers exmt $95.00
1910 real photo postcard

high school team? West Point

exmt $35.00
1910 T3 Murad
24 hole in border
Williams vg $79.00
1910 T51 Murad

basketball - sm tear
Xavier ex $25.00
1910 T51 Murad

Williams exmt $45.00
1910 T51 Murad

Northwestern ex $59.00
1910 T51 Murad

pin hole - 2x3
Northwestern vg $29.00
1910 T51 Murad

Williams exmt $45.00
1910 T51 Murad

Northwestern ex $59.00
1910 T51 Murad

basketball - sm tear
Xavier ex $25.00
1910's real photo postcard posed unidentified/"Quakers"
Quakers ex++ $45.00
1914 real photo postcard "P.L.A."? Tacoma, Washington

exmt $17.00
1915? real photo postcard "West End"

ex+ $12.00
1920's Glass slide unidentified - ball on fingertips 0 3.25x4/b&w
U Kansas nrmt $60.00
1920's Glass slide unidentified - lay-up 0 3.25x4/b&w
U Kansas nrmt $60.00
1920's photo postcard "set" unidentified/from Beaver Falls, Pa
3.5x5.5 Polish Falcons
nrmt $200.00
1920's School Décor Co ink blotter pict laced basket ball & foot ball

exmt $30.00
1924/25 ruler/schedule - Tuheys

6" - hight school (Indiana)
Bear Cats ex $22.00
1925/26 team photo - studio

7x9 mounted on 10x12
Washington Park Il nrmt $45.00
1926 Mosler - team issue? team picture
8x10/b&w Mosler
nrmt $45.00
1930 Harlem Globetrotters team Abe Saperstein believe issued in 60's
8x10/b&w/notations on back Globetrotters
nrmt $45.00
1930's felt candy insert basketball & school name
1.4x1.8/blue on gray
Colgate exmt $45.00
1930's felt candy insert basketball & school name
1.4x1.8/blue on yellow
Alabama exmt $45.00
1930's felt candy insert basketball & school name
1.4x1.8/bue on yellow
Dartmouth exmt $45.00
1930's felt candy insert basketball & school name
1.4x1.8/white on navy
Duke exmt $45.00
1932 broadside John Wooden 0 8x11/thin stk/stn/rippled Chicago Bruins Purdue vg $275.00
1933 Letter from Indiana U Everett Dean (basktbl) - to Paul Krichell
re: 2 baseball players Yankees Indiana exmt $45.00
1933 The Coach Newsletter basketball cover/Olsen /Browne inside 102 8x11/pre folded
Ohio St - Nebraska vg $20.00
1934 The Coach Newsletter inside HB Ortner pict/Adolph Rupp 113 8x11/pre folded
Cornell - Kentucky ex $29.00
1935 The Coach Newsletter w/ocenter jump? 114 8x11/pre folded

ex $12.00
1936 Elliott News poster 3 women w/shiners-indians/Browns
b&w/14x17/4 photos
Des Moines/Wichita exmt $50.00
1937 Horace Partridge mailer basketball equipment - supplement
8x10/4 pg/orig folds

exmt $10.00
1937 Horace Partridge mailer basketball equipment
8x10/8 pg/orig folds

ex $15.00
1937 The Coach Newsletter Blair Gullion coach
8x11/dist by Horace Partridge
Tennessee exmt $20.00
1938 Horace Partridge mailer 6 team pictures on cover
8x10/8 pg/orig folds/see #8368
Cornell/SMU/George Washin exmt $49.00
1938 Horace Partridge mailer basketball equipment/scoreboards
8x10/8 pg/orig folds

exmt $15.00
1938 Horace Partridge mailer 6 team pictures on cover
8x10/8 pg/orig folds/see #8367
Safeways/ Phillips 66/AAU exmt $49.00
1938 Horace Partridge sheet Phog Allen
8x10/1 pg/b&w
U Kansas exmt $25.00
1938 Kinney's Shoes basketball rule booklet

nrmt $29.00
1939 The Coach Newsletter John W Bunn coach
8x11/dist by Horace Partridge
Stanford exmt $20.00
1940 The Coach Newsletter George Lowe/H Browne inside 165 8x11/pre folded
Nebraska ex $12.00
1940's miniature basketball charm

.75" w/chain

exmt $5.00
1940's Spalding Official scorebook for women

ex $45.00
1941 Gambling/punch board basketball scene

nrmt $35.00
1941 MITA tournament ribbon

1x3 w/pin

ex $5.00
1941 Pictorial News poster team picture - DePaul
16x20/2 other misc pix (Yankees) DePaul ex $75.00
1942/43 Mathias Cigar Store "Doubleheaders @ Memorial Aud.
pocket schedule
Canisius - Niagara vg $9.00
1945 Illustrated Current News poste George Mikan - Byron Nelson - etc
12 photos - "Champs of '45" (Lakers) DePaul - Oklahoma A&M exmt $95.00
1945 Keds Official Bulletin Everett Dean/Frank Leahy (forward)
Stanford/Notre Dame ex $25.00
1945 Quaker Oats premium Adolph Rupp
"How to" booklet
Kentucky nrmt $45.00
1945 Wheaties Sports Library Dave MacMillan 3 premium "How too" booklet
Minnesota vg $25.00
1945c team issue Jamie Dawson
5x7/b&w - Sheboygan Redskins
nrmt $35.00
1945c team issue Bob Hahn
5x7/b&w - Sheboygan Redskins
nrmt $35.00
1945c team issue Al Grenert
5x7/b&w - Sheboygan Redskins
nrmt $35.00
1947 Elliott Service co poster Alex Groza/#27 v Misaka & Ferrin
14x19/b&w/game action
Kentucky - U Utah exmt $85.00
1947 ticket stub 1-23-47 @ Chicago
Chicago v Providence (MLPB)

ex+ $49.00
1947/48 team issue Red Rocha
8x10/name on back Hawks Oregon St ex $39.00
1947/48 team issue team picture

8x10/b&w/cr Ft Wayne Pistons
ex $95.00
1948 Exhibit Sport Champion Bobby McDermott

vg $49.00
1948 Exhibit Sport Champion Bobby McDermott
typing on back Pistons
exmt $49.00
1948 Exhibit Sport Champion George Mikan

Lakers DePaul ex $275.00
1948 Exhibit Sport Champion Bob Cook

Wisconsin ex $75.00
1948 Exhibit Sport Champion Bob Cook
Wisconsin vg $29.00
1948 Exhibit Sport Champion Bobby McDermott

ex $75.00
1948 Kelloggs Pep George Mikan

Lakers DePaul nrmt $499.00
1948 Kelloggs Pep George Mikan
o/c 80-20 Lakers DePaul exmt $399.00
1948 Topps magic Jim McIntyre 5

Minnesota exmt $29.00
1948 Topps Magic 6-card strip Ed Macauley/Murray Wier/ part devel
from pack/2 boxers &2 actors (Celtics - Hawks) St Louis - Iowa nrmt $550.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Murray Wier 2

Iowa ex $25.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Murray Wier 2

Iowa vg $9.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Ed Macauley 3 lite (Celtics - Hawks) St Louis vg $12.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Ed Macauley 3 well developed - o/c (Celtics - Hawks) St Louis exmt $65.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Ed Macauley 3 lite (Celtics - Hawks) St Louis exmt $25.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Ed Macauley 3
(Celtics - Hawks) St Louis ex $45.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Kevin O'Shea 4

Notre Dame ex $22.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Kevin O'Shea 4

Notre Dame vgex $12.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Kevin O'Shea 4

Notre Dame exmt+ $39.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Jim McIntyre 5

Minnesota ex $15.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Jim McIntyre 5

Minnesota exmt $29.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Jim McIntyre 5

Minnesota vg $7.00
1948 Topps magic series "B" Jim McIntyre 5

Minnesota exmt+ $40.00
1948 Topps magic series "B"

Manhatten v Dartmouth ex $20.00
1948 Topps magic series "B"

Manhatten v Dartmouth vg $10.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q"
1 well devel
St Louis exmt $45.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q"

St Louis ex $20.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q"
2 well devel
Long Island Texas Wesleya exmt $55.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q"
3 well devel/ o/c
Notre Dame v NYU exmt $59.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q"
3 o/c
Notre Dame v NYU exmt+ $29.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q"

Notre Dame v NYU exmt+ $39.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q" #25 Kentucky/#5 Baylor 4 well devel
Kentucky v Baylor exmt $65.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q" George Mikan (R) 5 well devel
DePaul exmt $395.00
1948 Topps magic series "Q" George Mikan 5 ave devel
DePaul exmt $145.00
1948/49 Bowman Red Holzman 32 75/25 Royals NYU exmt+ $240.00
1948/49 Bowman Red Holzman 32
Royals NYU exmt $175.00
1948/49 Bowman Joe Fulks 34
Warriors Murray St exmt $200.00
1948/49 team issue Stan Patrick
8x10/auto/glue back Buccaneers Illinois ex+ $55.00
1948/49 team issue Ollie Shoaf
8x10/auto/glue back Buccaneers Illinois - S Illinois ex+ $55.00
1948/49 team issue George Sobek
8x10/auto/glue back Buccaneers Notre Dame ex+ $55.00
1948/49 team issue Clint Wager
8x10/auto/glue back Buccaneers St Marys, Mn ex+ $45.00
1949 Exhibit Sport Champion Bob Cook
thin stock display variation
Wisconsin nrmt $60.00
1949 team issue Murray Wier
8x10/b&w Blackhawks Iowa exmt $75.00
1949/50 Ashland Oil team picture Adolph Rupp/Spivey/Whitaker etc
Kentucky vg+ $139.00
1949/50 Ashland Oil team picture Hickman/Lochmueller/Dunbar etc
Louisville vg $95.00
1949/50 team issue Larry Foust
8x10/name on back (Pistons) LaSalle exmt $39.00
1949/50 team issue Dolph Schayes 4 8x10/b&w/NO id Nationals NYU exmt $95.00
1949/50 team issue John Macknowski 5 8x10/b&w/NO id Nationals Seton Hall exmt $40.00
1949/50 team issue Bill Gabor 7 8x10/b&w/NO id Nationals
exmt $40.00
1949/50 team issue Paul Seymour 8 8x10/b&w/NO id Nationals Toledo exmt $40.00
1949/50 team issue ?? 12 8x10/b&w/NO id Nationals
exmt $40.00
1949/50 team picture George Mikan - Bud Grant etc
Minneapolis team - b&w Lakers
exmt+ $300.00
1950 7 UP premium Charles Gilmore
4x5/b&w/ad back Capitols Washington poor $55.00
1950 All Sports Yearbook Rehfeldt - U San Francisco team pict
6x9/64 pg
Wisconsin/San Francisco exmt+ $49.00
1950 Bread for Energy Bread label Bob Davies

Rochester Royals Franklin & Marshall exmt $1,800.00
1950 Bread for Energy label Joe Fulks
1/2" tear/ 1/4" tear/nice otherwise Warriors Murray St
1950 Bread for Health label Connie Simmons
bit oc/lite wear/1/2" tear Knicks XXX
1950 Bread for Health label Horace McKinney
1/4" tear/moderate wear & crinkle Capitols N Carolina St/ N Carolina exmt $795.00
1950 Interscholastic program

pic Belmont v E Milano

exmt $12.00
1950 Nats newsletter Biggie Smawley/George Mikan 1 8.5x11/folded - Vol 1/#1 Nationals/Lakers Appalachian St/DePaul nrmt $50.00
1950 NBA game program Fred Schaus - on cover
8x11/ Nationals v Pistons W Virginia exmt $65.00
1950 Royal Pudding Joe Fulks
"coupon" & "header" cut off Warriors Murray St nrmt $175.00
1950 Royal Pudding Joe Fulks
VERY well cut/one sm lite cr Warriors Murray St PSA4 $2,250.00
1950 Royal Stars dessert Pudding Frank Brian 4 "coupon" & "header" cut off Blackhawks LSU nrmt $100.00
1950 Royal Stars of Basketball card Jack Nichols 3 decent cut/slt into pict Blackhawks Washington ex+ $1,750.00
1950 Royal Stars of Basketball card Frank Brian 4 WELL overcut/sm spt papr loss brdr Blackhawks LSU exmt+ $1,400.00
1950 Royal Stars of Basketball card Joe Fulks 5 WELL overcut/sm lt cr Warriors Murray St PSA 4 $2,250.00
1950's All American Milk carton Gale Bishop
unused skim/artwork/baseball too Warriors Philadelphia Washington St nrmtmt $75.00
1950's Castle Films Harlem Globetr artwork
16mm/7x7 Globetrotters
vgex $45.00
1950's Castle Films Harlem Globetr artwork
8mm/5x5 Globetrotters
exmt $30.00
1950's Northern Photo Supplies George Mikan
autographed business card Lakers DePaul nrmt $75.00
1950's team issue Newburg Studios Jim Pollard
3.5x5/ fax sig/ Lakers Stanford vgex $22.00
1950/51 team issue Jim Riffey
b&w - 8x10 Zolner Pistons Tulane nrmt $59.00
1950/51 team issue team picture Hannum/Schayes/Seymour/Cervi
8x10/b&w/fax signatures Nationals
exmt $120.00
1950c envelope George Mikan/Pollard/Bob Harrison
5x9/game action shots/2" tear Lakers Stanford/Michigan vg $129.00
1950c Universal Natchbook cover Matt Guokas sr
WPEN radio announcer Warriors/Eagles St Joseph nrmt $45.00
1951 Bennetts Prune Juice Don Rehfeldt
8x10/b&w/tape crnrs Bullets Wisconsin exmt $325.00
1951 Bennetts Prune Juice Red Rocha
8x10/b&w/tape crnrs Bullets Oregon St nrmt $400.00
1951 Bennetts Prune Juice Red Rocha
8x10/b&w/tape crnrs Bullets Oregon St exmt $325.00
1951 Berk Ross Sherman White
ink stn
Long Island vg $5.00
1951 Berk Ross Bob Cousy

(Celtics) Holy Cross nrmt $240.00
1951 Berk Ross Paul Unruh

Bradley nrmt $35.00
1951 Berk Ross Sherman White
comp 2-card panel
Long Island nrmt $55.00
1951 Berk Ross Bill Sharman

(Celtics) USC nrmt $90.00
1951 Berk Ross Paul Unruh
ink stn
Bradley vg $9.00
1951 Berk Ross Bob Cousy - Bill Sharman etc
comp set (5) of basketball Celtics Holy Cross - Ohio St nrmt $295.00
1951 Berk Ross Bill Sharman
comp 2-card panel (Celtics) USC nrmt $140.00
1951 Berk Ross Dick Schnittker

(Lakers) Ohio St nrmt $35.00
1951 Wheaties George Mikan
comp 1 oz box - unused Lakers DePaul nrmtmt $295.00
1951c team issue George Ratkovich
5x7/B&W Nationals
nrmt $29.00
1951c team issue Bobby Wanzer
8x10/B&W Royals Colgate nrmt $29.00
1952 Parade of Champions George Mikan - order form w/"tab"
5x9/yellow stk/b&w pict Lakers (Minneapolis) DePaul exmt+ $350.00
1952 Wheaties George Mikan
portrait - comp blue border Lakers DePaul nrmt $95.00
1952 Wheaties Jim Pollard
portrait - comp blue border Lakers Stanford nrmt $40.00
1952 Wheaties Bob Davies
portrait - comp blue border Royals Franklin & Marshall nrmt $30.00
1952 Wheaties Jim Pollard
no blue border - portrait Lakers Stanford nrmt $15.00
1952 Wheaties 10 card panel w/ad Feller/Pollard/George Mikan/Rizzuto
comp set (10) "B"/some cr Lakers Notre Dame/Northwest exmt $425.00
1952 Wheaties comp panel Jim Pollard/George Mikan/Musial/
series "B" (10) Lakers Stanford - DePaul nrmt $475.00
1952 Wheaties comp panel George Mikan "ad"/Lujack/Musial/
series "L" (10) Lakers DePaul - Notre Dame nrmt $345.00
1952c team issue Newburg Studio George Mikan
8x10/b&w/fax auto in white Lakers (Minn) DePaul exmt $175.00
1953 Atlantic Bond premium Mikan - Wooden - Luisetti - Kurland
22x17 poster all time all stars Lakers Purdue - Stanford nrmt $79.00
1953 Dell Comic Wheaties ad back George Mikan cartoon
Woody Woodpecker/ Lakers DePaul ex+ $29.00
1953 Packard Sports Library Madison Square Garden 26 5x7/game action
St Johns - BYU nrmt $15.00
1954 100 Greatest Athletes book Jim Thorpe/Ruth/Bobby Jones/Cousy
on cover/ - hardback - 9x11 Celtics Holy Cross nrmt $29.00
1954 Dell Comic Wheaties card Bob Davies cut out/ad back
Donald Duck/write on cover Royals Franklin & Marshall ex $29.00
1954 National Sports Council Ted Kluszewski - Bob Cousy 1516 11x14/1 player ea side/hvy stock Reds - Celtics
vgex $49.00
1954 Packard Sports Library "High school basketball" 19 5x7/game action

nrmt $25.00
1954 Packard Sports Library "Is basketball to frantic" 27 5x7/game action
Illinois v St Marys nrmt $35.00
1954 postcard Paul Morrow
b&w - autographed
Wisconsin exmt $39.00
1954 postcard Ron Weisner
b&w - autographed
Wisconsin exmt $39.00
1954 Quaker Sports Oddities Globetrotters - Dean - Levitt
basketball set (4)

nrmt $95.00
1954 Quaker Sports Oddities Bunny Levitt 5

nrmt $15.00
1954 Quaker Sports Oddities

Dartmouth -U Utah ex $6.00
1954 Quaker Sports Oddities

Dartmouth - U Utah nrmt $15.00
1954 Quaker Sports Oddities Abe Saperstein & Globetrotters 23
nrmt $45.00
1954 Quaker Sports Oddities Everett Dean 24

Indiana - Stanford vg $3.00
1954 Quaker Sports Oddities Everett Dean 24

Indiana - Stanford nrmt $25.00
1954/55 Media Guide/record book George Mikan/Schnittker/Pollard/Saul
official NBA/team pict back Lakers Ohio St - Stanford exmt $79.00
1954/55 team issue team picture Cousy/Sharman/Auerbach/Ramsey
8x10/fax autos/b&w Celtics Kentucky - Idaho - USC nrmt $75.00
1954/55 team picture Andy Phillip - Yardley - Foust - etc
Ft Wayne Zolner Pistons Pistons
exmt+ $149.00
1954/55 US Pro Keds team picture Mikan/Pollard/Lovelette/Saul/etc
8x10/b&w Lakers Ohio St - Stanford nrmt $190.00
1955 All Amer Sports Club Mem card signed by previous owner
2.25x4/rouned crnrs

exmt $60.00
1955 All Amer Sports Club premium Mikan - Gola - Twyman - Shayes etc 132 b&w/32 pix/11x14

exmt $125.00
1955 All Amer Sports Club premium Bill Russell - Garmaker - Seymour etc 3364 b&w/32 pix/11x14

exmt $150.00
1955 All Amer Sports Club premium Heinsohn - Cousy - Ricketts -Wanzer 6596 b&w/32 pix/11x14 Celtics
exmt $95.00
1955 All Amer Sports Club premium Hundley - Hagen - Charles etc 9728 b&w/32 pix/11x14
W Virginia exmt $80.00
1955 All American Sports Club Mantle/Zaharias/Otto Graham/Fox etc
comp set (16 sheets/500 pix)

exmt+ $1,500.00
1955 Ashland Oil Dencil Miller

W Kentucky ex $35.00
1955 Ashland Oil Vladimir Gastevich
sm stn back
Louisville PSA5 $89.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Ferrel Miller

W Kentucky exmt $65.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Ronald Pellegrinon

E Kentucky nrmt $70.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Bernard Hickman

Louisville exmt $135.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Harlan Tolle
yellowed back & border
Morehead nrmt $70.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Vic Harned

W Kentucky exmt+ $65.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Gayle Rose

Kentucky exmt $80.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Omar Fannin
yellowed back & border
Morehead nrmt $90.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Dan Swartz
yellowed border
Morehead nrmt $90.00
1955 Ashland Oil/Aetna var Gerry Calvert

Kentucky exmt $60.00
1955 Athletic journal Bill Russell - game action
9x12/b&w/folded (Celtics) San Francisco/W Texas St vg $22.00
1955 Packard Sports Library game action 47 6x8/3 action shots 3 sports
Seattle/Wyoming/Texas A&M ex $35.00
1955/56 team issue team picture Sears/Clifton/Lapchick/Shue etc
8x10/b&w/fax sig/creases Knicks
vg $33.00
1955c team issue Charley Eckman
8x10/b&w/notations on back Pistons
ex+ $45.00
1956 Illustrated Current News poste Bill Russell
3 shots - dunking - college (Celtics) San Francisco exmt $225.00
1956 National Sports Council Ted Kluszewski/Bob Cousy/Berra
11x14/head drawings/yellow stk Reds/Yankees/Celtics
vgex $12.00
1956 National Sports Council Ted Kluzewski/ Bob Cousy/Yogi Berra
certificate - 6 sm pictures Celtics Holy Cross - SMU nrmt $45.00
1956 National Sports Council Ted Kluzewski /Bob Cousy/Yogi Berra
enrollment form - sm pict Celtics Holy Cross - SMU nrmt $30.00
1956 NIT Program

quarter final (see #5084)
Dayton - Xavier nrmt $45.00
1956 NIT Program

quarter final (see #5083)
St Joseph - Seton Hall nrmt $45.00
1956 Packard Sports Library Bob Cousy/Sharman/#13
6.5x8.2 booklet/game action Celtics - Knicks
nrmt $49.00
1956 Packard Sports Library Why We change basketball rules 57 6.5x8.2 booklet
LaSalle nrmt $15.00
1956 team issue Hot Rod Hundley
b&w - 8x10
W Virginia vg $39.00
1956/57 Media Guide/record book Johnston/Gola/etc back
official NBA/team pict back Warriors Ohio St/ exmt $79.00
1957 Brown & Bigelow Calendar Neil Johnston - " Grt Moments in Spt"
15x25 - large photo Nationals Ohio St nrmt $50.00
1957 Illustrated Current News poste Bill Russell/Mickey Mantle
10 pix/1 bball/8 sports (Celtics) San Francisco exmt $250.00
1957 McCarthy postcard Dick McGuirre
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons St Johns - Dartmouth nrmt $15.00
1957 NIT program

unused quarterfinal
Bradley/Dayton/Temple/Xav nrmt $45.00
1957 Topps Jack Twyman
dmg back Royals Cincinnati exmt $9.00
1957/58 Kahns Dave Piontek
NICE!/slt "indentations" front Royals Xavier exmt++ $350.00
1957/58 Kahns Richard Duckett (R)
typ stns/sm creases Royals St Johns exmt $175.00
1957/58 Kahns Jack Twyman
slt edge yellowing - NICE!! Royals Cincinnati PSA8/mc $550.00
1957/58 Kahns Jack Twyman
typ stns/few lt crs Royals Cincinnati exmt $300.00
1957/58 Kahns Jack Twyman
typ stns/lt cr Royals Cincinnati exmt $350.00
1957/58 Kahns Clyde Lovellette
typ stns/lt crs Royals U Kansas exmt+ $450.00
1957/58 Kahns Tom Marshall
typ stns/crs Royals W Kentucky exmt $125.00
1957/58 Kahns James Paxson
crs/typ stns Royals Dayton ex $125.00
1957/58 Kahns Dick Ricketts
typ stns Royals Duquesne ex $200.00
1957/58 Kahns Richard Regan
lt cr/stn back Royals Seton Hall ex+ $175.00
1957/58 Kahns Bobby Wanzer
typ stns/creased Royals Colgate - Seton Hall nrmt $125.00
1957/58 Kahns Dick Ricketts
paper loss rt edge/lt cr Royals Duquesne vg $125.00
1957/58 Kahns Dave Piontek
miscut/t to b/typ stns Royals Xavier exmt $200.00
1957/58 manual of officiating
0 4x6/24 pg

nrmt $18.00
1957/58 team issue Willie Naulls
8x10/name on back Knicks UCLA exmt $30.00
1957/58 Topps Paul Arizin 10 90/10 t/b Warriors Villanova exmt $55.00
1957/58 Topps Bob Cousy 17
Celtics Holy Cross ex $175.00
1957/58 Topps Bob Pettit 24 0/100 t/b Hawks LSU exmt $70.00
1957/58 Topps Maurice Stokes 42 85/15 l/r Royals St Francis exmt $75.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet Bill Russell 5 premium Celtics San Francisco nrmt $55.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet Forrest Twogood 6 premium
USC nrmt $25.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet Phil Woolpert 8 premium
San Francisco nrmt $20.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet Bill Sharman 9 premium Celtics USC nrmt $45.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet George Yardley 31 premium Pistons Stanford nrmt $20.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet John Wooden 32 premium
UCLA - Purdue nrmt $55.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet John Wooden 32 premium
Purdue - UCLA exmt $39.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet Bob Cousy 34 premium Celtics Holy Cross nrmt $45.00
1957/59 Union Oil Booklet Slats Gill 36 premium
Oregon St nrmt $29.00
1958 All Star game fan w/stick game action shot front (b&w)
8x12/roster & coach pix back
Indiana v Kentucky exmt $65.00
1958 High School Tornament program Jerry West/Schaus/Clousson on cover
8x10/9 pix on cover
W Virginia nrmt $39.00
1958 Illustrated Current News poste Chet Forte/Ted Williams 6786 12x19/stn/ 3 pix Red Sox Columbia ex $110.00
1958 JD McCarthy postcard George Yardley
used/fax auto Pistons Stanford vgex $30.00
1958 McCarthy postcard Jackie Moreland
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons N Carolina St nrmt $15.00
1958 NCAA Championship Guide all sports/Bill Russell/Tom Gola
San Francisco - LaSalle ex+ $25.00
1958 Picturegram news poster Wilt Chamberlain/Dukes/Wilfong
15x19/some crnkl/3 action shots Pistons/Hawks/ U Kansas/Missouri ex $250.00
1958/59 Kahns Archie Dees
typ stns/lt cr/slt paper loss back Royals Indiana vg $69.00
1958/59 Kahns Jack Paar
creases Royals Kansas St vg $69.00
1958/59 Kahns Arlen Bockhorn
sm lt cr Royals Dayton ex $95.00
1958/59 Kahns Arlen Bockhorn
typ stns/crs/ Royals Dayton vg $69.00
1958/59 Kahns Vern Hatton
typ stns/lt crs/top edge chiping Royals Kentucky nrmt $200.00
1958c real photo postcard Arnie Risen
3x5/b&w/unused Celtics Ohio St nrmt $65.00
1958c real photo postcard Bob Brannum
3x5/b&w/unused Celtics Kentucky Michigan St nrmt $49.00
1958c real photo postcard Andy Phillip
3x5/b&w/unused Celtics Illinois nrmt $59.00
1958c real photo postcard Lou Tsioropoulos
3x5/b&w/unused Celtics Kentucky nrmt $59.00
1958c Spalding Advisory Staff Clyde Lovellette
8x12/b&w/thin stock/tattered Royals U Kansas vg $29.00
1959 Official Collegiate Record Jerry West

(Lakers) W Virginia ex $39.00
1959 Official NCAA Guide Tom Hawkins

Notre Dame ex $10.00
1959 print plate Neil Swisher
Texas A&M nrmt $12.00
1959 print plate Neil Swisher
Texas A&M nrmt $20.00
1959 Sports Review magazine Adolph Rupp - Johnny Cox

Kentucky ex+ $22.00
1959 team issue Mannie Jackson

Illinois exmt $6.00
1959/60 Kahns Arlen Bockhorn

Royals Dayton ex $95.00
1959/60 Kahns Tom Marshall
typ stns/crs/slt papr loss back Royals W Kentucky ex $50.00
1959/60 Kahns Hub Reed
typ stns/lt cr/slt rippling Royals Oklahoma City vgex $79.00
1959/60 Kahns Win Wilfong

Royals Memphis St - Missouri exmt $100.00
1959/60 Kahns Dave Piontek
typ stns Royals Xavier exmt $225.00
1959/60 Kahns Hub Reed
typ stns/crs/some bk dmg Royals Oklahoma City vgex $79.00
1959/60 team issue Jim Krebs
8x10/name on back Lakers SMU nrmt $29.00
1960 Archers die-cut figure

12" tall w/orig stand/hvy crdbrd Archers
nrmt $39.00
1960 Archers die-cut figure bk dmg
12" tall w/orig stand/hvy crdbrd Archers
nrmt $29.00
1960 Goodyear team picture Kernan/Wolf/Sullins/Jaksy/Walomac
8x10/3"fold/b&w/names on back Goodyear Wings McNeese St/Marshall/Murra ex $49.00
1960 High School Tornament program Jerry West action cover
8x10/2 shots (Lakers) W Virginia nrmt $49.00
1960 Minneapolis Morn Tribune basketball & hockey
display sched - 8.5x11 - 1" tear
Minnesota ex ($3.00)
1960 NCAA Champ program ticket stub attached - semi finals
cover spotted/staples
Ohio St - California ex $275.00
1960 Post Cereal Bob Cousy
crs/autographed Celtics Holy Cross vg $325.00
1960 Rawlings Advisory Staff Kenny Sears
8x10 b&w/dunking Knicks Santa Clara exmt $49.00
1960 Rawlings Advisory Staff Kenny Sears
8x10 b&w/kneel w/ball/full shot Knicks Santa Clara exmt $49.00
1960 Rawlings Advisory Staff Frank Ramsey
8x10 b&w Celtics Kentucky nrmt $45.00
1960's Equitable Life premium Wilt Chamberlain
8x10 - b&w - Riger 76ers U Kansas exmt $30.00
1960's Equitable Life premium Bob Cousy (large var)
8x10 - b&w - Riger Celtics Holy Cross exmt $25.00
1960's Equitable Life premium Dolph Schayes
8x10 - b&w - Riger Nationals NYU exmt $20.00
1960's Equitable Life premium George Mikan
8x10 - b&w - Riger Lakers DePaul exmt $25.00
1960's Equitable Life premium Jerry Lucas
8x10 - b&w - Loh Royals Ohio St exmt $25.00
1960's Equitable Life premium Bob Cousy (small var)
7x9 - b&w - Riger Celtics Holy Cross exmt $12.00
1960's Equitable Life premium Elgin Baylor
8x10 - b&w - Loh Lakers Idaho - Seattle exmt $20.00
1960's Kelloggs jigsaw puzzle Tony the Tiger w/basketball
NO"guide" card/pcs cut from box

nrmt $25.00
1960's Spalding Advisory Staff premiu Dolph Schayes
8x10/b&w/fax sig Nationals NYU exmt+ $45.00
1960's team issue Fred Schaus
8x10/autograph/creases Lakers W Virginia vg $49.00
1960/61 Busch Bavarian premium Bob Pettit

Hawks LSU nrmt $400.00
1960/61 Busch Bavarian premium Sihugo Green
staple holes Hawks Duquesne ex $75.00
1960/61 Busch Bavarian premium Clyde Lovellette
staple holes Hawks U Kansas ex $125.00
1960/61 Busch Bavarian premium John McCarthy
staple holes Hawks Canisius ex $75.00
1960/61 Busch Bavarian premium Cliff Hagan
"dimples" Hawks Kentucky ex $190.00
1960/61 Busch Bavarian premium Cliff Hagan
staple holes Hawks Kentucky ex $125.00
1960/61 Busch Bavarian premium Bob Pettit
staple holes Hawks LSU ex $150.00
1960/61 Kahns Wayne Embry
creased/bk dmg/pin hole Royals Miami Oh exmt $29.00
1960/61 Kahns Jack Twyman
decent card/crease Royals Cincinnati exmt $59.00
1960/61 Kahns Larry Staverman
brdr crunch/bk dmg Royals Villa Madona vg $25.00
1960/61 Kahns Jerry West (Rookie)
lt creases/slt bk dmg Lakers W Virginia ex $595.00
1960/61 Kahns Wayne Embry
lt cr/slt bk dmg/typ stns Royals Miami Oh exmt $49.00
1960/61 Kahns Jack Twyman

Royals Cincinnati exmt $89.00
1960/61 Kahns Jerry West (Rookie)
2 lt sm creases Lakers W Virginia ex+ $725.00
1960/61 team issue Joe Ruklick
b&w - 8x10 Warriors Northwestern nrmt $20.00
1960/61 team issue team picture Wilkinson - Denton - Belmont

DC Truckers
nrmt $25.00
1960/61 team picture WMT radio Novak/Shaw/Scheuerman/etc
8x10/b&w/fax autos
Iowa exmt $45.00
1960/61 team/press release Jerry West - Schaus - Hawkins
b&w - 8x10 - Gambee - Felix Lakers - Hawks W Virginia - Notre Dame nrmt $59.00
1960c All Sports Hand conditioner George Mikan/Snead/Feller/Graham
head shots (6)/full Lakers DePaul - Northwestern nrmt $175.00
1960c All Sports Hand conditioner George Mikan/Snead/Feller/Graham
slt rust/head shots (6)/empty Lakers DePaul - Northwestern ex $100.00
1960c Spalding Advisory staff Bill Sharman
8.5x12 - thin stock B&W Celtics USC nrmt $65.00
1960c Spalding Advisory staff Jack Twyman
8.5x12 - thin stock B&W Royals Cincinnati nrmt $45.00
1960c Spalding Advisory staff Bill Sharman
8.5x12 - thin stock B&W Celtics USC ex+ $30.00
1960c team issue Sam Jones
8x10 b&w Celtics N Carolina Cen ex $22.00
1960c team issue KC Jones 25 8x10 b&w Celtics San Francisco vgex $18.00
1960s playing card Abe Saperstein
5 clubs Globetrotters
nrmt $10.00
1961 1st day cover Springfield, Ma - Naismith
autographed by Cliff Hagan Hawks Kentucky - U Kansas nrmt $29.00
1961 Essex Meats Andrew Levane

Hawks St Johns nrmt $18.00
1961 Essex Meats Bobby Sims

Hawks Pepperdine nrmt $18.00
1961 Essex Meats John McCarthy

Hawks Canisius nrmt $18.00
1961 Essex Meats Fred LaCour

Hawks San Francisco nrmt $18.00
1961 wire photo Falenski - Jinks - Miller
7x9 - b&w w/attachment
Pitt - W Virginia ex $20.00
1961/62 Fleer Jerry West (rookie) 43
Lakers W Virginia nrmt $675.00
1961/62 Kahns Arlen Bockhorn
typ stns/lt cr Royals Dayton exmt $39.00
1961/62 Kahns Hub Reed
typ stns/lt cr Royals Oklahoma City exmt $35.00
1961/62 Kahns Wayne Embry
cr/pencil indentations Royals Miami Oh ex+ $22.00
1961/62 Kahns Jack Twyman

Royals Cincinnati exmt $65.00
1961/62 Kahns Bob Boozer

Royals Kansas St ex+ - cr $35.00
1961/62 Kahns Bob Boozer

Royals Kansas St exmt $70.00
1961/62 Kahns Bob Wiesenhahn

Royals Cincinnati exmt $75.00
1961/62 Kahns Oscar Robertson
nice! But 3 heavy creases Royals Cincinnati exmt $195.00
1961/62 Kahns Jack Twyman

Royals Cincinnati exmt $85.00
1961/62 Kahns Bob Boozer

Royals Kansas St exmt+ $80.00
1961/62 manual of officiating

4x6/24 pg

nrmt $15.00
1961c JD McCarthy original photo Jack Moreland 15 8x10/b&w/glossy Pistons N Carolina St exmt $50.00
1961c team Issue Jim Palmer 54 5x7/arms crossed Renaissance (Rens) Dayton exmt $45.00
1961c team Issue Jim Palmer 54 5x7/full shot/arms extended Renaissance (Rens) Dayton exmt $45.00
1961c team Issue Jim Palmer 54 8x10 Renaissance (Rens) Dayton exmt $45.00
1962 McCarthy postcard Eddie Miles
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons Seattle nrmt $12.00
1962 McCarthy postcard Bailey Howell
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons Mississippi St nrmt $15.00
1962 McCarthy postcard John Tresvant
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons Seattle nrmt $15.00
1962 McCarthy postcard Gene Shue
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons Maryland nrmt $20.00
1962 McCarthy postcard Joe Strawder
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons Bradley nrmt $15.00
1962 McCarthy postcard Walter Dukes
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons Seton Hall nrmt $12.00
1962 Mike Sells Potato Chips Havlicek/Lucas/Knight
team picture/8x10/b&w pict/sm cr
Ohio St exmt $45.00
1962 NCAA Championship Guide all sports/Jimmie Daniels/Drew Denmead
S Dakota - St Michaels ex+ $25.00
1962 Sport Magazine Wilt Chamberlain

76ers U Kansas vgex $7.00
1962 team issue Jerry West
reverse layup Lakers W Virginia nrmt $69.00
1962 team issue Jerry West
ball @ waist - closeup Lakers W Virginia nrmt $69.00
1962 team issue Jerry West
head to toe - dribbling Lakers W Virginia nrmt $69.00
1962 wire photo Leroy Jackson - posed action
8x10/attach & stamp back
Santa Clara exmt $5.00
1962 wire photo Ollie Johnson
8x10/attach & stamp back
San Francisco vg $5.00
1962 wire photo Leroy Jackson - posed on knee
8x10/attach & stamp back
Santa Clara exmt $5.00
1962/63 Kahns Hub Reed

Royals Oklahoma City exmt $50.00
1962/63 Kahns Wayne Embry
nice Royals Miami Oh nrmt $125.00
1962/63 Kahns Arlen Bockhorn
clean Royals Dayton vg $18.00
1962/63 Kahns Hub Reed
stn Royals Oklahoma City nrmt $60.00
1962/63 schedule pencil

Maplewood High Oh nrmt $8.00
1962/63 TV 4 - Kroger schedule - roster
trifold - 5x9
Ohio St vgex $15.00
1962c Spalding Advisory Staff poster Wilt Chamberlain
8.5x11.8/tattered/thin stock 76ers U Kansas vg $75.00
1962c Wilson Exercise Kit Tom Gola/Jerry West/Brodie/Hornung
8x30x2 - comp/4-players pict Lakers Notre Dame - W Virginia exmt $200.00
1963 "Basketball is my life" Bob Cousy
paperback Celtics Holy Cross ex $10.00
1963 Fun Card by Gad
76 Buffalo winning streak Germans
nrmt $10.00
1963 Jewish Sports Champions Nat Holman
orange & green "stamp" Celtics NYU nrmt $22.00
1963 Jewish Sports Champions Holman - Schayes - Koufax etc
comp set (16) original book

nrmt $175.00
1963 Jewish Sports Champions Dolph Schayes
orange & green "stamp" Nationals NYU nrmt $22.00
1963 NCAA Championship Guide all sports/Bill Russell/Tom Gola
San Francisco - LaSalle ex+ $25.00
1963/64 12" ruler Pettit - Hagan - Tormhlen - Bridges
individ players pictured Hawks Kentucky - U Kansas nrmt $79.00
1963/64 Kahns Arlen Bockhorn
lt stn Royals Dayton exmt $40.00
1963/64 Kahns Arlen Bockhorn
lt cr/clean Royals Dayton vgex $29.00
1963/64 Kahns Jay Arnette
clean Royals U Texas vg $35.00
1963/64 Kahns Tom Hawkins
some stns Royals Notre Dame exmt $35.00
1963/64 Kahns Jack Twyman
lt stns/very lt cr/clean Royals Cincinnati ex $45.00
1963/64 Kahns Tom Hawkins
some stns/lt cr Royals Notre Dame vg $15.00
1963/64 Kahns Jerry Lucas
(rookie) Royals Ohio St ex $59.00
1963/64 Kahns Jerry West
sm stn Lakers W Virginia nrmt $275.00
1963/64 Kahns Bud Olsen
lt crs - typ stns Royals Louisville ex $19.00
1963/64 Kahns Bob Boozer
heavy crease Knicks Kansas St ex+ $19.00
1963/64 team issue Connie Dierking
8x10/b&w/ 2 poses 76ers Cincinnati nrmt $15.00
1963/64 team issue Paul Hogue
8x10/b&w Bullets Cincinnati exmt $22.00
1963/64 team issue Kevin Loughery
8x10/b&w Bullets Boston Col nrmt $15.00
1963/64 team issue Don Ohl
8x10/b&w Bullets Illinois nrmt $25.00
1963/64 team issue Gene Shue
8x10/b&w Bullets Maryland nrmt $25.00
1963c MacGregor Advisory Staff Dave Budd
8x10/b&w Knicks Wake Forest exmt+ $49.00
1964 Marlboro calendar sheet Sid Luckman/Joe Fulks/Jim Benton
13x19/2 sided/Feb - Nov Bears/Warriors Columbia/Murray St nrmt $45.00
1964 Marlboro calndar sheet Sid Luckman/Jim Benton/Joe Fulks
13x19/6 athletes pictured Bears/Warriors Arkansas/Columbia nrmt $25.00
1964 Rawlings color Premium John Havlicek (rookie)
8x10/blank back/thin card stock Celtics Ohio St exmt $150.00
1964 wire photo Ollie Johnson
8x10/attach & stamp back
San Francisco ex $5.00
1964/65 Kahns Oscar Robertson
1" cr - facing right Royals Cincinnati ex $59.00
1964/65 Kahns Oscar Robertson
1" cr - facing front Royals Cincinnati exmt $39.00
1964/65 Kahns Jack McMahon

Royals St Johns nrmt $33.00
1964/65 Kahns Jerry Lucas
closed Royals Ohio St exmt+ $75.00
1964/65 Kahns Jack Twyman

Royals Cincinnati exmt+ $45.00
1964/65 Kahns Jerry Lucas
window closed Royals Ohio St ex $60.00
1964/65 Kahns Oscar Robertson
facing right - ph Royals Cincinnati exmt $45.00
1964/65 team issue Wayne Hightower
8x10/b&w Warriors Kansas exmt $25.00
1964/65 team issue Pettit - Hagan - Wilkins - Farmer
team picture - 7x9 b&w Hawks
ex+ $65.00
1964/65 team issue Tom Van Arsdale 0 8x10/b&w Pistons Indiana exmt+ $12.00
1964/65 team issue Donnis Butcher 0 8x10/b&w Pistons Pikeville exmt+ $15.00
1964/65 team issue Terry Deschinger 0 8x10/b&w Pistons Purdue exmt+ $15.00
1964/65 team issue Reggie Harding 0 8x10/b&w Pistons xxx exmt+ $15.00
1964/65 team issue Eddie Miles 0 8x10/b&w Pistons Seattle exmt+ $12.00
1964/65 team issue John Tresvant 0 8x10/b&w Pistons Seattle exmt+ $12.00
1964/65 team issue team picture Jerry West/Baylor/Schauss etc
autograph Schauss Lakers W Virginia exmt $75.00
1964c Rawlings Advisory Staff Richie Guerin
8x10/b&w Knicks Iona nrmt $35.00
1964c team issue Frank Ramsey
6x8.5/b&w/thin stock/crinkled Celtics Kentucky vgex $12.00
1965 basketball wire photo Bob Griese w/Niemyer & Shellhase
4x6/b&w (Dolphins) Purdue exmt $25.00
1965 game program (4pg) Preston Pearson - Bob Griese(no pic)
Illinois - Purdue vg $39.00
1965 NBA All Star Sketch book Jerry West (cover)/Chamberlain/Lucas
8x11/10 sketches 76ers/Lakers/Celtics W Virginia/U Kansas/Ohio nrmt $75.00
1965 original mailing envelope

10x13 used Lakers
vg $9.00
1965 pre season ticket stub Jerry West/Chamberlain/Lucas/Robertson
3x4.5/b&w pix/2.00 balcony Lakers/76ers/Royals W Virginia/U Kansas/Ohio nrmt $60.00
1965 Sports Club of America Whitey Ford/YA Tittle/Oscar Robertson
b&w/fax auto/comp set (kit) Yankees Cincinnati nrmt $175.00
1965 UPI wire photo Bill Bradley - Cazzie Russell - Barry
all-american bb team
Princeton - U Michigan nrmt $29.00
1965 wire photo Ollie Johnson - Jim Brovelli
8x10/attach & stamp back
San Francisco ex $5.00
1965 wire photo Ollie Johnson/Jim Brovelli/Gail Goodrich
8x10/attach & stamp back (Lakers) San Francisco/UCLA ex $8.00
1965/66 Kahns Wayne Embry
sm stns back Royals Miami Oh ex+ $29.00
1965c Charterhouse shoe tag Bob Cousy
3x4.5/rules inside - cr Celtics Holy Cross exmt $30.00
1965c Eagle Rubber Co box Jerry Lucas
box only - 3 pix Royals Ohio St nrmt $90.00
1965c Rawlings Advisory Staff Lenny Wilkens
8x10 - b&w - glossy Sonics Providence nrmt $35.00
1965c Shoe Bag - Bob Cousy Bob Cousy
pict front & back - plastic Celtics Holy Cross nrmt $35.00
1965c Spalding basketball box Wilt Chamberlain
slt wear/with well worn ball 76ers U Kansas ex++ $200.00
1965c team issue Bill Russell
8x10/high chest/Raphael photo Celtics San Francisco exmt $75.00
1965c team issue Ron Bonham
6x8.5/b&w/thin stock Celtics Cincinnati nrmt $10.00
1965c team issue Mel Counts
6x8.5/b&w/thin stock Celtics Oregon St nrmt $15.00
1965c team issue Mike Price
5x7 - b&w - glossy
Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965c team issue Tommy Dezort
5x7 - b&w - glossy
Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965c team issue Doug Faulds
5x7 - b&w - glossy
Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965c team issue Rick Howat
5x7 - b&w - glossy
Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965c team issue Jim Krelle
5x7 - b&w - glossy
Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965c team issue Alan Crews
5x7 - b&w - glossy
Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965c team issue Randy Crews
5x7 - b&w - glossy
Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965c team issue Greg Jackson
5x7 - b&w - glossy
Illinois nrmt $7.00
1965c Wilson Advisory Staff Jerry West
10x13/print Lakers W Virginia exmt $160.00
1965c Wilson Advisory Staff Jerry West
10x13/print Lakers W Virginia nrmt $200.00
1965c Wilson Advisory Staff Jerry West - "adv.staff" whited out
10x13/print Lakers W Virginia nrmt $125.00
1965c Wilson Advisory Staff Jerry West
10x13/print/pin holes Lakers W Virginia exmt $75.00
1966 Marlboro calndar sheet Red GrangeRalston/Howard Ehmke
13x19/6 athletes pictured Bears Illinois/Georgetown/Homer nrmt $30.00
1966 team issue Fred Schaus w/whistle Lakers T-shirt
8x10/ Lakers W Virginia exmt $35.00
1966 team issue Bill Melchionni
8x10 b&w
Villanova ex+ $15.00
1966c color slide Cazzie Russell
2x2/hand labeled/color
U Michigan nrmt $12.00
1966c real photo postcard Elgin Baylor
3.5x5.5/b&w/unused Lakers Idaho - Seattle exmt+ $35.00
1967 American Tract Soc brochure Bill Bradley
3.5x5.5/4pg Knicks Princeton exmt $79.00
1967 American Tract Soc brochure Adrian Smith
3.5x5.5/4pg Royals Kentucky exmt $49.00
1967 American Tract Soc brochure Cazzie Russell
3.5x5.5/4pg Knicks U Michigan exmt $45.00
1967 APBA game (65/66 season) w/box (ex)
comp game (7 of 9 teams)

exmt $79.00
1967 Illustrated Current News poste Lew Alcindor (3 shots) game action 8328 15x19/b&w/ad bottom (Bucks/Lakers) UCLA v Wisconsin ex $225.00
1967 Illustrated Current News poste Lew Alcindor (3 shots) game action 8328 12x19/b&w/pin holes (Bucks/Lakers) UCLA v Wisconsin exmt $200.00
1967 program - MSG

2/18/67 Knicks v Royals
vgex $8.00
1967/68 American Tract Society Jim King
phamphlet/3x6/fax auto Warriors Tulsa nrmt $40.00
1967/68 APBA team set Barry/Thurmond/Attles/Mullins
near set (8/10) - 66/67 season Warriors
nrmt $6.00
1967/68 APBA team set DeBusschere/Van Arsdale/Reed
near set (7/10) - 66/67 season Pistons Indiana nrmt $6.00
1967/68 APBA team set Lucas/Robertson/Dierking
near set (7/10) - 66/67 season Royals Ohio St - Cincinnati nrmt $8.00
1967/68 APBA team set West/Baylor/Hawkins
near set (8/10) - 66/67 season Lakers W Virginia nrmt $12.00
1967/68 APBA team set Wilkins/Guerin/Beaty
near set (7/10) - 66/67 season Hawks
nrmt $5.00
1967/68 APBA team set Chamberlain/Greer/Cunningham
near set (7/10) - 66/67 season 76ers
nrmt $8.00
1967/68 APBA team set Loughery/Ohl/Counts
comp set (10) -66/67 season Bullets
nrmt $12.00
1967/68 APBA team set Russell/Havlicek/Howell/Jones
comp set (10) -66/67 season Celtics Ohio St - Indiana nrmt $18.00
1967/68 APBA team set Bellamy/Reed/Komives
near set (7/10) - 66/67 season Knicks
nrmt $6.00
1967/68 postcard Terry Porter
3.5x5.5/b&w/stats on back
St Cloud nrmt $20.00
1967/68 team issue Dennis Hamilton
ABA - 8x10 Pittsburgh Pipers Arizona St nrmt $25.00
1967/68 team issue Guy Rodgers
8x10/b&w Royals Temple nrmt $15.00
1967/68 team issue Cal Graham
ABA - 5x7 Pittsburgh Pipers Gannon nrmt $25.00
1967/68 team issue Tom Kerwin
ABA - 5x7 Pittsburgh Pipers Centenary nrmt $25.00
1967/68 team issue Herschell Turner
ABA - 5x7 Pittsburgh Pipers Nebraska nrmt $35.00
1967/68 team issue Matt Guokas
8x10/b&w 76ers St Joseph nrmt $12.00
1967/68 team issue Chet Walker
8x10/b&w 76ers Bradley nrmt $30.00
1967/68 team issue Len Chappell
8x10/b&w - cr Royals Wake Forest nrmt $10.00
1967/68 team issue Connie Dierking
8x10/b&w Royals Cincinnati nrmt $12.00
1967/68 team issue Gary Gray
8x10/b&w Royals Oklahoma City nrmt $20.00
1967/68 team issue Billy Cunningham
8x10/b&w 76ers N Carolina nrmt $15.00
1967/68 team issue Bill Melchionni
8x10/b&w 76ers Villanova nrmt $18.00
1967/68 team issue Ron Filipek
8x10/b&w 76ers Tennessee Tech nrmt $15.00
1967/68 team issue Randy Mahaffey
ABA - 8x10 Colonels Clemson nrmt $20.00
1967/68 team picture pin

Huntington North (Indiana) Vikings
ex $10.00
1967/68 team schedule Bob Smith
pocket schedule
Akron nrmt $15.00
1967/68c team issue Tom Sanders (no beard)
8x10/b&w/2 shots/posed & action Celtics NYU nrmt $6.00
1967c team issue Walt Bellamy
8x10/b&w Knicks Indiana nrmt $15.00
1967c team issue Tom Van Arsdale
8x10/b&w Pistons Indiana nrmt $15.00
1967c team issue Guy Rodgers
8x10/b&w Bulls Temple nrmt $15.00
1967c team issue Rudy LaRusso
8x10/b&w/UPI stamp Lakers Dartmouth nrmt $9.00
1968 "proof" photo for button b&w team picture w/color graphics
4x4 - photo is 3.5" 76ers
nrmt $29.00
1968 McCarthy postcard Dave Bing
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons Syracuse nrmt $15.00
1968 McCarthy postcard Sonny Dove
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons St Johns nrmt $12.00
1968 McCarthy postcard Dave DeBusschere
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons Detroit nrmt $15.00
1968 McCarthy postcard Bob Lanier
b&w - 3x5.5 Pistons St Bonaventure nrmt $20.00
1968 NBAP card (Converse?) Jerry Lucas
app 3x6/b&w/blue border/cr Royals Ohio St nrmt $200.00
1968 NBAP card (Converse?) Wes Unseld (R)?- tape/paper loss
app 3x6/b&w/blue border/crs Bullets Louisville exmt $69.00
1968 NBAP card (Converse?) Lenny Wilkens - slt paper loss
app 3x6/b&w/blue brder/sm cr Hawks/Sonics Providence exmt $119.00
1968 NBAP card (Converse?) Eddie Miles
app 3x6/b&w/blue brder/sm cr Pistons Seattle exmt $79.00
1968 NBAP card (Converse?) Chet Walker
app 3x6/b&w/blue border/crs 76ers Bradley exmt $129.00
1968 NBAP card (Converse?) Don Kojis
app 3x6/b&w/blue border Rockets Marquette nrmt $175.00
1968 NBAP card (Converse?) Zelmo Beaty
app 3x6/b&w/blue border/crs Hawks Prarie View A&M exmt $119.00
1968 NCAA Championship Guide All Sports/Bill Bradley/George Pomey
Michigan - Princeton ex+ $25.00
1968 Rawlings Advisory Staff John Havlicek
8x10 - b&w premium Celtics Ohio St vgex $35.00
1968 Rawlings Advisory Staff John Havlicek
8x10 - b&w premium Celtics Ohio St nrmt $69.00
1968 Rawlings Advisory Staff Gus Johnson
8x10 b&w Bullets Akron - Idaho nrmt $35.00
1968 Spalding Advisory Staff Elvin Hayes
8x10 - glossy Rockets Houston exmt $59.00
1968 Spalding Advisory Staff Gail Goodrich
8x10 - glossy - cr Suns UCLA ex+ $29.00
1968 team issue Rudy LaRusso
8x10/b&w/2 poses Warriors Dartmouth nrmt $12.00
1968 team issue Gary Hill
San Francisco ex $5.00
1968 team issue Jimmy England
5x7/b&w/name on back
Tennessee nrmt $8.00
1968 team issue Fred Hetzel
8x10/b&w/2" tear Warriors Davidson ex $4.00
1968 team issue Billy Hohn
5x7/b&w/name on back
Tennessee nrmt $12.00
1968 team logo decal

Oakland - 3x3 - ABA Oaks
nrmt $59.00
1968 team logo decal Los Angeles
2x6 - ABA Stars
nrmt $59.00
1968 Tudor board game Jerry West/Chamberlain/Bill Russell 0 16x26/box vg Lakers/Celtics/Bucs W Virginia/U Kansas ex $75.00
1968 Volpe Tumbler Elgin Baylor
NBPA insulated glass Lakers Idaho - Seattle nrmt $75.00
1968 wire photo Bill Russell

Celtics San Francisco nrmt $10.00
1968/69 Carnation George Wilson
3.5x7.5 Suns Cincinnati nrmt $150.00
1968/69 Carnation "sample" card McCoy McLemore
4.5x8/thin stock/blk & red on yellow Suns Drake nrmt $250.00
1968/69 Carnation "sample" card Dick van Arsdale
4.5x8/thin stock/blk & red on yellow Suns Indiana nrmt $250.00
1968/69 Coca Cola (Coke) Art Williams
8x10 - color - bio on back Rockets Cal Poly nrmt $9.00
1968/69 Coca Cola (Coke) John Block
8x10 - color - bio on back Rockets USC nrmt $9.00
1968/69 Coca Cola (Coke) John Trapp
8x10 - color - bio on back Rockets UNLV nrmt $9.00
1968/69 Coca Cola (Coke) Stu Lantz
8x10 - color - bio on back Rockets Nebraska nrmt $15.00
1968/69 Coca Cola (Coke) Tony Kimball
8x10 - color - bio on back Rockets Connecticut nrmt $12.00
1968/69 Coca Cola (Coke) Elvin Hayes
8x10 - color - bio on back Rockets Houston nrmt $39.00
1968/69 Minnesota team issue Frank Card
4x5 - b&w ABA Pipers S Carolina St nrmt $25.00
1968/69 Minnesota team issue Tom Washington
4x5 - b&w ABA Pipers Cheyney nrmt $25.00
1968/69 Minnesota team issue George Sutor
4x5 - b&w ABA Pipers LaSalle nrmt $25.00
1968/69 Official NBA Guide Jerry West - Oscar Robertson
in all star uniforms Lakers - Royals W Virginia ex $12.00
1968/69 team issue Gary Gregor (R)
8x10/b&w Suns S Carolina exmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue Art Harris
8x10 - name on back (UPI) Sonics Stanford nrmt $15.00
1968/69 team issue Tom Meschery
8x10/b&w Sonics St Marys nrmt $14.00
1968/69 team issue Bobby Lloyd
ABA - 8x10 Nets Rutgers nrmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue Don Siddle
ABA - 8x10 Floridians Oklahoma nrmt $35.00
1968/69 team issue Reggie Lacefield
ABA - 8x10 Colonels W Michigan nrmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue Jim Caldwell
ABA - 8x10 Colonels Kentucky nrmt $30.00
1968/69 team issue Tom Meschery
8x10 - name on back (UPI) Sonics St Marys nrmt $15.00
1968/69 team issue Toni Koski
ABA - 8x10 Nets Providence nrmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue Randy Mahaffey
ABA - 8x10 Colonels Clemson nrmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue Lenny Wilkens
8x10 - name on back (UPI) Sonics Providence nrmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue Bob Rule
8x10 - name on back (UPI) Sonics Colorado St nrmt $15.00
1968/69 team issue Dan Sparks
ABA - 8x10 Floridians Weber St nrmt $25.00
1968/69 team issue George Lehman
8x10 b&w Hawks Campbell nrmt $15.00
1968/69 team issue George Sutor
ABA - 8x10 Minnesota Pipers LaSalle nrmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue Dallas Thornton
ABA - 8x10 Floridians Kentucky Wesleyan nrmt $25.00
1968/69 team issue Willie Murrell
ABA - 8x10 Floridians Kansas St nrmt $30.00
1968/69 team issue Frank Card
ABA - 8x10 Minnesota Pipers S Carolina St nrmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue Dennis Wuycik
ABA - 8x10 Cougars N Carolina nrmt $20.00
1968/69 team issue team picture Greer/Clark/Cunningham/Walker
8x100/b&w/crease 76ers
exmt $22.00
1968/69c team issue Tom Sanders (w/beard)
8x10/b&w/2 shots/posed & action Celtics NYU nrmt $6.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Ed Hickox
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Springfield nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Joe Lapchick
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Celtics - Rosenblums St Johns nrmt $5.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark John Roosma
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Army nrmt $3.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Henry Iba
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Oklahoma St nrmt $3.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Bernhard Borgmann
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
St Michaels nrmt $3.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Arthur Schabinger
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Emporia - Springfield nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Clifford Carlson
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Pitt nrmt $3.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark William Mokray
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Rhode Island nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark John Bunn
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
U Kansas nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Amory Gill
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Oregon St nrmt $3.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Harold Foster
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Wisconsin nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Matthew Kennedy
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Globetrotters Montclair St nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Walter Brown
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Celtics Boston Latin - Exeter nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Robert Kurland
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Oklahoma St nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Forrest Allen
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
U Kansas nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Alvin Julian
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Bucknell - Holy Cross nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Charles Taylor
2.4x6.4 - thin stock

nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Hank Dehnert
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Celtics none nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Amos Alonzo Stag
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Yale nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark George Mikan
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Lakers Minnesota nrmt $8.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Nat Holman
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Celtics NYU nrmt $5.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Oswald Tower
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Williams nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Red Auerbach
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Celtics George Washington nrmt $7.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Angelo Luisetti
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Stanford nrmt $3.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Paul Hinkle
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Chicago - Butler nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark John Russell
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Rosenblums Seton Hall - NYU nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Andy Phillip
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Stags - Pistons Illinois nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Forrest DeBernardi
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Westminster nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark James Naismith
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Kentucky - U Kansas nrmt $5.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Howard Hobson
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Yale - Oregon nrmt $3.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark John Thompson
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Montana St nrmt $3.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark David Walsh
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
Montclair St nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Howard Cann
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
NYU nrmt $2.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Ed Macauley
2.4x6.4 - thin stock Celtics St Louis nrmt $4.00
1968/74 Hall of Fame Bookmark Ed Irish
2.4x6.4 - thin stock
1968c b&w slide - glass Phil Jackson
2x2 Knicks N Dakota nrmt $20.00
1968c John Alden Foods display Bob Cousy (pict 2x's)
11x18/blue on white/ Celtics Holy Cross exmt+ $75.00
1968c Shoe Box card Jeff Mullins 0 full cut/cr/3.25x5.75 Warriors Duke vg $125.00
1968c team issue John Havlicek
8x10/b&w Celtics Ohio St exmt $29.00
1968c team issue Red Holzman

Knicks NYU nrmt $20.00
1968c team issue Jerry Sloan
8x10 - lg fax auto Bulls Evansville exmt $15.00
1968c Wilson Advisory Staff Cazzie Russell
8x10/b&w/2 hands hold ball Knicks U Michigan exmt $49.00
1969 Hall of Fame Bookmark Everett Dean

Indiana - Stanford exmt $5.00
1969 IHOP paper placemat Jerry Lucas/Ron Williams/Attles
10x15/color pix/ Warriors Ohio St/W Virginia vgex $29.00
1969 Illustrated Current News poste Lew Alcindor/Lee Trevino/Arthur Ashe/ 8630 15x19/b&w/seam tears/11 pix Bills/Bucks/Colts UCLA/USC/ vg $90.00
1969 Illustrated Current News poste Denise Long 8687 15x19 w/ad/2 shots (Warriors) N Iowa nrmt $60.00
1969 Illustrated Current News Poste Lew Alcindor/Jim Ryun/ 8708 15x19 w/ad bottom Bucks UCLA ex $75.00
1969 NBA All Star Game ticket admit to pregame reception
2.25x4/green/unused Bullets
nrmt $9.00
1969 NBA All Star Game ticket admit to dressing room/Balt Civic Cntr
2.25x4/blue/unused Bullets
nrmt $12.00
1969 NBA All Star Game ticket admit to postgame reception
2.25x4/green/unused Bullets
nrmt $5.00
1969 Orange prod mini ball display w/stand/backboard/logo balls
comp set (9) midwest/west San Diego Rockets
exmt $125.00
1969 Sport "Who's Best in Sports Lew Alcindor/Pete Rose/Joe Namath
no label
UCLA exmt+ $35.00
1969 team issue Tom Boerwinkle (R)
8x10/b&w Bulls Tennessee exmt $25.00
1969 team issue Ron Williams
8x10/b&w/auto Warriors W Virginia vgex $25.00
1969 team issue Jeff Mullins
8x11/thin b&w stk/fax sig Warriors Duke exmt $15.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Al Tucker
8x10/b&w Bulls Oklahoma Baptist nrmt $8.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Ed Manning
8x10/b&w Bulls Jackson St nrmt $9.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Loy Peterson
8x10/b&w Bulls Oregon St nrmt $12.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Bob Love
8x10/b&w Bulls Southern nrmt $35.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Walt Wesley
8x10/b&w Bulls U Kansas nrmt $25.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Dick Motta
8x10/b&w Bulls Utah St nrmt $10.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Clem Haskins
8x10/b&w Bulls W Kentucky nrmt $20.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Shaler Halimon
8x10/b&w Bulls Utah St nrmt $8.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Bob Kaufman
8x10/b&w Bulls Guilford nrmt $15.00
1969/70 Bulls Pepsi Chet Walker
8x10/b&w Bulls Bradley nrmt $29.00
1969/70 Converse Staff card Stu Inman
2.5x3.5/blank back/blue brdr Blazers San Jose St exmt $200.00
1969/70 First National Bank

pocket schedule
Slippery Rock nrmt $4.00
1969/70 IHOP placemat Connie Hawkins/Johnson/Walk/etc
10x15 - 10 color pix Suns S Carolina - Florida nrmt $49.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Jim Barnett
2x3/thin stock Rockets Oregon nrmt $2.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Pat Riley
2x3/thin stock Rockets Kentucky nrmt $10.00
1969/70 Jack in the box John Block
2x3/thin stock Rockets USC nrmt $2.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Elvin Hayes
2x3/thin stock Rockets Houston nrmt $10.00
1969/70 Jack in the Box Elvin Hayes/Pat Riley etc
comp set (12) Rockets
nrmt $39.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Toby Kimball
2x3/thin stock Rockets Connecticut nrmt $2.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Don Kojis
2x3/thin stock Rockets Marquette nrmt $2.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Stu Lantz
2x3/thin stock Rockets Nebraska nrmt $2.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Bobby Smith
2x3/thin stock Rockets Tulsa nrmt $3.00
1969/70 Jack in the box John Trapp
2x3/thin stock Rockets UNLV nrmt $2.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Art Williams
2x3/thin stock Rockets Cal Poly nrmt $2.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Rick Adelman
2x3/thin stock Rockets Loyola nrmt $4.00
1969/70 Jack in the box Bernie Williams
2x3/thin stock Rockets LaSalle nrmt $3.00
1969/70 Royals 12" ruler Bob Cousy/Oscar Roberston/Rackley
blue on white/well worn/16 pix Royals
vg $29.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread John Tresvant
tab removed Sonics Seattle vgex $3.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Seattle Coliseum
tab removed Sonics
vgex $1.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Art Harris
tab removed Sonics Stanford vgex $4.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Dorie Murrey
tab removed Sonics Detroit vgex $3.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Bob Rule
tab removed Sonics Colorado St vgex $4.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Lucius Allen
tab removed Sonics UCLA vgex $5.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Bob Boozer
tab removed Sonics Kansas St vgex $5.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Lenny Wilkens

Sonics Providence nrmt $25.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Erwin Mueller
tab removed Sonics San Francisco vgex $3.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Tom Meschery
tab removed Sonics St Marys vgex $3.00
1969/70 Sunbeam bread Barry Clemens
tab removed Sonics Ohio Wes vgex $3.00
1969/70 team issue Jim Washington
5.5x7/b&w 76ers Villanova nrmt $9.00
1969/70 team issue Wayne Chapman
ABA - 8x10 Colonels W Kentucky ex $15.00
1969/70 team issue Luther Green
ABA - 8x10 Nets Long Island ex $12.00
1969/70 team issue Archie Clark
5.5x7/b&w 76ers Minnesota nrmt $8.00
1969/70 team issue Hal Greer
5.5x7/b&w 76ers Marshall nrmt $15.00
1969/70 team issue Wally Jones
5.5x7/b&w 76ers Villanova nrmt $9.00
1969/70 team issue Bill Bunting
ABA - 8x10 Cougars N Carolina nrmt $20.00
1969/70 team issue Bob Verga
ABA - 8x10 Cougars Duke nrmt $20.00
1969/70 team issue Stu Lantz
8x10 - b&w - glossy Rockets Nebraska nrmt $22.00
1969/70 team issue Bill Bridges
8x10 - b&w - Glossy Hawks U Kansas nrmt $22.00
1969/70 team issue Larry Siegfried
8x10 - b&w - glossy Celtics Ohio St nrmt $22.00
1969/70 team issue George Peeples
ABA - 8x10 Cougars Iowa nrmt $30.00
1969/70 team issue Walt Frazier
8x10/b&w Knicks S Illinois nrmt $20.00
1969/70 team issue Calvin Fowler
ABA - 8x10 Cougars St Francis nrmt $20.00
1969/70 team issue George Peeples (error - Peoples)
ABA - 8x10 Cougars Iowa nrmt $30.00
1969/70 team issue Doug Moe
ABA - 8x10 Cougars N Carolina nrmt $30.00
1969/70 team issue Lee Davis
ABA - 8x10 Buccaneers ABA N Carolina Cen nrmt $25.00
1969/70 team issue George Carter
ABA - 8x10 Caps St Bonaventure nrmt $20.00
1969/70 team issue John Beasley
6x9/b&w Chaparrals Texas A&M exmt $12.00
1969/70 team issue Merv Jackson
ABA - 8x10 Los Angeles Stars Utah nrmt $25.00
1969/70 team issue Mike Butler
ABA - 8x10 Buccaneers ABA Memphis St nrmt $25.00
1969/70 team issue Nate Bowman
8x10/b&w Knicks Wichita St nrmt $10.00
1969/70 team issue Bill Hosket
8x10/b&w Knicks Ohio St nrmt $20.00
1969/70 team issue Dave DeBusschere
8x10/b&w Knicks Detriot nrmt $25.00
1969/70 team issue Dick Barnett
8x10/b&w Knicks Tennessee St nrmt $10.00
1969/70 team issue Lew Alcindor (R)
5x7/b&w Bucks UCLA nrmt $75.00
1969/70 team issue Larry Costello
5x7/b&w Bucks Niagara nrmt $8.00
1969/70 team issue Bob Warren
ABA - 8x10 Los Angeles Stars Vanderbilt nrmt $25.00
1969/70 team issue Steve Jones
ABA - 8x10 Buccaneers ABA Oregon nrmt $25.00
1969/70 team issue Bill Bradley
8x10/b&w Knicks Princeton nrmt $40.00
1969/70 team issue Bob Greacen
5x7/b&w Bucks Rutgers nrmt $8.00
1969/70 team issue Jon McGlothlin
5x7/b&w Bucks Indiana nrmt $8.00
1969/70 team issue Bob Dandridge
5x7/b&w Bucks Norfolk St nrmt $8.00
1969/70 team issue Flynn Robinson
5x7/b&w Bucks Wyoming nrmt $12.00
1969/70 team issue Dick Cunningham
5x7/b&w Bucks Murray St nrmt $8.00
1969/70 Team issue ABA Jack Moreland
ABA 8x10/b&w/2 poses Buccaneers ABA Oregon exmt $25.00
1969/70 Team issue ABA Skeeter Swift
ABA 8x10/b&w/2 poses Buccaneers ABA
exmt $25.00
1969/70 team picture button Citizens Bank
Columbia City High nrmt $20.00
1969/70 team poster - WIND team picture
18x24 Bulls
nrmt $25.00
1969/70 Topps Wilt Chamberlain 1 lt cr Lakers U Kansas vgex $40.00
1969/70 Topps John Havlicek 20 75/25 l/r Celtics Ohio St nrmt $125.00
1969/70 Topps Lew Alcindor 25
Bucks UCLA ex+ $200.00
1969/70 Topps Lew Alcindor 25 vry lt cr Bucks UCLA ex $160.00
1969/70 Topps Bill Bradley 43
Knicks Princeton exmt+ $85.00
1969/70 Topps Willis Reed 60
Knicks Grambling exmt+ $40.00
1969/70 Topps Jerry West 90 80/20 l/r Lakers W Virginia nrmt $75.00
1969/70 Topps Walt Frazier 98 ltcr Knicks S Illinois vgex $20.00
1969/70 Topps checklist 99 80/20 t/b & l/r

ex $150.00
1969/70 Topps checklist 99 80/20 l/r - 100/0 t/b

ex $125.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Walt Bellamy 1 2.5x10 Pistons Indiana ex $5.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Walt Bellamy 1 2.5x10 Pistons Indiana nrmt $12.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Jerry West 2 2.5x10 Lakers W Virginia ex $20.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Jerry West 2 2.5x10 Lakers W Virginia nrmt $45.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Bailey Howell 3 2.5x10 Celtics Mississippi St ex $4.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Bailey Howell 3 2.5x10 Celtics Mississippi St nrmt $10.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Elvin Hayes 4 2.5x10 Rockets Houston ex $6.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Elvin Hayes 4 2.5x10 Rockets Houston nrmt $15.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Bob Rule 6 2.5x10 Sonics Colorado St nrmt $6.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Bob Rule 6 2.5x10 Sonics Colorado St ex $3.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Gail Goodrich 7 2.5x10 Suns UCLA nrmt $10.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Gail Goodrich 7 2.5x10 Suns UCLA ex $4.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Jeff Mullins 8 2.5x10 Warriors Duke nrmt $6.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Jeff Mullins 8 2.5x10 Warriors Duke nrmt $3.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert John Havlicek 9 2.5x10 Celtics Ohio St ex $15.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert John Havlicek 9 2.5x10 Celtics Ohio St nrmt $35.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Lew Alcindor 10 2.5x10 Bucks UCLA nrmt $80.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Lew Alcindor 10 2.5x10 Bucks UCLA ex $35.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Wilt Chamberlain 11 2.5x10 Lakers U Kansas nrmt $60.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Wilt Chamberlain 11 2.5x10 Lakers U Kansas ex $25.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Nate Thurmond 12 2.5x10 Warriors Bowling Green ex $4.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Nate Thurmond 12 2.5x10 Warriors Bowling Green nrmt $10.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Hal Greer 13 2.5x10 76ers Marshall ex $3.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Hal Greer 13 2.5x10 76ers Marshall nrmt $8.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Lou Hudson 14 2.5x10 Hawks Minnesota nrmt $6.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Lou Hudson 14 2.5x10 Hawks Minnesota ex $3.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Jerry Lucas 15 2.5x10 Royals Ohio St ex $7.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Jerry Lucas 15 2.5x10 Royals Ohio St nrmt $14.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Dave Bing 16 2.5x10 Pistons Syracuse nrmt $12.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Dave Bing 16 2.5x10 Pistons Syracuse ex $6.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Walt Frazier 17 2.5x10 Knicks S Illinois nrmt $15.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Walt Frazier 17 2.5x10 Knicks S Illinois ex $7.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Gus Johnson 18 2.5x10 Bullets Idaho - Akron nrmt $6.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Gus Johnson 18 2.5x10 Bullets Idaho - Akron ex $3.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Willis Reed 19 2.5x10 Knicks Grambling nrmt $12.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Willis Reed 19 2.5x10 Knicks Grambling ex $5.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Earl Monroe 20 2.5x10 Bullets Winston Salem ex $5.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Earl Monroe 20 2.5x10 Bullets Winston Salem nrmt $12.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Billy Cunningham 21 2.5x10 76ers N Carolina nrmt $12.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Billy Cunningham 21 2.5x10 76ers N Carolina ex $5.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Wes Unseld 22 2.5x10 Bullets Louisville ex $4.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Wes Unseld 22 2.5x10 Bullets Louisville nrmt $10.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Bob Boozer 23 2.5x10 Bulls Kansas St ex $3.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Bob Boozer 23 2.5x10 Bulls Kansas St nrmt $6.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Oscar Robertson 24 2.5x10 Royals Cincinnati nrmt $30.00
1969/70 Topps ruler insert Oscar Robertson 24 2.5x10 Royals Cincinnati nrmt $12.00
1969/70c team issue Hal Greer
8x10/b&w/to chest 76ers Marshall nrmt $12.00
1969/70c team issue Luke Jackson
8x10/b&w/to chest 76ers Texas S nrmt $6.00
1969/70c team issue Wally Jones
8x10/b&w/to chest 76ers Villanova nrmt $9.00
1969c Gulf Oil premium Elvin Hayes
3.6x5.5/b&w/auto Rockets Houston exmt $90.00
1969c MacGregor Advisory Staff Hal Greer
5x7/b&w/autographed 76ers Marshall ex $49.00
1969c team issue Nate Thurmond
8x10/b&w/UPI stamp Warriors Bowling Green nrmt $12.00
1969c team issue Lenny Wilkens
8x10/b&w/UPI stamp Sonics Providence nrmt $15.00
1969c team issue Dean Smith
N Carolina exmt $39.00
1969c team issue John Havlicek
8x10/b&w/UPI stamp Celtics Ohio St nrmt $29.00
1969c team issue Joe Ellis
8x10/b&w Warriors San Francisco nrmt $9.00
1969c team issue Charlie Scott
8x10/b&w/UPI stamp Suns N Carolina nrmt $10.00
1969c team issue Tom Meschery
8x10/b&w/UPI stamp Sonics St Marys nrmt $9.00
1969c team issue Tom Van Arsdale
8x10/b&w/UPI stamp 76ers Indiana nrmt $9.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Warriors
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Pistons
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Bucks
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia - Utah - ABA Stars
nrmt $25.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia - ABA Pacers
nrmt $20.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Blazers
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia - Houston Rockets
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Lakers
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Sonics
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia 76ers
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Bulls
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia - ABA Chaparrals
nrmt $25.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Cavaliers
nrmt $15.00
1970 cloth team logo sticker

2.5" dia Knicks
nrmt $15.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters Team card (Curly, Meadowlark)
comp candy box Globetrotters
nrmt $59.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters Curly Neal
comp candy box - unused Globetrotters Johnson C Smith nrmt $75.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters Leon Hillard
comp candy box Globetrotters
nrmt $25.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters JC Gipson
comp candy box - unused Globetrotters
nrmt $35.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters Pabs Robertson
comp candy box - unused Globetrotters Loyola nrmt $35.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters Team card (Curly, Meadowlark)
comp candy box - unused Globetrotters
nrmt $75.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters Leon Hillard
comp candy box - unused Globetrotters
nrmt $35.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters Showboat Hall
comp candy box - unused Globetrotters xxx nrmt $40.00
1970 Harlem Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon
comp box/unused/tab tear Globetrotters xxx exmt+ $60.00
1970 Hasbro Harlem Globetrotters Curly - Meadowlark etc
Rub-ons set in orig box Globetrotters
exmt $60.00
1970 Illustrated Current News Poste Cazzie Russell 8819 12x19/2 other pix Knicks U Michigan nrmt $29.00
1970 Kaumagraph coloring card Nate Thurmond v Connie Hawkins
7x9/b&w/thin card stk Warriors/Suns Iowa/Bowling Green exmt $29.00
1970 Kaumagraph coloring card Dave DeBusschere v Earl Monroe
7x9/b&w/thin card stk Knicks/Bullets Detroit./Winston Salem exmt $19.00
1970 Kaumagraph coloring card Jerry Sloan v Dave Bing
7x9/b&w/thin card stk/colored Bulls Pistons Evansville/Syracuse gvg $9.00
1970 Keds - Uniroyal Pete Maravich
"How too" booklet Hawks LSU nrmt $49.00
1970 Keds card Willis Reed
1.75x2.25 - from box Knicks Grambling exmt $25.00
1970 Kelloggs cereal game insert

3x5.5/opens to 12x11

nrmt $25.00
1970 Lakers ticket stub Bill Hewitt
2x2.7/b&w Lakers USC nrmt $15.00
1970 Lincoln Mercury Poster Dave DeBusschere
20x28/artwork/fax signature Knicks Detroit exmt $35.00
1970 Phillips 66 Bumper Sticker Lucius Allen
4x8/b&w/crnr fold Bucks UCLA exmt $60.00
1970 Phillips 66 Bumper Sticker Lew Alcindor - "Buck Fever"
4x8/b&w/crnr fold Bucks UCLA exmt $250.00
1970 Phillips 66 Bumper Sticker Oscar Robertson
4x8/b&w/crnr fold Bucks Cincinnati nrmt $110.00
1970 Phillips 66 Bumper Sticker Bob Dandridge
4x8/b&w/crnr fold Bucks Norfolk St nrmt $60.00
1970 Portraits & Profiles

folder for set "b" - held 8 cards

nrmt $12.00
1970 Portraits & Profiles Bob Pettit
thick stock/13x20/artwrk &bio Hawks LSU nrmt $150.00
1970 Portraits & Profiles Oscar Robertson
thick stock/13x20/artwrk &bio Royals Cincinnati nrmt $175.00
1970 Portraits & Profiles Phog Allen (set "B")
thick stock/13x20/artwrk &bio
U Kansas nrmt $150.00
1970 Portraits & Profiles Hank Luisetti (set "B")
thick stock/13x20/artwrk &bio
Stanford nrmt $75.00
1970 Portraits & Profiles Bill Bradley
thick stock/13x20/artwrk &bio Knicks Princeton nrmt $200.00
1970 Portraits & Profiles Adolph Rupp (set "B")
thick stock/13x20/artwrk &bio
Kentucky nrmt $200.00
1970 Sporting News Lew Alcindor
3/28/70 Bucks UCLA exmt $12.00
1970 Sunkist action cartridge Jerry West
2.5x6x.75 /8mm/no label Lakers W Virginia ex+ $250.00
1970 team issue Edward J Donovan - GM
8x10/glossy/ Knicks St Bonaventure nrmt $6.00
1970 team logo decal New Orleans
4" round - ABA Buccaneers
nrmt $59.00
1970 team logo decal

San Diego - 4" round - ABA Rockets
nrmt $59.00
1970 team logo decal

4" round - ABA Nuggets
nrmt $45.00
1970 team logo decal

Kansas City - 3x4 - ABA Kings
nrmt $45.00
1970 team logo decal

Memphis - 3x4 - ABA Pros
ex $29.00
1970 The Trader Speaks monthly Lew Alcindor - Greer - Russell
January Bucks - 76ers Marshall - U Michigan nrmt $12.00
1970 Volpe Pro Star Portraits Crosswhite/Lawrence/Ken May
comp set (10)/10x15
Dayton ex $799.00
1970's bumper sticker the NY Knicks…a year better
3x12 Knicks
nrmt $5.00
1970's color slide Adolph Rupp
2x2/hand labeled/color
Kentucky nrmt $25.00
1970's Crestline MFG travel game 3 wood dice/peg/ in orig box
4x5x1 clear plastic case

exmt $12.00
1970's laminated placemat Spencer Haywood
11x16 - lt 2" cr Sonics Detroit exmt $49.00
1970's puffy magnet Mickey Mouse 0 4.2"

nrmt $6.00
1970's wire photos/team issue John Shumate
4 diff photos Suns Notre Dame ex+ $15.00
1970/71 ABA All Star set Rick Barry - John Brisker etc
5x7 - b&w - comp set (12)

exmt $125.00
1970/71 Christmas Card team picture front - Sloan - Fox etc
5" round - fax autos back Bulls
nrmt $29.00
1970/71 Hawthorne Milk card Jerry Sloan
70% border/cr/b&w/red border Bulls Evansville exmt $250.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Issel - Dampier - Becker etc
ABA - no tab comp set (9/11) Colonels
exmt $110.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Walt Simon
ABA - no tab Colonels Benedictine exmt $15.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Mike Pratt
ABA - no tab Colonels Kentucky exmt $18.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Earl Higgins
ABA - no tab Pacers E Michigan exmt $6.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Sam Smith
ABA - no tab Colonels Louisville vg - crs $3.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Les Hunter
ABA - no tab Colonels Loyola exmt $15.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Warren Armstrong
ABA - no tab Pacers Wichita St exmt $8.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Roger Brown
ABA - no tab Pacers Dayton exmt $7.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Cincy Powell
ABA - no tab Colonels Xavier exmt $15.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe w/ variation - no tabs
ABA - comp set (12) Pacers
exmt $55.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Dan Issel
ABA - no tab Colonels Kentucky exmt $60.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe John Barnhill
ABA - no tab Pacers Tennessee St exmt $6.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Rick Mount
ABA - no tab Pacers Purdue exmt $8.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Bill Keller
ABA - no tab Pacers Purdue exmt $6.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Mel Daniels
ABA - no tab Pacers New Mexico exmt $10.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Louie Dampier
ABA - no tab Colonels Kentucky exmt $30.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Freddie Lewis
ABA - no tab Pacers Arizona St exmt $8.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Darel Carrier
ABA - no tab Colonels W Kentucky exmt $20.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Bob Netolicki
ABA - no tab Pacers Drake exmt $8.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Bob Leonard
ABA - no tab Pacers Indiana exmt $6.00
1970/71 Marathon Oil - Volpe Art Becker
ABA - no tab Pacers Arizona St nrmt $6.00
1970/71 media guide

exmt $20.00
1970/71 pocket schedule

ABA Condors
nrmt $25.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Garfield Heard

Sonics Oklahoma exmt $12.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Jake Ford
no tab Sonics Maryland St exmt $4.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Don Kojis
no tab Sonics Marquette nrmt $6.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Lenny Wilkens

Sonics Providence nrmt $29.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Seattle Coliseum
schedule - no tab Sonics
nrmt $4.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread no tabs
comp set (11) slt rev dmg Sonics
vgex $65.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Don Kojis

Sonics Marquette nrmt $10.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Jake Ford

Sonics Maryland St nrmt $9.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Barry Clemens

Sonics Ohio Wes nrmt $9.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Lee Winfield
cr Sonics N Texas St exmt $4.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Pete Cross

Sonics San Francisco nrmt $9.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Tom Black

Sonics S Dakota St nrmt $9.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Dick Snyder

Sonics Davidson nrmt $10.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Lenny Wilkens
no tab Sonics Providence nrmt $15.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Garfield Heard
no tab Sonics Oklahoma vgex $4.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Tom Meschery

Sonics St Marys nrmt $8.00
1970/71 Sunbeam bread Seattle Coliseum
schedule Sonics
nrmt $7.00
1970/71 team issue Al Henry
5.5x7/b&w "ERS" in CAPS 76ers Wisconsin nrmt $9.00
1970/71 team issue Mike Barrett
ABA - 8x10 Squires W Virginia Tech ex $15.00
1970/71 team issue Stew Johnson
ABA - 8x10 Condors Murray St exmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Claude English
8x10 b&w Blazers Rhode Island exmt $9.00
1970/71 team issue Charlie Paulk
8x10/b&w/3 shots - posed & action Royals Northeastern St nrmt $6.00
1970/71 team issue Al Tucker
ABA - 8x10 Floridians Oklahoma Baptist exmt $15.00
1970/71 team issue Shaler Halimon
8x10 b&w Blazers Utah St exmt $12.00
1970/71 team issue Ron Knight
8x10 b&w Blazers Los Angeles St exmt $7.00
1970/71 team issue Dave Lattin
ABA - 8x10 - 2" tear Condors Texas El Paso vg $8.00
1970/71 team issue Roland Taylor
ABA - 8x10/cr Squires LaSalle vgex $10.00
1970/71 team issue Ira Harge
ABA - 8x10 Floridians New Mexico exmt $15.00
1970/71 team issue Larry Jones
ABA - 8x10 Floridians Toledo exmt $15.00
1970/71 team issue Walt Gilmore
8x10 b&w/1" tear Blazers Ft Valley vg $3.00
1970/71 team issue team picture
6x8 - b&w - blank back Warriors
exmt $18.00
1970/71 team issue Elvin Hayes - Tomjanovich - Murphy
8x11 - b&w Rockets
nrmt $165.00
1970/71 team issue Mike Butler
ABA - 8x10 Utah Stars Memphis St nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Sonny Dove
ABA - 8x10 Nets St Johns nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Red Robbins
ABA - 8x10 Utah Stars Tennessee nrmt $35.00
1970/71 team issue Bill Bunting
ABA - 8x10 Nets N Carolina nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Zelmo Beaty
ABA - 8x10 Utah Stars Prarie View A&M nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Willie Wise
ABA - 8x10 Utah Stars Drake nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue James Jones
ABA - 8x10 Utah Stars Grambling nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Walker Banks
ABA - 8x10 water stn Condors Kentucky nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Stew Johnson
ABA - 8x10 - 2 diff (ea) Condors Murray St nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Merv Jackson
ABA - 8x10 Utah Stars Utah nrmt $30.00
1970/71 team issue Bill Melchionni
ABA - 8x10 Nets Villanova nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Jim Ard
ABA - 8x10 Nets Cincinnati nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Rick Barry
ABA - 8x10 Nets Miami nrmt $30.00
1970/71 team issue Daniels - Keller - McGinnis
ABA - 2 - 8 player sheet set Pacers Indiana nrmt $59.00
1970/71 team issue Luther Green
ABA - 8x10 Nets Long Island nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Jim Hayes
ABA - 8x10 Nets Boston nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team issue Sam Watts
ABA - 8x10 water stn Condors Florida A&M nrmt $12.00
1970/71 team issue Ron Boone
ABA - 8x10 Utah Stars Idaho St nrmt $30.00
1970/71 team issue George Thompson
ABA - 8x10 water stn Condors Marquette nrmt $12.00
1970/71 team issue John Brisker
ABA - 8x10 Condors Toledo nrmt $25.00
1970/71 team issue Ken Spain
ABA - 8x10 water stn Condors Houston nrmt $12.00
1970/71 team picture Cunningham/Awtrey/Howell etc
8x10/color 76ers
nrmt $20.00
1970/71 team poster - WIND team picture
18x24 Bulls
nrmt $19.00
1970/71 Topps Pat Riley 13
Blazers Kentucky exmt $40.00
1970/71 Topps checklist 24

nrmt $40.00
1970/71 Topps Walt Frazier 120
Knicks S Illinois nrmt $30.00
1970/71 Topps Knicks win it! 175
exmt $12.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Walt Frazier 1
Knicks S Illinois ex $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Walt Frazier 1
Knicks S Illinois nrmt $10.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Joe Caldwell 2
Hawks Arizona St nrmt $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Joe Caldwell 2
Hawks Arizona St ex $2.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Willis Reed 3
Knicks Grambling ex $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Willis Reed 3
Knicks Grambling nrmt $10.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Elvin Hayes 4
Rockets Houston nrmt $10.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Elvin Hayes 4
Rockets Houston ex $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Jeff Mullins 5
Warriors Duke nrmt $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Jeff Mullins 5
Warriors Duke ex $1.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Oscar Robertson 6
Royals Cincinnati nrmt $20.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Oscar Robertson 6
Royals Cincinnati ex $9.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Dave Bing 7
Pistons Syracuse nrmt $6.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Dave Bing 7
Pistons Syracuse ex $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Jerry Sloan 8
Bulls Evansville nrmt $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Jerry Sloan 8
Bulls Evansville ex $2.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Leroy Ellis 9
Blazers St Johns nrmt $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Leroy Ellis 9
Blazers St Johns ex $2.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Hal Greer 10
76ers Marshall nrmt $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Hal Greer 10
76ers Marshall ex $2.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Emmette Bryant 11
Braves DePaul ex $2.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Emmette Bryant 11
Braves DePaul nrmt $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Bob Rule 12
Sonics Colorado St ex $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Bob Rule 12
Sonics Colorado St nrmt $10.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Lew Alcindor 13
Bucks UCLA nrmt $50.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Lew Alcindor 13
Bucks UCLA ex $22.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Chet Walker 14
Bulls Bradley ex $2.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Chet Walker 14
Bulls Bradley nrmt $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Jerry West 15
Lakers W Virginia nrmt $29.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Jerry West 15
Lakers W Virginia ex $14.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Billy Cunningham 16
76ers N Carolina nrmt $6.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Billy Cunningham 16
76ers N Carolina ex $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Wilt Chamberlain 17
Lakers U Kansas nrmt $40.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Wilt Chamberlain 17
Lakers U Kansas ex $15.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert John Havlicek 18
Celtics Ohio St ex $12.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert John Havlicek 18
Celtics Ohio St nrmt $25.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Lou Hudson 19
Hawks Minnesota nrmt $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Lou Hudson 19
Hawks Minnesota ex $1.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Earl Monroe 20
Bullets Winston Salem ex $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Earl Monroe 20
Bullets Winston Salem nrmt $8.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Wes Unseld 21
Bullets Louisville ex $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Wes Unseld 21
Bullets Louisville nrmt $6.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Connie Hawkins 22
Suns Iowa ex $4.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Connie Hawkins 22
Suns Iowa nrmt $10.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Tom Van Arsdale 23
Royals Indiana ex $2.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Tom Van Arsdale 23
Royals Indiana nrmt $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Len Chappell 24
Cavaliers Wake Forest ex $3.00
1970/71 Topps poster insert Len Chappell 24
Cavaliers Wake Forest nrmt $5.00
1970/71- team issue Dennis Awtrey
5.5x7/b&w "ERS" in CAPS 76ers Santa Clara nrmt $9.00
1970c b&w slide Pete Maravich 212 2x2/b&w/hand #'d (Hawks) LSU exmt $50.00
1970c Boston U Film Library 8mm Willis Reed/Tom Van Arsdale
8" reel/defensive play/11 min Knicks/Royals Indiana - Grambling nrmt $30.00
1970c Coke (Coca Cola) sticker "bottle attach" hole on top
3.5x8/bottom 1/3rd is logo Bucks
exmt $20.00
1970c Professional bsktbl shoes Lew Alcindor
empty box - picture is inside lid Bucks UCLA exmt $99.00
1970c team issue Mike Newell (HOFer)
5x7/b&w Warriors Loyola/Michigan St nrmt $25.00
1970c team issue Jim O'Brien
5x7/b&w (Condors - Colonels) Boston Col nrmt $20.00
1970c team issue Dick Grubar
8x10/b&w (Pacers) N Carolina nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Bill Bunting
8x10/b&w (Cougars - Squires) N Carolina nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Bill Stricker
5x7/b&w (Blazers) Pacific nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Randy Denton
5x8/b&w (Stars - Jazz) Duke nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue George Reynolds
8x10/b&w (Pistons) Houston nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Dave Newmark
5x7/b&w (Bulls - Cougars) Columbia nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Roy Rubin - coach
LSU nrmt $6.00
1970c team issue Rob Washington
Tulsa nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Luther Green
Long Island nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Andy Owens
Florida nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Ed Szczesny
LaSalle nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Rudy Thacker
Vanderbilt nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Scotty Singer
Long Island nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Bingo Smith
8x10/b&w (Cavaliers) Tulsa nrmt $18.00
1970c team issue Ron Smalls
LSU nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Scotty Singer
LSU nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Lucius Allen
8x10/b&w (Bucks - Lakers) UCLA nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Dean Meminger
8x10/b&w (Knicks) Marquette nrmt $12.00
1970c team issue Jeff Petrie
5x7/b&w (Blazers) Princeton nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Roger Walaszek
Columbia nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Dennis Awtrey
8x10/b&w (76ers - Suns) Santa Clara nrmt $12.00
1970c team issue Ernie Austin
Syracuse nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue John Hummer
5x7/b&w (Braves) Princeton nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Bill Foley
LSU nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Ralph Ogden
8x10/b&w (Warriors) Santa Clara nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Bill Reeves
LSU nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Howie Grimes
New Mexico nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Wally Anderzunas
5x7/b&w (Royals) Creighton nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Larry Cheatham
Tulsa nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Bob McDaniel
Syracuse nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Stan Dodds
Wyoming nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Jimmy Collins
4x6/b&w (Bulls) New Mexico St nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Ken Durrett
8x10/b&w (Kings) LaSalle nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Harry Hall
Wyoming nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Lucius Allen
8x10/b&w - game action (Bucks - Lakers) UCLA v Houston nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Bud Ogden
8x10/b&w (76ers) Santa Clara nrmt $15.00
1970c team issue Steve Vandenberg
Duke nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Heyward Dotson
Columbia nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Frank Gillen
Villanova nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Theodis Lee
Houston nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Bob Hall
Houston nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Don Ogletree
Cincinnati nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Gordon Smith
Cincinnati nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Don Hess
Cincinnati nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Jeff Hogan
Florida St nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Jan Gies
Florida St nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Pat Foley
Pacific nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Tom Jones
Pacific nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Cliff Culuko
LSU nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Dick Edwards - coach
Pacific nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Bob Dukiet
Boston Col nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Brad Evans - Dick DeVenzio
Duke nrmt $5.00
1970c team issue Roy Skinner - coach
Vanderbilt nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Bob Portman
Creighton nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Perry Wallace
Vanderbilt nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Thorpe Weber
Vanderbilt nrmt $4.00
1970c team issue Bob Bundy
Vanderbilt nrmt $4.00
1970c team logo button

3.25" 76ers
nrmt $8.00
1970c team logo button

3.25" Blazers
nrmt $8.00
1970c team logo button

3.25" Nets
nrmt $8.00
1970c team logo button brown/green/gold b-ball/no logo
3.25" Sonics
nrmt $8.00
1970c team logo button "rocket" in logo
3.25" Sonics
nrmt $12.00
1970c team logo button

3.25" Bucks
nrmt $8.00
1970c team logo button

3.25" Suns
nrmt $8.00
1970c team logo button

3.25" Celtics
nrmt $10.00
1970c team logo button

Illinois St nrmt $8.00
1970c team logo button

w/ribbon & charm 76ers
exmt $10.00
1971 ABC promo photo Bill Russell
7x9/b&wattach back/crop mrks Celtics San Francisco exmt $55.00
1971 American Publishing John Havlicek
jigsaw puzzle comp - box vg Celtics Ohio St ex+ $40.00
1971 American Publishing John Havlicek
jigsaw puzzle comp - box exmt Celtics Ohio St exmt+ $65.00
1971 American Publishing puzzle Abdul Jabbar - Willis Reed
comp(-7 pieces) - box exmt Bucks - Knicks UCLA - Grambling exmt $19.00
1971 American Publishing puzzle Lew Alcindor - Willis Reed
comp - box exmt Bucks - Knicks UCLA - Grambling exmt $65.00
1971 American Publishing puzzle Wilt Chamberlain
comp - box exmt Lakers U Kansas nrmt $65.00
1971 American Publishing puzzle Walt Frazier - Pete Maravich
comp - box exmt/orig cello Knicks - Hawks LSU - S Illinois exmt $75.00
1971 American Publishing puzzle Abdul Jabbar - Chamberlain
comp - box exmt Bucks - Lakers UCLA - U Kansas exmt $65.00
1971 American Publishing Puzzle Jerry West - Walt Frazier 1483 comp - box ex/orig shrink Lakers - Knicks W Virginia ex+ $59.00
1971 American Publishing Puzzle Jerry West - Walt Frazier 1483 comp - box exmt Lakers - Knicks W Virginia nrmt $75.00
1971 Cocoa Puffs box back Curly/Geese/JC/"hot shot" inside
side/back panel glued to back Globetrotters
exmt $89.00
1971 Cocoa Puffs whistle Harlem Globetrotters
red/white/blue - star var Globetrotters
nrmt $30.00
1971 Cocoa Puffs whistle Harlem Globetrotters
red/white/blue - basketball var Globetrotters
nrmt $30.00
1971 Cocoa Puffs whistle Harlem Globetrotters
red/white/blue - "HG" logo var Globetrotters
nrmt $30.00
1971 Illustrated Current News Poste Wilt Chamberlain v Sammy Davis Jr! 8939 12x19/2 other pix Lakers Kansas nrmt $75.00
1971 Illustrated Current News poste Lew Alcindor w/dad/Gordie Howe 8959 12x19/b&w/pin holes Bucks - Red Wings UCLA exmt $150.00
1971 Illustrated Current News poste Lew Alcindor/Abdul Jabbar w/wife 9004 12x19/b&w/3 pix Bucks UCLA nrmt $75.00
1971 Keds "poster" premium Willis Reed
8x11/ color/bio on back Knicks Grambling nrmt $75.00
1971 Keds "poster" premium Pete Maravich
8x11/ color/bio on back Hawks LSU nrmt $195.00
1971 Keds Allsport 4-card panel Bubba Smith/Bench/Willis Reed
4x11/cr on Reed Knicks/Colts/Reds Grambling/Michigan St exmt $45.00
1971 Keds premium Pete Maravich
8x10/b&w/fax auto/3" fold Hawks LSU exmt $70.00
1971 Keds premium Pete Maravich
8x10/b&w/fax auto/ Hawks LSU exmt $90.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Roger Brown
ABA /blistered Pacers Dayton ex $10.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Roger Brown
ABA /blistered Pacers Dayton nrmt $25.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Art Becker
ABA /blistered Pacers Arizona St nrmt $25.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Bob Netolicki
ABA /blistered Pacers Drake nrmt $25.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Rick Mount
ABA /blistered Pacers Purdue ex $12.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Mel Daniels
ABA /blistered Pacers New Mexico ex $12.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Art Becker
ABA /blistered Pacers Arizona St ex $10.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Rick Mount
ABA /blistered Pacers Purdue nrmt $40.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Bill Keller
ABA /blistered Pacers Purdue nrmt $25.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Bill Keller
ABA /blistered Pacers Purdue ex $12.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Mel Daniels
ABA /blistered Pacers New Mexico nrmt $35.00
1971 Marathon Oil - Volpe cup Bob Netolicki
ABA /blistered Pacers Drake ex $10.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Oscar Robertson
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Bucks Cincinnati nrmt $50.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Willis Reed
2.25" black plastic variation Knicks Grambling nrmt $3.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Lew Alcindor
2.25" black plastic variation Bucks UCLA nrmt $30.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Pete Maravich
2.25" black plastic variation Hawks LSU nrmt $18.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Wilt Chamberlain
2.25" black plastic variation Lakers U Kansas nrmt $6.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Jerry Lucas
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Knicks Ohio St nrmt $50.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Oscar Robertson
2.25" black plastic variation Bucks Cincinnati nrmt $4.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Jerry Lucas
2.25" black plastic variation Knicks Ohio St nrmt $5.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc John Havlicek
2.25" black plastic variation Celtics Ohio St nrmt $5.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Elgin Baylor
2.25" black plastic variation Lakers Idaho - Seattle nrmt $3.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Kareem Abdul Jabbar
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Bucks UCLA nrmt $50.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Pete Maravich
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Hawks LSU nrmt $125.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Wilt Chamberlain
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Lakers U Kansas nrmt $60.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Jerry West
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Lakers W Virginia nrmt $60.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Jerry West
2.25" black plastic variation Lakers W Virginia nrmt $6.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Willis Reed
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Knicks Grambling nrmt $40.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc John Havlicek
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Celtics Ohio St nrmt $55.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay disc Elgin Baylor
2.25" white plastic var -2 sided Lakers Idaho - Seattle nrmt $45.00
1971 Mattel Instant Replay pack Maravich/Baylor/Chamberlain/Lucas
4 disc pack/rare 2-sided discs Lakers - Knicks U Kansas - Ohio St nrmt $275.00
1971 MB Harlem Globetrotters

game/box ex+/ comp?? Globetrotters
ex+ $12.00
1971 Meyercord team logo sticker

comp set (17) uncut sheet Braves/Royals/Bullets
nrmt $35.00
1971 NBA Properties

belt buckle - 3" dia Kings
nrmt $15.00
1971 NBA Properties

belt buckle - 3" dia Kings
exmt $10.00
1971 news photo Bob Cousy @ NAIA conv
8x10/glossy/b&w (Celtics) Holy Cross - Cen Wash St nrmt $15.00
1971 Skippers Fish House cup Wilkins/Haywood/Thorn/Ford/Brown
16z - 12 players pict Sonics Maryland - W Virginia exmt $29.00
1971 Sportfolio Color by Number Jabbar/Maravich/Havlicek/Chamberlain
comp set (9) unused
Ohio St/U Kansas exmt $225.00
1971 Texaco premium Sidney Wicks
8x100/color/stats bio back Blazers UCLA exmt+ $15.00
1971 Volpe (Pro Star Portrait) cups

comp set (6) orig pkg Pacers
nrmt $175.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Cincy Powell
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels Xavier nrmt $30.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Walt Simon
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels Benedictine nrmt $40.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Darel Carrier
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels W Kentucky nrmt $40.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Dan Issel
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels Kentucky nrmt $75.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Louie Dampier
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels Kentucky nrmt $45.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Goose Ligon
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels xxx nrmt $35.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Walt Simon
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels Benedictine exmt $33.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Darel Carrier
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels W Kentucky exmt $33.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Goose Ligon
insulated glass - chip rim Colonels xxx exmt $24.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Dan Issel
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels Kentucky exmt $60.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Louie Dampier
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels Kentucky exmt $38.00
1971 Volpe cup (Pro Star Portrait) Cincy Powell
insulated glass/Ciinemac Colonels Xavier exmt $25.00
1971/72 Baltimore Sun Poster Jack Marin
13x19/color art/news stock Bullets Duke exmt $12.00
1971/72 Baltimore Sun Poster Archie Clark
13x19/color art/news stock Bullets Minnesota exmt $12.00
1971/72 Baltimore Sun Poster Gene Shue
13x19/color art/news stock Bullets Maryland exmt $12.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Globetrotter logo
decal insert Globetrotters
nrmt $10.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal & Ausby 1 o/c Globetrotters
nrmt $15.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal & Meadowlark Lemon 2
exmt $8.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal & Meadowlark 2
ex $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Meadowlark 3
exmt $8.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal & Meadowlark - Ausbie 4
vg $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal & Meadowlark - Ausbie 4
ex $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Mel Davis - Bill Meggett 5
ex $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Ausbie - Meadowlark - Curly 6
exmt $8.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Ausbie - Meadowlark - Curly 6
ex $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal - Meadowlark 7
exmt $8.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal - Meadowlark 7
ex $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal & Mel Davis 8
exmt $8.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly - Meadowlark - Ausbie 9
ex $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Meadowlark - Curley 10
nrmt $12.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Meadowlark - Curley 10
ex $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly - Meadowlark - Mel etc 11
ex $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly - Meadowlark - Mel etc 11 cr Globetrotters
vg $2.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curley - Meadowlark 12
nrmt $12.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curley - Meadowlark 12
ex+ $7.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Pabs Robertson 13
nrmt $6.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Pabs Robertson 13
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Bobby Joe Mason 14
ex $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Bobby Joe Mason 14
nrmt $6.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Bobby Joe Mason 14
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Pabs Robertson 15
exmt $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Clarence Smith 16
exmt $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Clarence Smith 17
ex+ $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Geese Ausbie 18
Globetrotters Philander Smith nrmt $6.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Geese Ausbie 19
Globetrotters Philander Smith nrmt $6.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Bobby Hunter 20
exmt $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Bobby Hunter 20
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I nrmt $7.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal 25
exmt $8.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Meadowlark 26
exmt $8.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Meadowlark 26
ex $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Mel Davis 27
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal 28 100/0 t/b Globetrotters Johnson C Smith nrmt $10.00
1971/72 Fleer Cocoa Puffs Curly Neal 28
vg $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Showboat Hall 2
nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Pabs Robertson 7
nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon 9
vg $2.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon 9
ex $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon 11
nrmt $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon 11
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon 13
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon - FB play 19 o/c Globetrotters
nrmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon 20
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Geese Ausbie 21 o/c Globetrotters
exmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Geese Ausbie 21 pin hole Globetrotters
exmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Geese Ausbie 22 o/c Globetrotters
nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Geese Ausbie 23
exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Geese Ausbie 23
nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Geese Ausbie 24 o/c Globetrotters
exmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Geese Ausbie 24
ex $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 27
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 27
nrmt $6.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 27 o/c Globetrotters
nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Geese Ausbie/Curly Neal 28
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 29
exmt $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 29
ex $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 29
nrmt $6.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Mel Davis/ Curly Neal 30
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 31
nrmt $7.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 31
exmt $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 31
ex $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 31
vg $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 32
nrmt $7.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 32
exmt $5.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 32
ex $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal 32
vg $2.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Mel Davis 33
exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Mel Davis 34 cr Globetrotters
vg $0.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Mel Davis 35
exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Mel Davis 36
exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Mel Davis 36 cr Globetrotters
vg $0.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Mel Davis 36
nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Mel Davis/Bill Meggett 37
exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 45
Globetrotters Villanova exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 45 o/c Globetrotters Villanova nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 45
Globetrotters Villanova nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 46
Globetrotters Villanova exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 46
Globetrotters Villanova nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 47
Globetrotters Villanova ex $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 47
Globetrotters Villanova nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 47
Globetrotters Villanova exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Clarence Smith 48 miscut Globetrotters
nrmt $0.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jerry Venable 49 cr Globetrotters Kansas St nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jerry Venable 49 o/c Globetrotters Kansas St nrmt $2.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Frank Stephens 50 o/c Globetrotters Virginia St exmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Frank Stephens 50
Globetrotters Virginia St nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Frank Stephens 51 o/c 100/0 Globetrotters Virginia nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Frank Stephens 52 cr Globetrotters
exmt $0.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jerry Venable 56
Globetrotters Kansas St vgex $0.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Doug Himes 58 o/c Globetrotters Prarie View ex $0.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Doug Himes 58 o/c Globetrotters Prarie View nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Vincent White 61
Globetrotters Savannah St nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Vincent White 61
Globetrotters Savannah St exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Vincent White 62
Globetrotters Savannah St nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Pabs Robertson/Showboat Hall 63
nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon/Curly Neal 70
vg $2.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Meadowlark Lemon/Curly Neal 70
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal/Meadowlark Lemon 71
vg $2.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal/Meadowlark Lemon 71
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal/Meadowlark Lemon 72
ex $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Curly Neal/Meadowlark Lemon 72
exmt $4.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 73
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 73
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 74
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 75
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 76
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 76
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 76
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I ex $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 77
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Bobby Hunter 77
Globetrotters Tennessee A&I ex $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 78 o/c Globetrotters Virginia Union nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 78
Globetrotters Virginia Union nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 79
Globetrotters Virginia Union nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 79 o/c Globetrotters Virginia Union nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 79
Globetrotters Virginia Union exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 79 cr Globetrotters Virginia Union ex $0.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 80
Globetrotters Virginia Union exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 80 o/c Globetrotters Virginia Union nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 80
Globetrotters Virginia Union nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 81
Globetrotters Virginia Union exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 81 o/c Globetrotters Virginia Union nrmt $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Jackie Jackson 81
Globetrotters Virginia Union nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters The Globetrotters (#40 pictured) 82
ex $1.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters The Globetrotters (#40 pictured) 82
exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters The Globetrotters (#40 pictured) 82
nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters The Globetrotters (#40 pictured) 83
nrmt $3.00
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters The Globetrotters (#40 pictured) 83
exmt $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Dallas Thornton 84
Globetrotters (Floridians) Kentucky Wesleyan ex $1.50
1971/72 Fleer Globetrotters Dallas Thornton 84
Globetrotters (Floridians) Kentucky Wesleyan exmt $2.00
1971/72 McDonalds Sam Robinson
w/tab Floridians Long Beach St exmt+ $85.00
1971/72 McDonalds Larry Jones
w/tab Floridians Toledo nrmt $90.00
1971/72 McDonalds Mack Calvin
w/tab Floridians USC nrmt+ $150.00
1971/72 McDonalds Ron Franz
w/tab Floridians U Kansas nrmt $95.00
1971/72 McDonalds Warren Armstrong
w/tab Floridians Wichita St exmt+ $90.00
1971/72 McDonalds Ira Harge
w/tab Floridians New Mexico nrmt $90.00
1971/72 McDonalds Mack Calvin
w/tab Floridians USC exmt $95.00
1971/72 McDonalds Willie Long
w/tab Floridians New Mexico exmt $85.00
1971/72 media guide

exmt+ $20.00
1971/72 Miller Beer Oscar Robertson
pocket schedule Bucks Cincinnati exmt $15.00
1971/72 team issue Joe Kennedy/never played for Blazers)
8x10 b&w Blazers Duke exmt $9.00
1971/72 team issue Kareem Abdul Jabbar
8x10/b&w Bucks UCLA exmt $75.00
1971/72 team issue Sam Robinson
ABA - 8x10 Floridians Long Beach St exmt $15.00
1971/72 team issue McCoy McLemore
8x10/b&w Bucks Drake exmt $7.00
1971/72 team issue Luther Rackley
5x8/b&w Cavaliers Xavier nrmt $8.00
1971/72 team issue Fred Foster "seventy sixers" on jerset
5.5x7/b&w/folded 76ers Miami Oh nrmt $3.00
1971/72 team issue Jimmy O'Brien
ABA - 8x10 - 1" tear Condors Boston Col vg $9.00
1971/72 team issue Jim Marsh
8x10 b&w Blazers USC exmt $9.00
1971/72 team issue Skeeter Swift
5x7 - b&w - ABA Condors E Tennessee St nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue Nick Jones
2 shots/posed & action Warriors Oregon exmt $8.00
1971/72 team issue Dave Lattin
5x7 - b&w - ABA Condors Texas El Paso nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue George Carter
5x7 - b&w - ABA Condors St Bonaventure nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue George Thompson
5x7 - b&w - ABA Condors Marquette nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue Mickey Davis
5x7 - b&w - ABA Condors Duquesne nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue Zelmo Beaty
ABA - 8x10 Utah Stars Prarie View A&M nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue Nate Bowman
8x10 Braves Wichita St nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue Mount - Daniels - Keller - McGinnis
ABA - 2 - 8 player sheet set Pacers Indiana nrmt $59.00
1971/72 team issue Jerry Chambers
8x10 Braves Utah exmt $16.00
1971/72 team Issue Stan Love
8x10 b&w Bullets Oregon nrmt $12.00
1971/72 team Issue Rich Rinaldi
8x10 b&w Bullets St Peters nrmt $12.00
1971/72 team Issue Archie Clark
8x10 b&w Bullets Minnesota nrmt $12.00
1971/72 team issue Randy Smith
8x10 Braves Buffalo St nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue Ted McClain
ABA - 8x10 Cougars Tennessee St nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue Warren Davis
ABA - 8x10 Cougars N Carolina A&T nrmt $20.00
1971/72 team issue Larry Brown - Robisch - Keye
ABA - 2 - 8 player sheet set Rockets U Kansas nrmt $59.00
1971/72 team Issue John Tresvant
8x10 b&w Bullets Seattle